Reset Password
Existing players used to logging in with their character name and moo password must signup for a website account.
- Treble 29s
- Fogchild1 3s
- baewulf 1s
- Terrible_the_duck 20s
- QueenZombean 3m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- zxq 27m
- BigBiscuit 19s
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
- Hivemind 10m
And 26 more hiding and/or disguised
Connect to Sindome @ or just Play Now

Share your thoughts on how to improve the game

Shitberg Adjustments
Solutions to free-farming

42 replies

Lift people too
Not just corpses

6 replies

Make NPC names conform to PC standads
Help reduce meta

1 reply

Memento vehicles
Just another mono, who knows?

18 replies

Remove 'is' from @lp
And all its little dogs, too

0 replies

Amnesty Event
Maybe they're sorry.

7 replies

Damaging Vehicles

28 replies

Explosives and smell.
Thank Anor there's no K-9 units.

28 replies

Help fashion ranks

10 replies

Dead Drops! Dead Drops!
More places for dead drops

5 replies

Expand popops
Add different calibers and types

3 replies

Reloading pops

13 replies

Cheer & Boo commands
Sway the crowd

35 replies

Volunteer greeter

5 replies

Restrict consumes thru a helmet
Chummer got a straw in his battle helm!

14 replies

Will it spill? Let me know!
Protecting laps since now

3 replies

Get Rid of Rollover UE
Is it really fixing the problem?

45 replies

More sic credits for starting characters

7 replies

Lorekeeper Channel
Collaboration for @Lore Editors

0 replies

Deathball Star
Honorary title for late game?

7 replies

Height and weight nanos
just an idea

9 replies

Trucker Radio
Giving radios a dangerous use

0 replies

push OR press , not both

7 replies

Extract mod from a weapon

5 replies

Rework Medical items.

12 replies

Expose Worn Article
Show 'em what you got!

27 replies

PCs Repair Vehicle Parts to Full

4 replies

Cyberware Grades
Cyberpunk? More like... Naturalpunk.

12 replies

Wearable light source
Is a maglite really the only flashlight to use?

3 replies

Ammo Crates

6 replies

Make park less dark at night

6 replies

Bank balance history please

7 replies

New command to self-test stats/skills

6 replies

Change Stat raises to multiple at a time
Make it work like Skill raises

3 replies

Distant Look
Look to

5 replies

Idea for new command: Scalp

7 replies

Let's fill out the weapons lists: Rifles
sooooo many pistols...

5 replies

Colors in descriptions
An old can of worms with new 256

2 replies

Expand Lore Regarding Languages
Make the imporbable easier to swallow by expanding lore?

7 replies

Changes To Red Sector Lighting/Weather

13 replies

Gift wap bombs.
Present victim with present.

7 replies

Adjust rig messaging

2 replies

Implementations of Kitchenette Reworks
How to do things with minimal tears?

3 replies

Expand Cast
Alowing rotation and expansion

2 replies

Why is the stat buy so archaic?

15 replies

Car Washes / Dirty Vehicles
Hire a Mixer

2 replies

Smells and video feeds
Smells should be removed from camera feeds.

14 replies

Let me skateboard crates

2 replies

Expanding survival mechanics
Eating nothing for months shouldn't be the norm

13 replies

Dust yourself off
If you're a bit dusty

4 replies

Price guess when appraising at market

15 replies

Larger e-mem modules?
more than 10 photos per e-mem

7 replies

Cyberware/Nano Improvement Concept
UE, Oldies, and a general idea for better balance

4 replies

'tailoring' using scrap

0 replies

Flag Gameplay Relevant @LPs

2 replies

Bar meaningful phrases in @lp/@tps
Code in any restrictions that exist

10 replies

Adding [SECURE] tag to rooms/doors
Removing ambiguity...

6 replies

theft enhancements for topside ? ? ?
what if we didn't use a code saved in notepad on every door

10 replies

ALL feature for language.
Sick of staring at '0.0001' on your sheet?

1 reply

Obesity/Health Problems
Half kidding half serious

11 replies

Fire extinguishers
What it says on the tin.

13 replies

Doze Mode
Making 'dozing' more official

38 replies

Engravable Wallets

1 reply

Trust to Style
Let me do your hair

4 replies

@Coverage Toggle
Shirts and tackets open for the win!

4 replies

Summary to @new-help and @redecorate

2 replies

Pocket and Place
'Get' and 'Drop' in style.

34 replies

Shortdesc substitutions
Two new substitutions.

2 replies

Sewer gas and explosives
Methane is dangerous.

3 replies

Drug Expansion
Chemicals with less than helpful uses

13 replies

"I don't know what you're saying, chum."

0 replies

Climb Fence Bypass via Command Spam
suggestion - add fail timeout

12 replies

Bank account Shirt
for the corpies

11 replies

Segregate "Where's the party at" chatter
A mixer just ain't gonna get their ass into Blue

8 replies

Unchained AI
A more cyberpunk Withmore

4 replies

Memory Map Feedback Sequence

1 reply

Private SIC Rewind
For those with bad connections

4 replies

More time to forget skills
Forgetting skills lets us experiment

18 replies

Branching combat messages
Did he just do a fucking BACKFLIP?!

0 replies

Updated Advantages?
Some things aren't always clear

2 replies

Subterfuge Skillsofts

11 replies

Public data vault for the entire city
Preserving HISTORY

1 reply

Chips not auto-copied to new sleeves
For increased shenanigans and RP

6 replies

Skill-gated examine

4 replies

Moving Kitchens

5 replies

Allow drugs to be mixed into a canteen
Drug mixing into canteen

0 replies

Filing Cabinets
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Bo Staff Becomes Staff/Stave
Not Everything Needs To Be Japanese

5 replies

New market stall

4 replies

Give us UE for Teaching Players
Because got dayum people don't know shit.

0 replies

What's Your Name?
NPC Interaction

2 replies

Motorcycle cargo rack

8 replies

Advertise Content with SIC Chatter
It needs to be more obvious

7 replies

Do we really need ammo?
A not-so-modest proposal

35 replies

Bank Statements
Automated Data does more than you think!

3 replies

Does anyone need anything?

1 reply

@trust to steal

12 replies

Hotwire kits for Chex/Skyfox

2 replies

Shortdescs for clothes/nakeds
Ain't nobody got time to read your essays

5 replies

Actual Corporate Oppression
Because what's fascism without the jackboots?

38 replies

Progia Update Ideas
*brrreep* *brrreep*

34 replies

New Vehicle
Gotta have it

4 replies

Guided Discussion Suggestion?
We need a Robotics Triage Session

4 replies

Add onbeforeunload event to webclient
Leave site? Changes you made may not be saved.

0 replies

Picking what you attack with during a fight

4 replies

PRI Factory Breadcrumbs

5 replies

Add @trust to frisk
Sometimes you gotta frisk a baka

3 replies

Looking down over rooftops
Seeing all the people below you

4 replies

Allow lifting of vehicles
Damn that bata BEEFY!

13 replies

QOL for Tailoring regarding @see-thru

2 replies

Add @voice to @nakeds
It has @describe so why not @voice?

2 replies

Sticker System Enhancements
Make Stickers More Useful

2 replies

Times note read by staff count
A kind of indirect feedback and assurance

9 replies

Change stall message.

39 replies

Health Command Disease Feedback

3 replies

Chef Island Repeat Fails
Pain, agony, suffering.

7 replies

Automated NPC Judge responses
Automated NPC Judge responses for gold and green

19 replies

Additional 'beeps' in the web-client
For the chronically alt-tabbed

4 replies

Help Weekly: Sports Betting
Sports Betting and the Weekly Earnings Cap

0 replies

Staff Notifications for Installs
Almost everywhere 'belongs' to someone...

10 replies

Bumping into people
Hey BAKA I'm walkin' here!

0 replies

Bring IC names back to town hall!
A humble proposal

12 replies

What's the point of "fleeing"?
They can just spam.

30 replies

Teaching UE
Help newbies progress just a little bit quicker via RP.

31 replies

An Option to Disable Command Hints
Unless there already is one I can't find...

9 replies

Flexible sunsetting

6 replies

Robots learning skills
Hardware or software?

16 replies

Robot Command Wishlist

11 replies

Sumo Martial Art
Hard slaps and vicious shoves.

4 replies

Hand to Hand specialization
Focus on which part to use

4 replies

Notification System for Staff
To better spread information and expectations.

5 replies

Shoot through meatshields
Meat is only so thick

4 replies

Death to the Poncho!
I put on my robe and wizard hat.

76 replies

Remove Skintone
Maybe allow playerrs to color text in descriptions/nakeds

0 replies

Add clothing colors to skintones.

4 replies

Giving @skintone a x hour grace period.
Somewhere between 1, 12, 24 hours.

31 replies

Full Colour Flyers
Allowing painting colour codes in flyer text

2 replies

open multiple messages on progia
bypassing all those menu screens

0 replies

Redoing / Erasing Labels on Photographs
Because Sometimes Multiples Suck

9 replies

Eliminate Topside
Focus on the core gamplay loop

60 replies

Expand Carcass Script to Street Vendors
More Mystery Meat Please

1 reply

Snub-nose pistols
Yo bata, hand me that hacksaw.

1 reply

Smoke grenades
Smoke down! GOGOGO!

7 replies

Reset Red Apartments to 'Shitty'
Stop that gentrification creep...

33 replies

Dry fire guns
Everybody down on the ground!

3 replies

Ambient gunshots in the Mix
Yeah I heard it, who gives a fuck?

0 replies

Armor/clothes on disguised NPCs.
Is that you chummer? OH FUCK RUN!

0 replies

Hidden Emotes
Perception check emotes - Suggested at Townhall

2 replies

Customize Existing Armor
Trying to address some concerns...

16 replies

SK Pariah Module
A chrome piece that dampens SIC

0 replies

Performance Verb Expansion

6 replies

Cargo overhaul
Introducing cargo wars

12 replies

Elementary, my dear Watson.

3 replies

Progia Implant
Progia Cyberware

9 replies

SIC enhancement
Feelings and images

1 reply

Detect and Fix vendors without chyen

1 reply

Discussion:Decking Skill UE Cap Discount

16 replies

Re-Add hoods/shrouds mementos topside
Help combat smallworlding.

4 replies

Prieview Apartment
Further reduce unnecessary rentals

22 replies

oil change
what a dang mess

3 replies

Cosmetic Contacts and Wigs
Cheaper Non-Disguise Objects

8 replies

Add @skintone options to @colors

2 replies

Shorting Stocks
Bet CorpShare will go down!

9 replies

Jailbreaking Phones
Or: Something else for decker/hacker/techy types to do

15 replies

Progia: Speaker Phone Mode
A new Phone mode

5 replies

Expand Munitions Table Ammo
Many sons, and many guns

2 replies

Reducing Performance Time Cycles

24 replies

Radio broadcasts

56 replies

@title with @disguise-name
Two Good Things made even Gooder together

3 replies

Money smuggling and other endeavors

25 replies

Holdback for Skills

6 replies

Standardize on WITH for devices

6 replies

An addition to the crime rules.
Because level playing fields are fun.

18 replies

Dog following
QOL fix

0 replies

Advanced Makeup Artistry

2 replies

Jumpstarting the Firearm Economy

22 replies

Lighter Fluid

4 replies

Secret Happenings
Rare messages during travel

6 replies

Sleaze-Sneak Counterpart

57 replies

Gate Entry/Exit effecting Cap

7 replies

Showers Washing Away Smells

1 reply

Change Jar
Change Jar

7 replies

Flyers for RL promotion of Sindome

3 replies

Your clothes stink

20 replies

Chef's Island and @Describe

2 replies

Add Crowd & Stage Commands
Power to the people!

7 replies

Sever grappled people
It shouldn't be so hard

49 replies

WFD - Withmore Fire Departement
Withmore Fire Departement

14 replies

'Shatter' command, instead of 'sever'
Another method of disabling a body part.

0 replies

Block/silence phone calls

13 replies

Membership costs
How to make the more affordable

0 replies

Skateboards and Crates
The Future of Delivery

1 reply

Thoughts on Clothing and Tailoring

3 replies

remember OBJECT
Because you already found it and it matters to you...

0 replies

Add 'Protect' command to NPCs
It's what they're there for, right?

11 replies

Add @describe me to @nakeds
Easier changes

6 replies

Little Red Button That Does Nothing
Fun for the whole family!

4 replies

Trash Artwork

15 replies

Revisit SCF for alternative sentences.
From townhall.

50 replies

Reimagining Withmore Society
An ambitious, 18 month, top down and bottom up overhaul

0 replies

Greater Access to Coffins
Anyone can sleep in the coffins... For a price.

3 replies

How to get enjoyable closure for criminal RP

3 replies

Armoured Clothing
Armour is about as much Style as it is Protection

16 replies

Update Frisk to Include Chyen
How much you have on you anyways?

0 replies

Being Able to Add To Kitchenettes
I don't like old-new food, new-new food.

3 replies

Limit Access to some Corporate Stores
We only sell the best food to corporate citizens...

2 replies

A change to typical Gang activities
Making Gang RP feel less small worldly

36 replies

Pronoun / variable for shortdesc appear

0 replies

Wiretapping With Digital Recorders
Make them keep recording while hidden/planted.

9 replies

Skill Test Objects
Displays of pure skill!

10 replies

Memento Hoods with Clothes
You see that they're wearing a hood. And only a hood. Aight.

10 replies

Personal Trainer Gigs

4 replies

Incentivize Roleplay

10 replies

Improving the Holo-eye
Cool flavorful chrome could use some love

4 replies

SIC Helpfile update
Should clarify due to i creasing questions I've seen

0 replies

Call Waiting

0 replies

Adding CPR
"Don't you die on me!"

3 replies

Cheaper Field Resuscitation

7 replies

Shuttering Digital Whiteboards
Hide all your juicy data.

1 reply

A status symbol

14 replies

Inventory Sub-headings
Worn, wearable, general

0 replies

Enhancing WHO for Screen Reader Users

0 replies

Skill Cooperation
Multiple players cooperating on skill checks

2 replies

Installation Decay

14 replies

Make it show + on the intended effect.

0 replies

Dossier E-Note Format
Export/Import/Compile PayData

17 replies

Forensic appearance details

7 replies

Stop Filling
"Ten on pump number 5"

1 reply

ignore surroundings
so much SPAM

6 replies

Corporate Loan Terminals
Peons of the modern age!

16 replies

Corporate Loan Terminals
Peons of the modern age!

0 replies

Flareguns and flaregun accessories.

2 replies

More Growable Plants
Succulents, Herbs and more!

6 replies

flashlight gun mod

0 replies

Robotic Parts in Junkyard

0 replies

Making paragliders maneuverable.
Soar throght the skies like the freedom bird you are.

9 replies

NLM TV Schedule Improvement

3 replies

No command hints on 1-char inputs

6 replies

Maglev ads
Just like Chex ads but for levs

1 reply

Sleight of Hand
Street magic and more...

3 replies

Performance System
Give Your Feedback

2 replies

Voicenotes Revamp
Fleshing out a cool system

5 replies

Alternate port in addition to 5555
More ways to connect

0 replies

New plant ideas!

0 replies

Making Sound Changes for (some) sec cams
For outside cameras, let's utilize some current code.

1 reply

Puppet Request Note
Copy request to note

0 replies

Bartenders and corporate projects
Why is chatter saturated with these?

2 replies

QoL: Fix secure codes for e-mem modules
Clumsy fingers shouldn't completely reset your passcode

4 replies

reminder to 'watch' and 'address'
Essential commands

1 reply

Label briefcases
Getting organized, yay!

5 replies

MemServ™ - Rentable Data Storage
You will own nothing

0 replies

Customize how you walk!

2 replies

..and a plea for the proliferation of office supplies.

6 replies

Weight benches maximum increase.

3 replies

Scanning documents
Not just pictures!

1 reply

Digital Forensics
Deleted? Nice try

1 reply

Smaller Memory Modules
One might even consider them disposable

4 replies

E-Scanner Ability to Scan Art + Flyers
Scan, Scan, Scam!

3 replies

Internal Corporate Networks

4 replies

Local Data Networks
Because who doesn't love more wiring?

2 replies

e-net module
Just a vague idea...

1 reply

Digital framed photographs
A way to stop camera hoarding?

3 replies

Copy Command
No more data singularity!

2 replies

Captions on e-note Photos

0 replies

How busy is that bar/club?

0 replies

Print Photos From E-Notes

7 replies

Paired Cybereyes

0 replies

Search Bugs
See if there is already a public bug for this?

1 reply

Nicotine Addiction

2 replies

Alternating @worn colors

12 replies

More fist based weapons.
Because parrying is pain

1 reply

Relative image file size
Down with memory sizes!

0 replies

Cred chip bank transfers.

3 replies

Wearable Flashlight

2 replies

Limited Automated SICs for Bombs
You killed Timmy!

3 replies

Active cybernetics indicator.

5 replies

Upnod Social

0 replies

Make slightly damaged parts 'weathered'
They're not that damaged!

0 replies

Make Cortex Bombs MESSY

8 replies

Puppet request expectations
Update what we should expect

2 replies

Adding nooses to the game.
A new creative way to die - or escape.

6 replies

Coin Flip
For fun

1 reply

Partial Unicode Support

0 replies

Expose echo
See what you're showing off

0 replies

Counting Letters QOL
See what each letter is!

0 replies

SIC Bank transfer notification
How do I REALLY know you paid me?

8 replies

Hot pink for phones!

0 replies

Babble-On SIC Integration

1 reply

Rubber bullets
Nonlethal firearms.

7 replies

Fused or sticky skillsofts
Till death due us part

11 replies

Less Mop Buckets Please

0 replies

Official: Grid 3.0 Feature Requests
A new grid is coming ...

163 replies

Voice Mail!

24 replies

Fire damage and you.

3 replies

@sit_place in bars
sit with style

4 replies

Dome wide brown out
What would happen?

0 replies

Pop-Pops 4 All
Rebalancing an underused tool

5 replies

Paraglider Improvement
Put the 'glide' in 'glider'

1 reply

Cyberbrain: Why so Cyberlame?
Some Possible Upgrade Ideas

2 replies

Secure Tech Catalogue
WTF does any of this stuff do?

0 replies

Scanned photos in e-mem modules
Take up way too much space

0 replies

Open Globe articles for comments
For dramaz

1 reply

Disconnection and Forensics Improvements
Bad Internet? Your characters are narcoleptics!

5 replies

Robotics-Style Parts System for Vehicles
Nested inspections with tool diagnostics

8 replies

A QoL Suggestion

1 reply

Randomized Weekly Job Allotments
No More Friday Runnerpalooza

24 replies

Badlands fauna
Didn't find a post about new suggestions, so here we are.

1 reply

Engineering Fascination
Inspirational thoughts are contagious

11 replies

New Wallet/Chyen Verb - Cram

3 replies

Chyen Dead Drops
Hide # behind object

11 replies

Felibot display names
Are they like dogs?

2 replies

Skill soft employment
Keep up with your piers, get a boat.

13 replies

Progia-11 timestamps.
Please, just some small updates.

0 replies

Nito-Kodak Data Cables
Or a E-mem slot.

0 replies

Transcoder Broadcast Off-Switch

1 reply

Reply to SMS
The menu spam is real.

1 reply

War Stories IC
Experiencing Past Characters Through Simsense

5 replies

Ambient Combat Noise
The room descriptions are largely ignored

4 replies

Meaningful Building Security
SIC rips and Eye Gouging That Matters

3 replies

Disguise and Decoys

1 reply

Timers on recorders, polly parrots, etc.
Expand the Timer Function to more objects.

0 replies

Appear weaker
Just like appear uglier

7 replies

Update 'examine here' in cabs

0 replies

Lower the stat/skill required for gossip
"What's the chatter?" "Nothing new."

2 replies

@bugs comment notification
How to know if staff is asking for clarification?

1 reply

Cyber Designs as E-Note Files
The design is in the computer?!

0 replies

@holdback individual stats/skill

2 replies

Cyberlimbs on Momento NPCs
Secondhand hands, man.

23 replies

Rifle slings
blat blat blat

11 replies

De-engrave option.
Please let me erase an engraving.

1 reply

Labeling securetalk cards.
Please, let me organize!

2 replies

Phone detonators
"brrrreeeep brrrreeeep BOOOOM!"

24 replies

Suicide bomb chrome

10 replies

Boon mic for voice recorder

1 reply

Badlands critter footprints.
Bee weevy weevy quiet, we've hunting wabbits.

4 replies

Vehicle Stalls in Puddles/Ice
Cars should be more stable than bikes.

0 replies

Light using ambient fires/explosives
Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

1 reply

Antenna & Power for Prog & Radio

2 replies

Update to @who list and numbers
Never let it be one

2 replies

Grid "mementos".
Millions of people are using it.

1 reply

Crime and You.
A continuation of the recent guided discussion.

29 replies

Cyberlimbs should not self-repair.
Literally give technician money.

1 reply

Biotraces on items
Who has handled this device recently?

3 replies

Mentor vacations
How to help the community and not screw yourself

3 replies

Cargo SCUs and Alternate Cargos
Determining what else can be loaded into vehicles

2 replies

Less restrictive Vacation policy

2 replies

Clone Refund
Get 50% of your money back

1 reply

get an idea or example plot

7 replies

Problems & Complaints notifications
in client game notifications

0 replies

Stored name change through cybertechs.
Adding another way to change the stored name.

3 replies

very basic overview of ALL factions
Guide and build better factions

5 replies

When choosing eye color

0 replies

Vehicle security system tweaks
A more logical approach with more opportunities for roleplay

8 replies

Highlighted Character Names

2 replies

A possible @typo improvement
A minor suggestion to streamline workflow

0 replies

CMND: Drink From Shower
Let me drink dirty shower water

0 replies

Local Editing for E-Notes
Power overwhelming.

1 reply

E-Notes + Mcguffins Overhaul
The file is in the computer, chumbolo.

0 replies

Photo Editing on E-Notes
Copy & Paste

4 replies

Banks Lending Money

5 replies

Disguises and the Bank
Loans and chyen for you!

6 replies

What printed this photo?
Being able to match photos to devices...

1 reply

Armor Set Shortdescs

2 replies

Vehicle hardpoints description

6 replies

New Tutorial Videos

0 replies

Allow stickers to be used on vehicles
More customisation for rides

12 replies

External Drop Tanks
Embrace the fuel drum meta

3 replies

More Staff

8 replies

Label Drugs

22 replies

Cleaning Robots
For Cleaning and Espionage!

0 replies

Remembering Hidden Places
I know there's a door here..

3 replies

Data Without Vision
Seeing Through Optics

10 replies

Ubiquitous E-Memory
Modules, modules everywhere.

0 replies

Fab-Rep Carry Scrap for Salvage

3 replies

More %color in the flesh
Some ideas of implementing color in @nakeds

2 replies

Security slot for freight containers
So much potential!

2 replies

Bathing Dogs/Pets
Dirty Doggos Need Bath RP

3 replies

Refresh perception of someone's @voice
For high-pcp characters

5 replies

Paint vehicle plates
A way to temporarily obfuscate a vehicle

3 replies

Riot Pop
More Meaningful/Realistic Approach to Gatherings?

6 replies

Badlands flooding.
That's right, you heard me!

3 replies

Estimate verb tweaks
Given estimates are inherently flawed

0 replies

MacGuffins 2.0
Iterating on the concept

6 replies

Progressive bomb defuse capabilities.
Increase defuse time, introduce different outcomes.

12 replies

Reduce costs of art in markets

4 replies

Organizational Bodyguards
Power To The Peeps, Power To The Dream

10 replies

Add 256-color to vehicle paint booth

6 replies

Copy and paste e-note files
Just some QoL suggestions

3 replies

ARIN chrome multi-skill expansion
To improve support for multi-discipline riggers

8 replies

Anonymize MacGuffins

3 replies

Playing dead with chromes
SK "Didelphidae" Metabolic Modulator

4 replies

Vehicle mementos
Too easy to small world

2 replies

Drone Hardpoints
More Reaper, Fewer Swords

0 replies

Simple @macros editor
Not really sure what you had planned...

4 replies

Count articles of clothing. make removing clothing a little smoother.

1 reply

Anonymous large event feedback
Help the world be better by leveraging the community

2 replies

Combine Gun Cleaning Toolbelts
and other stuff with charges

3 replies

High Disguise and Crates
Having high disguise should let you turn in crates

12 replies

Prompt for downgrading doors
Cause people, me included, are dumb.

0 replies

Tailoring: Coverage and Value.
Should not correlate.

10 replies

Riding pillion
More utility for motorcycles.

3 replies

Skill: Freerunning
Where are all the chases?

2 replies

Lucky Grid-Slots!
with the terrible odds of real life (or worse)!

2 replies

Vehicle Combat WJF Reporting
It should be a thing

0 replies

How many people can sit in this table?
And other things you can sit on.

0 replies

Mech Tech
Combine Auto Tech and Aero Tech into Mech Tech

5 replies

Collateral Damage and Notoriety
Punching down has its consequences.

2 replies

Charisma in PC to PC/NPC RP
Putting on the Charm

3 replies

Carry back Grapple

25 replies

Where's the party at? - Topside Edition
"I hear there's something going on at The Drome on Red..."

9 replies

Language Maximum
Not everyone can be a polyglot

11 replies

Apartment Info Hack
let hackers get info from doors

34 replies

Sound travels
Let it be heard

5 replies

Pinning up flyers.

1 reply

More impactful fire damage.
Doesn't leave much if an effect.

35 replies

@rewind for SIC and away messages.

6 replies

Staff Advice subboard
PSAs, advice, and warnings in one place

2 replies


17 replies

Duplicating Player Names + Cam Change
For Harder OOC Identification without total

15 replies

Incentivizing Mix performers

60 replies

Multiple recipients for gridmails
Carbon Copy, Puhleeze!

1 reply

@option LOOC
It's being abused.

15 replies

@untrust person for specific things
Another QOL improvement

0 replies

2107 appropriate chess board

5 replies

Smarter Puppet-Requests
Avoid guesswork for GM's

4 replies

It's been out there a while...

6 replies

Genetic ethnicity varieties
There's a few missing here that can't be replaced.

5 replies

player visible 'kill me' tag
No need to go easy on this one...

6 replies

SIC overdoses
*insert random gibberish here*

2 replies

Organized Crime and Midpoint Criminals
Creating a full thematic track for criminality

44 replies

Sever corpse

4 replies

A Radical Proposal: Changing Crime
A Very Large Shakeup Inspired by Real Life

0 replies

The First Limb is Free
Sever them all and Saedor Krupp sort'em out

9 replies

PDS Warning on Visual Overlay
Due to hilarious circumstance..

2 replies

Musical Instrument stands
You know . . . to put your instruments in

1 reply

A Sindome Expansion: Dark Waters
The Sea Don't Give Up Her Treasures Easily, Boy.

1 reply

Cigs and Big Lights
Smoking with Flare

1 reply

Waived Door Fees and Shroud Lyfe
I Don't Want to Shroud and Tell

2 replies

Player aliases

2 replies

Show loanee ID in lending terminal

0 replies

Tattoo Removal Require A Doctor

7 replies

Fold down wheelchairs
Reduce the wheelchair epidemic

3 replies

'check' WSB chip to 'bal*ance'?
For clinics

0 replies

More Shortdescs

1 reply

[SECURE] Room Tags

2 replies

Expanding Flower colors
Embrace the rainbow

1 reply

Temporary Nakeds
How long have you had that bandage on?

0 replies

Charisma roll on PC/NPC option
For better shmoozing

1 reply

Stickable instruments
Stickers stickers everywhere

2 replies

Hair color changing on command?
Hair can be cyberflair!

0 replies

Add "breakup" to stop options
unstoppable action

8 replies

Camera with date and time
Stronger evidence.

2 replies

Ambient Ads
And Making them Maybe Not Everywhere

4 replies

More Weapon Suggestions
Feel free to add more!

5 replies

Coverup Makeup
Because a wig and contacts ain't everything

10 replies

Dirty Vehicles
A Great RP Hook

10 replies

Grid in SPACE

3 replies

Expand naked appendment to cyberware
Contextual ware, tare and detail

1 reply

Sign language
Theives cant anyone?

1 reply

Big magazines for the right guns only!
Hey choomb, you have a curved mag in that pistol!

6 replies

Sling mods for rifles/smudges
You can be real tacti-cool!

8 replies

@naked wrist
Because arms are more than just arms. Like shins and thighs.

1 reply

appear more/less healthy
Not so spectacular after all, are you?

2 replies

Improving access to 'help filesystem'
Referential Links

1 reply

Gymnastics equipment.

0 replies

Radio Accessible PA Systems
"Attention, Please."

0 replies

More Disposable Guns
Why should pistols get all the death and ditch fun?

0 replies

Print Photo from e-note

2 replies

Show Attachments on e-Note

2 replies

Flare Gun

5 replies

Androgynous shortdescs for her/him
Because some of us hate 'zir'.

3 replies

More Varied Corporate Attackers
Some more spice and variety to encounters

6 replies

Randomly generated ocean map
Just something to do with gills.

0 replies

Photo Albums

5 replies

Photo album
To start a proper porn collection

4 replies

Vacation Character UE
Accelerate Vacay Characters

5 replies

Grappling Hooks
Why Dey Do Weird Things?

3 replies

Performance and You
Broaden Your Exposure

2 replies

Snap alias for FunCam/Photoplus
You're not always wanting to shoot...

2 replies

A Sindome Expansion: Regulation Alpha
Bringing Formula 1 and Its Intrigue to Withmore

0 replies

Less-Than-Lethal Firearms
I want to hurt you, badly, but not kill you edition.

2 replies

Label e-memory
It works like vials.

3 replies

Better Landing Sequence
Let's not clock out the MOO

1 reply

Label Candy or label gun
Help those candy kings and queens out

1 reply

Give regional NPCs languages
Add a bit more flavor and immersion to boroughs

6 replies

Skate or Die!

1 reply

e-note 7 improvements
Easy suggestion tracking

3 replies

Corpies do it all!

11 replies

More drink options for Chefs table
For that daily cup of awesome

1 reply

Eval cyberware show uninstall
Nah buddy sorry, you're stuck with it forever

0 replies

Surgery wounds in places that make sense

1 reply

License Plate Obfuscation
Ponchos for your Cars

4 replies

Delay added to multiple blockades.
If switching from one blockade to the next, increase time.

3 replies

Echolocation is Lacking
And Ideas For A More Robust Bio-Sonar

6 replies

Varying Weight of Clothing?

12 replies

Language Notification

39 replies

Puppet Scheduling

23 replies

Performance Commands
More Customization Please

1 reply

Hiding security gear

5 replies

Big Happenings Outside Withmore

1 reply

Purge Medrite
Reduce reuse and recycle or whatever

7 replies

Who's looking at you?

8 replies

Badlands Amps
I can't miss ganger hour.

0 replies

Challenge players!
Ey gato, I bet I'm stronger than you!

4 replies

Add Pictures To Wanted Boards
What does he look like?

1 reply

Solvent Can flamethrower
Cheapo destruction

2 replies

'Untune All' button

2 replies

NLM Streaming Service
NLMFlix and Chill

9 replies

Installable GPS/SatNav for vehicles
navigate without something in your hand!

0 replies

100 Year Anniversary of HondaMitsu
This October the First Megacorp Turns 100

1 reply

@lp for items

14 replies

Fish and fishtanks.
Because fish are cool.

0 replies

Change Spraypaint Can Color

2 replies

Relative height indicator
They seem like a manlet.

2 replies

Pay to Win Microtransactions (at SHFL)
Insert 1,000c to acquire nuclear bomb!

1 reply

Kill Your Clone in the Womb
A guide for new Fundamentalists

8 replies

Guided-discussion notification
On-login message

2 replies

Moonshine shouldn't spill

0 replies

More complex skill interactions
Math is Cool

6 replies

Medical training dummies
Test your healing

4 replies

You're never alone in the mix!

6 replies

make character death ue persistent

3 replies

Add chatter to PubSIC
Getting the message out

5 replies

PDS Fakeouts
No more explaining your PDS away!

16 replies

Cybernetic Redesign Modules
For refinishing cyber - like new!

21 replies

@trust to execute

18 replies

Charge command

2 replies

Dart board as a shooting practice.
Blam blam blam!

2 replies

Windows Up/Down indicator

1 reply

Armor Repair Services
Maybe some visibility or additions?

1 reply

Balancing Melee Weapons
Durability, repairs, breakage, oh my!

0 replies

Make Chrome need Repairs
Cybertechs = Chrome Medics`

10 replies

Coagulant foam spray.

1 reply

Forget martial arts STYLE

0 replies

Tube traffic rebalance
Utilize speed rather than interrupting motion

2 replies

paired nakeds
An idea to help pair nakeds

3 replies

Garment bags
Organize outfits

3 replies

Tattoo exposure
Look at my ink!

1 reply

Client Split Pane
Allowing more options for text handling

5 replies

Handfeeding dogs
treats for the good boys and girls

1 reply

Character Progression Modernization
Are characters too static for a dynamic world?

24 replies

Broken limbs
But I like my kneecaps!

11 replies

Spilled Drinks spawn messes
Mop buckets in high demand

1 reply

Less Vicious Viruses-More Overall
For less apartment sitting

13 replies

zero G stabalisation
Bleeding out in the void

0 replies

Ambient Sounds/Announcements

0 replies

TV in the dark

0 replies

Allow stickers on electronics

9 replies

Kidnapping Tools
Add tools to enable non-vatting conflict resolution!

13 replies

Let clothes have two colors.
White and Red t-shirt, Pink and Black skirt.

2 replies

Sic Logic

17 replies

Stealth Grapple
Let's take a walk, together.

14 replies

Pin flyer to here
Be a conscientious litterer!

8 replies

Better notification for armed vehicles
Preffix vehicle name with 'armed'

1 reply

'Doc's Note' for Price Board Entries
Provide extra info for chrome-hungry customers.

6 replies

Revoke others' trust of you
Explicit signaling that you won't do that

5 replies

Cyberlimb mods
make it yours

22 replies

Corporate Acquisition Targets

0 replies

Make holo-eye modules instruments
Easier, beneficial holo-performances

3 replies

Skillsoft Chipset @color
Match whatever you're rocking

0 replies

Temporary Licenses for Pop-Pops!
Because why it be hard to get a purposefully disposable gun?

7 replies

Start a Riot
Spawn trouble makers

3 replies

Cyberware: SkinWatch Improvements
Some love for otherwise worthless cyberware

19 replies

Multi-state clothing
the zipper goes up, the zipper goes down

32 replies

Make jewelry neutral on 'well-dressed'

1 reply

Wearable smokes
For real cool cats

4 replies

Affect CorpShare Prices
Public Opinion could be a bitch

1 reply

Height/weight for Mono and Duo
You're too fat to take another person into your car, buddy.

1 reply

Decker jobs in the field
Get those nerds onto the streets.

1 reply

More Vehicle feedback
How is my driving?

1 reply

Cyber Design Improvements
The system is too restrictive.

2 replies

Colour for Bio-mods
Yes darling fabulous.

0 replies

Vehicle idle messages
Just a fun little thing

4 replies

Tearing people open via brute force?

4 replies

Ambient patients in hospitals.

12 replies

Security Network Degradation
Make things easier to uninstall over time

14 replies

Secure/Unsecure Security Monitors

0 replies

Skillsoft balancing idea - load times
A drawback to skillsofts

0 replies

Alternate Grid Use

1 reply

Turn Wiring Hubs On/Off

4 replies

Put a dummy in the emote @tutorial
For targeting.

0 replies

vacate apartment

2 replies

Re-attaching severed limbs
Quick, get it on ice!

8 replies

Badland-themed vehicle customization
It's all about the clans

0 replies

Medical buffs for medical roles
More to do for 'beginner' medic achetypes

8 replies

Vehicle locker at RAFS

1 reply

Lightweight airspace on AVs
Faster and lighter location information

1 reply

Clothe/force-clothe someone
The opposite of strip

1 reply

Mixed ethnicity
Sometimes it is hard to choose between two

2 replies

Forensics addition

3 replies

Writing on finished documents/photos
Signing, autographs, notes, etc.

1 reply

Radio Content

4 replies

Sewers should make you smell like shit

8 replies

Canvases displaying work in progress
Showing off a half-finished piece of art.

2 replies

Performances spiling between locations
Play it loud, play it proud

0 replies

Lanterns as a Lighting Option

2 replies

Look at the flowers!

3 replies

More NLM streeterms - levstations
Busy while you wait

2 replies

Show approx. amt of chy with glance me
Posted in the wrong forum initially

5 replies

Make disguises harder to distinguish.
Limit colors, damage and repair

15 replies

Give Vandals an Array of Spray Colors

3 replies

Player Made Content in the Archives

2 replies

Chatter Feedback
The gift of gab

18 replies

More NPC faction commands for fc. PCs.
Let faction PCs put NPCs in position to operate w/o staff.

9 replies

Bank Transactions

4 replies

Serial numbers for cameras?
Which camera is mine? So fucking mamy cameras...

9 replies

Peep Hole Short descs
Who at my door?

2 replies

Ignore chat, but not encrypted keys

4 replies

Write notes while unconscious
Something to do during deathscroll

1 reply

Photograph numbering system QoL
'loosen 4th photo' - oh SHIT NOT THAT ONE

5 replies

Color Changing Chrome Coatings
What is Says on the Tin

0 replies

Blackout Grenades
Bring night to your foes.

4 replies

Omega Gate Recycling Chute

0 replies

Cred-Chip Datalanes
A change in the credchip hacking flow

4 replies

SK as a player corp
My vision of what topside should look like

84 replies

Cheap, Crappy, Unheatlhy Red Groceries
Give Red their own kinda stuff!

3 replies

Ability for player bosses to leverage

4 replies

Damage from a thrown object
'Oh fuck! An engine is flying at your head!'

1 reply

Enclosed Motorcycles
"Tron Bike"

17 replies

Food tastes based on skill
Skill affects food

0 replies

Grocery list
QOL for grocery shopping

2 replies

No shoes messages

7 replies

Combat stimulant auto-injector.

2 replies

Grow Light

1 reply

a Simple change to @voice

0 replies

Add 'Blazer' To Overwear List

0 replies

Robot parts in junkyards
ABC Warriors and scrap-dogbots

2 replies

Fires Burn Clothes

0 replies

Reference pictures.. in game!
Make a command that shows a picture/link.

21 replies

Look At Items In Display Cases
I can see... but not look!

0 replies

Enhancing the Count Command

3 replies

look at body part on person

1 reply

High-Demand Items Vendor
...and an opportunity to boost NT roles.

9 replies

Crowd Expectations
KMB ain't like the Drome, bud.

1 reply

Bodyguard command

23 replies

Custom food freedom
Make food more inline with other creative skills

2 replies

Disguise items consumability
consistency across items

2 replies

More AutoStyler Options!
Dualtoned, rainbow, etc.

1 reply

Language learning buffs from performance
Markitable, RP, fun stuff to do with languages

3 replies

Sic Automessage on other bodily events
Pubsic but on acid

3 replies

Explosives and Forensics
What the fuck just blew up?

1 reply

SIC Data Sniffing
Less smelling, more stealing.

2 replies

Normalize PDS for Studdlies/Monas

5 replies

XHELP name change

6 replies

Recharge E-Prints

0 replies

Security Radio Headsets

2 replies

Tailoring and Hemming
What's that, more uses for Artistry?

11 replies

Enhanced Optical Overlay Module
Do you see what I see?

2 replies

Camera Eye

2 replies

Ambient Security Device Theft
Take the load off of staff long term

6 replies

More MacGuffin Task Ideas

3 replies

Punching with stuff in your hand.

5 replies

Unlocking Car Doors if Windows Down
You got caught slippin', G!

3 replies

Add 'vmote' etc to 'ex here' in vehicles

0 replies

Mall Security?
Live your mall cop dreams today!

3 replies

Reusable crates

8 replies

Give NPCs clothes
Help combat smallworlding!

4 replies

Simple food request

2 replies

Automated Gate Corruption
Allow me to line your pockets

3 replies

Entering/Leaving Room Shortdesc Only

17 replies

Update PDS Scripts

8 replies

Planting items on corpses.
Let me send a message. Or frame someone.

2 replies

Warning shots
Time to get your attention.

6 replies


3 replies

Bio-mod expansion
Bio-modifications temporary help PDS load

7 replies

Choose Height
Between a minimum and maximum number.

3 replies

Plot Submission Question

0 replies

Plot Process Ideas
Ideas on how to make plot's easier to run.

2 replies

Ambient SIC Tags
PC-Like Templates

0 replies

Jumping off a roof while grappling.

3 replies

Food - the natural candy

2 replies

Smoke Bombs and more

3 replies

@Colors for explosions

4 replies

Bloody Mess'ages'??
Art is in your blood.

4 replies

Using Solvent to clean Clothes

1 reply

Clean blood with solvent!
Shower not working out for you?

0 replies

Corporate Property Enhancements
Corporates being Corporate

9 replies

Adding flavor to combat
More combat storytelling/coolness

14 replies

Adjust Group Leadership
Make CHA and INT Great Again!

2 replies

Make @tp work with places

8 replies

More colorful character descriptions

0 replies

WHO + Letter Search Only
More realistic data

14 replies

Hands Full Consistancy
Yes I meant to dump that all over me!

0 replies

Player Tow Vehicles
A thread on rants / possible problems

19 replies

Populate CGH!
It's a mix hospital!

2 replies

Got a light?
light smoke on dame with flarelighter

9 replies

Making voice more evocative
A simple way to make *voice* more expressive

1 reply

Retextured weapons
Same stats but different skins

2 replies

Add odometer to vehicles
Did you travel anywhere last night?

2 replies

Electronic Scrambler
Something fun to spice things up

0 replies

Artwork to hide safes & lockers
Maybe holo-obscured cabinets too

0 replies

Desserts on Chef's Island
More options! More variety!

1 reply

CPI and Stock Price
Play nice or else!

2 replies

็Non-splicer biomods for mixers
inb4 FOIC

4 replies

Rainbow hair
make it a haircolor you can choose in the AutoStyler

1 reply

Allow hubs/monitors/etc to be aliased

0 replies

Glovebox's & Mechanics
I need a hand to install these... or a glove.

0 replies

Paydirt Generation
LF Muns 4 Theft

29 replies

Disposable Plastic Bags
"Those lil plastic baggies you put the drugs in!"

1 reply

Corporate Sovereignty and Crime
Not my problem.

12 replies

K9 doggos
Working dogs

3 replies

Add butts to @nakeds
We're missing a body part.

12 replies

Actually have an Out of Sector room

23 replies

Horseback Archery

0 replies

'All' inventory alias
easy containers/lockers

5 replies

Confirmation before crafting
Stop ya good shit turning into not so good shit

0 replies

Cyberlimb Loan Terminals
Can't afford your new cyberlimb? We can help.

2 replies

More low end options
So immies have stuff to do with their archetype

0 replies

Cheap Prosthetics
So that you don't have to pay as much when you die

0 replies

Have robot parts spawn in junkyards
More scrapbots

0 replies

Have Reqs Place Orders

4 replies

Ideas to reduce newspaper clutter
It won't kill your theoretical RP scenarios.

5 replies

Advantages: more thematic names

8 replies

Mass Stats Like Skill Points
Ain't nobody got time for that.

0 replies

Rework skills soft proposal
Ported from another thread in GP&C

47 replies

Word Wrapping
Make Word Wrapping wrap before the word

3 replies

Make '@assign' be an alias
Make '@assign' be an alias for '@assign ue'

3 replies

Scale tailored items weight
Based on @coverage slots

3 replies

Spin Off The Withmore Globe
Make PR Great Again

2 replies

Driving destinations
Let's go see the sights, chum.

5 replies

Consumer Eyepods/Video Cameras
For all you Indie Filmmakers and Freelance Journalists

5 replies

Add actual beds in cubes?

3 replies

Gangers answering allegiance question

4 replies

NLM On-Demand
Netflix for the Dome

18 replies

Storing Things in Wallets
Small Items, Cards, Folded Notes... bombs

1 reply

Consistent showers messaging
So you can be sure that your crack is clean

0 replies

Inspecting Items You're Buying
Why can't you look before you purchase?

3 replies

Cyber fists
Load ammo types into your hand

4 replies

NPC Muggers
Get mugged, for the themeliness of it

20 replies

Grappling Ideas
Because we aren't discussing enough controversial topics.

11 replies

Brawler and Martial arts weapons
New weapon?

10 replies

Changing "Euro"
Replacing the "Euro" language with something more fitting.

11 replies

Death based chrome ideas
For that little bit of revenge

10 replies

Combat Chrome
For those red text junkies out there.

14 replies

Cyber Body Part Descs on Chart

0 replies

Potential langue revamp
Ranks of Languages? Maybe based on Int?

5 replies

TIME&DATE on e-note printouts
"Did you write this before or after you got creased?"

5 replies

Passenger information system for the lev
"The next shuttle is going to arrive in four minutes."

11 replies

Bruising vehicle occupants
A minor skill metric

12 replies

Temporary Digital/Electronic Posters
For the Corporate Propagandist

6 replies

Are you a true cyber punk without one? No. No you're not.

0 replies

@check suggestion
Add a second line to each part of @check

6 replies

Car accessories
Fuzzy Dice and Bobble Heads

4 replies

Forensics to decipher/Cracking to develop?

1 reply

Body and Room Temperatures
Freeze to Death or Suffer Heat Stroke

2 replies

Utility chrome ideas
For those little devices that stand alone.

6 replies

Automatically turn monitors off
If an x y in the z and nobody's around to hear it...

7 replies

Keeping your pronouns during 'appear'
Not every urchin is a 'ze'

5 replies

Survival Chrome Ideas
For when you just want to live life

6 replies

Decker Chrome
Stuff to help you're friendly neighborhood hacker!

8 replies

Ambient noise interfering with a call
Come again?

8 replies

Craftable electronic clothing
Light up your style

6 replies

ProgCloth Babble-On Revamp

2 replies

Installation Quality

12 replies

Possible Security Ideas
Pool instead of Difficulty and Ambiant Loss

1 reply

Replace camera painting with EMP
From XOOC discussion in the wee hours.

6 replies

Portable Targets/ Shooting Range

23 replies

Sewer smell
Kinda going to be an unpopular idea but...

2 replies

Manipulating Minutes
Time: The Next Currency

0 replies

Gadgets and gear
Be a superspy without chrome.

0 replies

Convert elevators in large buildings
make them more and make them more themely

0 replies

Stat or State boosting chrome ideas
Fill in some of the gaps

1 reply

Bansihment Revamp
Punch beyond a final punishment

5 replies

go nth direction
Reduce keystrokes for long travel legs

9 replies

Subtle Driving in Traffic

3 replies

UE Idea
Use it or lose it.

3 replies

Trashing Progia 7's
End that sketchy call with flair

7 replies

Paint Mixer
Sure, why not give artistry more shit to do?

1 reply

Normalize Chess
Is 'Withmore Chess' intended?

11 replies

Trust to drug
Let your chums give you drugs

1 reply

Jump away!
Flee in style.

0 replies

Service Request Announcement

0 replies

Clinic clear the room command

7 replies

Rigging & Risk

13 replies

Vehicles and Multiples

1 reply

Large Umbrellas
Protect Yourself, Protect Your Friends

3 replies

Consumption smells
Because an alcoholic should smell like one

4 replies


10 replies

Add pronouns to prog-cloth

2 replies

Doggo should lead and not always follow.

5 replies

Research Additions to Library(s)

6 replies

Spiked Brassies
Make it bleed!

9 replies

Notes Reminder
Cause we all know how bad we are with them.

7 replies

Custom Items
Little things

1 reply

Encouraging learning new languages

9 replies

A second mulligan

10 replies

Scavenger system

3 replies

Vehicular Ejection Seats
For all you robo-car jocks out there.

1 reply

a/an substitution in descriptions
To better interact with variables

0 replies

@shortdesc addition for M+F

5 replies

Charisma Revamp
Just what is charisma anyway?

0 replies

RP Generating Diseases

8 replies

Faction garages
In anticipation of vehicle combat

1 reply

Radios in Aero's and certain vehicles
This WCATC, Whas yer vector, victor alpha tango?

1 reply

Requisitions and pay Revamp
Corporate budgets and player corruption

27 replies

Timers for UE spend

0 replies

Changing Tires
Does it really need a tow?

6 replies

Radio Chatter
Hear the voices and static of the masses

1 reply

Cybernetic system failures
Substandard Cyberware for the Substandard Sector

2 replies

Facial cyberware QOL changes
Make face mods uninstallable/customisable.

2 replies

ColorEyes trigger diamondweave

0 replies

And making them separate, but equal.

5 replies

Adding more @shortdesc options

3 replies

Add car boots/trunks.
There's a- person in my boot?

7 replies

White Noise Generators
Anti-cyberear technology

7 replies

A handheld Digital whiteboard?

5 replies

Toggleable Thermal Goggles

2 replies

And how to make it a command people don't OOCly avoid

15 replies

Let cloaks be worn over thick items

3 replies

UE and Age
Solving a lot of problems with one change

12 replies

Allow touch on price charts

3 replies

Dating in the workplace

7 replies

Make Skillsofts benefit skill investment
Either point or UE-spent boost

19 replies

Jumping on grenades
A command to redirect explosion damage

1 reply

Revamped CP Gun and Ammo Descriptions
Because of theme.

1 reply

Cyber Limbs/Weapons (Reworked)
They will cost you a leg & and arm, literally.

4 replies

@tp > seated > @lp
@tp me is seated in the booth, carefully watching the room

2 replies

Memento in corpse cloning
Treat NPCs as you would players

3 replies

Apartment messes
Cooking, cleaning, sex, Drug OD's

5 replies

EM Shielding

2 replies

Put Umbrellas On Coat Racks

1 reply

Locational messages for items.
One easy trick for more RP fluff...

5 replies

Custom Makeup Messages

7 replies

@Nakeds and ANSI
Where is your hair? And your nose?

25 replies

Thoughts on the state of the Grid

11 replies

Retinal Door B&E
A good place to start?

9 replies

SIC Plus
Added convenience, but is it worth the price for you?

3 replies

Delay on Vehicle Entry/Exit
Not so fast, baka.

5 replies

Vehicle part conditions obfuscation
If you don't have the skill...

6 replies

Ambient Vehicles suggestion
This is a persistent issue on my and other players parts

9 replies

Explosive Ideas
Boom Shakalaka!

8 replies

Special Roll Shortdesc Titles

3 replies

toggle-able email alerts
Get an email with you're gridmail!

0 replies

Wet clothes and puddles

1 reply

Web-Client Grammar API
A bespoke solution to promote creativity

2 replies

Hotwire kits
More uses please?

8 replies

Car Part/Ability Suggestions
Just some interesting things

4 replies

Rentable holo-drones
The possibilities are ™!

0 replies

Enhanced Olfactory Analyser
Sniff people out.

1 reply

Androgynous presentation
I'm a beautiful boy! I'm a beautiful girl!

75 replies

Grapple Shocker Chrome
An escape when you need it!

3 replies

Smarter drinks.
Don't spill your coffee taking off a hat.

8 replies

Improved eject for cab players
Equality for all!

52 replies

Let me get my CSI on!

0 replies

Give jumpers automated call outs
Presently they are a bit weird

0 replies

Credchip Cracking
Hack the planet

10 replies

Rentable Food Carts
For the enterprising chef.

6 replies

@See-thru Toolbelts

0 replies

Named Stickers
Find items faster

10 replies

Fill Canteen in Cubes
At least the ones where it makes sense

4 replies

More commands for Pets
And other things.

5 replies

Crushing limbs with blunt weapons.
Good luck using that, chummer.

2 replies

Trading Cards
Collect 'em all

6 replies

Customizable Studdlies Please

2 replies

Sneaky NPCs

7 replies

Default to first item on multiples
Prioritize items for QOL

7 replies

Moving timebombs
rig skateboards, wheelchairs, mop buckets, streetterms

1 reply

Cloning Limitations
Permanent Injuries, etc...

12 replies

Appear Change Physique Adjectives
Including neuters. Because an "androog" is still "curvy".

8 replies

Andro Size Descs for Andro Shortdescs

3 replies

Allow subs for other layers of clothes.
Under %p coat, you can see their %underlayer.

1 reply

Intergrated Arm Toolbelts
Arm goes whir.

1 reply

Minds Eye and memories

9 replies

Photo Albums

16 replies

Allow cyber-breast subs in clothing.

5 replies

Seamless Repairs
Instead of making NPCs have damaged disguises...

9 replies

Perform as a command
With an accompanying skill roll

24 replies

CES Clear

0 replies

Revisiting Radio Commands
QoL for underutilized gear

2 replies

Cyberware? Cyberhair!
Chrome Locks from Cyberdocs

1 reply

Adding Injured NPC's to Topside
Maybe a little spice for the medics and doctors?

18 replies

Jumping gaps on boards & dirt
Sick air bro.

0 replies

Requisitions overhaul

44 replies

Art Forgery and Serial Numbers
That's not MY work.

5 replies

Internal bleeding via blunt weapons
Since we're posting new ideas...

4 replies

Coffee Makers

3 replies

Skateboards and Accidents
"Whoops. I'm so sorry!"

0 replies

Carrying Skateboard Message
an average mano carrying a skateboard

0 replies

Additional Man Powered Things

7 replies

Allow 'Tactical' Back Into Tailoring

13 replies

Topside Crime
Mix faction primarily focused for topside crime

8 replies

CyberEar Radio

1 reply

Spent shells
It's raining frakking bullets, choom

2 replies

Music recording/burning
SANdSTORM - stan (eninem).mp3

2 replies

@titles for @disguise-names

2 replies

Ansi options
colors for To messages

25 replies

Consensual Drugging!
Drugs are best done with chums!

3 replies

Face-masks as a clothing option
Is he fashionable or is he a serial killer?

5 replies

Severed faces
To decrease meta?

2 replies

Size Scaled Modifications
Because some of them are a bit silly

0 replies

CPU overload symptom suggestions
And alternate PDS symptoms, too

2 replies

Identity Crisis $cript
A consequence for the frequently disguised.

10 replies

Sick hats

9 replies

Portable sic jammer
a rechargeable de-amp

8 replies

Electric, Hybrid Vehicles and Engines
Tesla go mmmmmmmm

2 replies

Explosives suggestions

3 replies

Skintone 256-color implementation
Wild bio-mods

0 replies

Nanogenic Booster Shots
These nanomachines aren't eternal, right?

8 replies

Stack Clothing Patches Descriptor
Your coat looks like bedlam.

2 replies

Lower the UE cap
Closing the competitive gap

49 replies

The Great Chic Debate
Conflict between Attractiveness & Clothing scores

2 replies

Wallet Chains
Trade-off appropriate anti-dip defense

1 reply

Making Cyberlimbs Relevant
I got mad chrome, chum.

18 replies

Car Kitsch

1 reply

Drive-by shooting

2 replies

Make Krakeon Studios Again

1 reply

Multi-Feed TV/Screens Option
An option to set a default

1 reply

TV/Screenes with 1 Feed
Why even ask?

0 replies

New PRONOUN for man / woman / person

7 replies

Revolver Jamming
Probably shouldn't be a thing.

16 replies

Clear terminal option
QOL for keeping your biz your biz

0 replies

SHI eNotes "on" and "from" syntax
Make them interchangeable

2 replies

Temperature in the forcast

0 replies

Wiring Hub I/O Filters

6 replies

Gridmails - multiple recipients
For all those TPS reports

1 reply

Car batteries
Cheap, nasty, nipple zappers

0 replies

Trading Delays for CorpShare Sales
Baking stats and skills into CorpShare stock sales

14 replies

Whiteboards: "more to read" indication
Room-integrated message isn't all there is to see.

3 replies

Major Change Notifications

5 replies

Show Sleeping Vehicle Passengers

0 replies

CorpShare Chatter & add 'speculate'

1 reply

External Temp Gauge

0 replies

Change Daily Crate Limit to Weekly

8 replies

Make XHELP echo sent text

3 replies

CoprShares Starter Fund
You get NeoBucks... Yo uget NLM Bucks... You get...

2 replies

Disguise & Short Descriptions

1 reply

Undetectable Firearms
They were right under our noses the whole time.

8 replies

Require nakeds when disguised

30 replies

Forced emotes: MODE check
Terminals, @notes and more, oh my.

0 replies

Shared Bank Account
For different groups to have combined finances?

6 replies

Add Cube timer check
To see your remaining time.

3 replies

Apartment Models
So you can see what they look like before renting

1 reply

Stock Prices for the Grid

6 replies

Vehicle cooler
Manually cool down your vehicle!

2 replies

Additional Disguise Functions
Keep your fake ID when removing a shroud/hood/etc

3 replies

Grid and ASCII art

46 replies

Disguise and makeup kits
Making makeup kits work with Disguise skill

18 replies

Critter Paydata
"Can I scan your pipe bomb?"

1 reply

Critter Suggestions
Suggest a critter.

13 replies

Switch fix-it to a Proj Mgmt Solution

10 replies

Tampering with vehicles
Disable seatbelt, brakes, steering etc!

2 replies

Rebalance Skillsofts
Let techs fight

31 replies

Skintone/disguise Nanos
Blend into the crowd...

2 replies

Vehicle Fuel Level Percentage
Bring it into line with Temp

3 replies

Aero visibility

8 replies

Bank Records
view your past activity

2 replies

Changed apperance identifier
Quickly know when someones clothes have changed

2 replies

IC command to change SIC output color?
"I think in neon purple."

20 replies

Fuel/Temp Gauge Color Customization
Variation on the Christmas Color Theme

10 replies

Wigs/Contact Lenses Blending With Nakeds
A little love for some expensive items

14 replies

Courier Work Adjustments Out of Dome

2 replies

Forget recipe

1 reply

Increase fuel capacity
Remove a chore, add an RP outlet

11 replies

tpemote, now with @titles!

0 replies

Space Garbage & Desert Salvage
One man's trash is another man's treasure

42 replies

Reasonable term limits for temp housing.
C'mon people. It's a cube, RP like it.

38 replies

Cosemtic Cyberware
The Rule of Cool - Metal Edition

23 replies

Scheduling Programs
It's in the Name

0 replies

New skill minimum UE buy-in
Teaching new players to build functional characters

18 replies

New staff channel
Because xhelp isn't always the solution

2 replies

Limit Guard
Some places just don't make sense...

5 replies

Aero's should allow peer down DIR

2 replies

San Mara Ideas
There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing.

2 replies

Shorthand for 'peer'

5 replies

Aero vertical diagonal flight
fly upn/e/w/s fly downn/e/w/s and so on

19 replies

Weather, Flight, and Landmarks
Zero Visibility

8 replies

Programmable autopilot

6 replies

Modular Cybernetics
Lighter, flashlight, vibrator, knife... And it's also a gun.

4 replies

Add pronoun functionality to look

2 replies

Quarterly Shareholder Meetings
Bespoke Transparency for Players

6 replies

Allow putting stickers on photographs
IC labels

10 replies

Consolidate Corpsec
Corporate contracts for protection of property

16 replies

Charisma/Appearance based salary
Paid to be pretty

7 replies

Hidden Art Installation
Look between the lines

6 replies

Additional flood effects
Just a bit -more-...

0 replies

Add rider to mototcycle travel messaging
Empower cars a little more

8 replies

Riot Shields

6 replies

More Corporate Branding In The Mix

40 replies

Drug Stores
Where are they?

1 reply

Drop singular article option for @name
No plural modifiers and shorter @name length

8 replies

New item: bandolier
Holds ammo and grenades

3 replies

Low Tier Firearm Accessibility
What's a Seburo?

49 replies

Weapon balance
Small suggestions

33 replies

Betting Slips
The Ticket is Mine, BAKA!

8 replies

Making disguise/persona slots
What mask will ya wear today?

19 replies

Shout Log
Somewhere anywhere

2 replies

Tickets in Wallets

2 replies

Adding 'feedlist' to hubs.
My bedroom is forever 'The Dicking Zone'

3 replies

Silver hair
Gray isn't fashionable enough for the cyberpunk future

13 replies

Change how Disadvantages are generated
Select multiple advantages for multiple disadvantages

25 replies

Roll disadvantages of finalization

1 reply

Custom Combat Messages
Because I want to execute a custom flashy move

7 replies

SIC signal loss
Notifications when Signal is lost.

30 replies

Death Level Hint
How dead am I?

21 replies

Gradual retraining for max UE characters
Stolen from the thread Neural Remapping

57 replies

Taking pictures of specific bodyparts
You wanna take a picture of your what now?

4 replies

Slip Photographs Under Doors

9 replies

Remove OOC-Chat
If you're OOCing you're not roleplaying

75 replies

Red Canary Rental Limit

14 replies

Replicant Animatronics & Rigging
No, for the last time. I haven't seen Fido.

2 replies

The Purge
Extreme population control measures

49 replies

@facts on PCs

20 replies

next tier from prog cloth.

3 replies

Make tailored item name also be colored

2 replies

Verified Alias
pay to reserve!

12 replies

Listen code suggestion: "stepback"
An opt-out listening system

5 replies

Colored naked/format nakeds/clothing.
Why not?

8 replies

Expensive waterproof material
Vinyl is too one-size-fits-all

0 replies

A high cost bottle alternative...

3 replies

High Indicators
I can see that you need a fix... but not if you're high!

13 replies

Transfer Node admin/assign mods

4 replies

Lower node ICE

1 reply

Vehicle Emits

3 replies

Vehicle Emoting
Drive/Fly/Rig with style.

1 reply

Emphasize 'check' command in aerodynes

6 replies

OOC representations of IC art: Lore
Beyond text

2 replies

More crowd attention control
watching, eavesdropping, address/unaddressing enhancements

15 replies

Add A driving simulator to SHFL

20 replies

Stealth Emoting
Flavor your sneakiness.

6 replies

Chargen flavor thing...
So we (mostly) all start outside the gates

9 replies

Peering into and out of airspace rooms
Check your surroundings

0 replies

Cheaper Cyber
Grades of Cyberware

11 replies

Elements of Disguise
You can tell by the way I walk...

7 replies

Secure Containers
They make your fingers bleed your blood!

5 replies

Cybernetic Phones
CyberEar thinger

22 replies

Zoning out
What? I was AFK-- I mean, I was zoning out.

20 replies

Color Your Thoughts
Never miss a ccom again!

9 replies

OOC warning on APPEAR command

14 replies

Coded Objects

12 replies

Cheaper Apartments In Red

7 replies

All short descriptors in glance
More consistent information

23 replies

Jobs - Hiring Bonuses
A way to increase playability versus grind.

10 replies

More cyberpunky jobs
Themely jobs to keep new players interested

38 replies

Grappling and Doors

9 replies

Condition as "appear" option
appear excellent

4 replies

Find out IC - Make it more pallettable.
Newbie's Perspective.

14 replies

Old News Articles
Cull old "news" articles that are no longer new "news"

1 reply

History (OOC) = Immigration Papers (IC)
Please make it more obvious that these are the same things

6 replies

Rigging Augmented Topside Restaurant
Rig in and dig in? Rig out and pig out?

19 replies

Posture commands

1 reply

Requisitions Enhancement
Let us bakas see what we requested!

2 replies

Mix Mod Shop
Welcome to the new you!

18 replies

Coffee machines
Stake-out staple!

2 replies

Rifles and Shotguns
Split the skill or no?

23 replies

Dissociative Gestalt Syndrome
Come on, get down with the SICkness

38 replies

Behavior Mod Chip - Helping the dead.

9 replies

Memory List and TiDi
Trauma that Overwhelms Memory

6 replies

Appear U-G-L-Y
You ain't got no alibi you ugly

13 replies

Sindome soundtrack

7 replies

Split @stats
@stats for @stats, @details for @details

6 replies

Palming Items
For That Smooth Slight of Hand

9 replies

Web-Client: Close Window/Tab Prompt
Are you sure you want to close this window?

3 replies

Watch an adjacent room
But be vulnerable to being snuck up on.

11 replies

Alchohol Brand Names
What're you drinking, bub?

0 replies

(dis)advantage effect visibility
Understanding: Expert+

5 replies

Running the Tracks
Run, Run, Run, As Fast As You Can

28 replies

Physical chyen bills
Quality of life, schmality of life.

16 replies

Enable Vehicle Destruction
A suggestion on implementation

2 replies

No @trust for knockout juice
Who doesn't love a good powernap?

33 replies

@Skintone Modification
Are we ready to taste the rainbow?

11 replies

Tailing -people-

9 replies

Never let me down.

1 reply

Random Riot Gear Players
XXXtacy enters the game.

5 replies

Fire Damage Coded costs
500c supply pack sold somewhere or solvent cans or something

3 replies

Cyberware Degredation
How many times has that been ripped...?

6 replies

Off-Road Tires
Zoom! Zoom!

2 replies

Musical Instruments
Lets make some music

18 replies

Make Pain More Painful
Half dead? Not a problem.

10 replies

@luck status in @stats
Know when you're feeling lucky

8 replies

Last-Mile NPC Meta Reduction Ideas
Basic Changes For Tourists/NPCs

2 replies

Job Board
Street Sam LF Bees, serious replies only

8 replies

Withmore Census
Profession: Does as she pleases.

7 replies

Cyberware: Town hall summary
Customizations and potential implementations

4 replies

No skill UE at character creation
Build the body not the ability

15 replies

You put a scope on THAT?!
Add removing of weapon attachments

25 replies

Prosthetic Limb Mods and Live Ripping

8 replies

Overclocking Chrome
For the Risk-Takers That Want More

2 replies

Consequences for Disguise Metagaming
A sliding scale

52 replies

Sleep Deprivation Consequences
I haven't slept in 72 hours!

21 replies

Trash Bins
Another Information Gathering Tool

5 replies

Glance and Disguise

14 replies

Chatter: Rumors
Staying in the know

8 replies

New type of NPC

42 replies

Dreaming in the 2105
The sleep of reason...

5 replies

Permanent @voice and disguised @voice

18 replies

Weather and Graffiti

17 replies

View macro strings.
Then why would edit be necissary?

3 replies

Wring command
When you just can't get dry

0 replies

A 'lose x' command for escorting players
So that escorting players aren't glued to you all the time.

13 replies

Commuter Pass for recently dead mixers
Get off the WJF's porch

10 replies


4 replies

Synthetic Cooking Lab Changes
Evaluating Counters / Lab Conditions

3 replies

Grappling and martial arts
Make grappling a martial arts skill?

73 replies

Assisting other players
Teamwork makes the dream work!

39 replies

Lore Wiki Contributors/Contributions
Let's Democratize the Lore Wiki a bit

0 replies

SIC Rip Changes

5 replies

Biometric & SIC Chip Security
Making sense of legacy systems

0 replies

Electronics & Security Recycling
It's good for the environment!

35 replies

Tailoring clothes horse
See how clothing looks in progress

8 replies

Driver/Pilot's licenses
Wall of text incoming

0 replies

Appearance Adjective(s) rework
Getting clothing and shortdesc in line...

9 replies

Stationary FreqMans

4 replies

Paper dispensers in cubes.

8 replies

Forensic Mayhem
body lotto...heh

49 replies

Automatic scars in @nakeds
Pains heals, chicks dig scars...

15 replies

Proximity blood splatter
Because who doesn't like blood!

9 replies

Melee weapon customization
I call her Lucille

0 replies

Semi-Permanent Immortality
Retirement - PC to NPC Status

7 replies

Blinking/Flashing Prog-Cloth

1 reply

Rigging Idea
Remote driving cars

2 replies

Who hit you?
NPC dialogue recalling last attacker, robber, etc.

8 replies

Subtle emotes
It's like whisper but for your low-key signals

3 replies

Wrist Quickterm
It's like a term, but it goes on your wrist

5 replies

Pool scent
setting up for tracking by scent...

3 replies

PetLockers TM
When petsitting can't do.

4 replies

Directional Driving Prompt Integration
You cruise east carefully navigating the streets

0 replies

Poll Option Selections
Small UX Improvement

0 replies

The SMTP driver is down, synthesize the haptodrive!

4 replies

Parkour Shoes

5 replies

Mag Lev Jobs
Because someone should control this

0 replies

Ambient Muggers and Murderers
Low-level dangers on the streets

51 replies

NPC Ganger Assistance

19 replies

Death to Afterthoughts!
Let us become Eternal.

10 replies

Plot Dropbox
In case you are scraping the bottom of the barrel

17 replies

Personality Analyser
'Socializing is hard', Saedor-Krupp says.

10 replies

No NPC Judges on Gold
More gameplay for Judges, CorpSec and Criminals

67 replies

Remove @macros-enable confirmation
Fewer broken/interrupted macros

4 replies

Pirate Amp
You get SICnal?

15 replies

SIC Enhancement Chrome

2 replies

Downgrade memento ganger gear?
Do they really all need such good weapons?

14 replies

Check clothing coverage at markets
So you actially know what you're buying

5 replies

Add 'secure' command to some things
Simple QoL request

3 replies

Distant Vehicle Movement
see vehicles moving around in more situations

7 replies

Topside MacGuffins
GM created @rpthings

3 replies

Work on gold
Projects as objects.

2 replies

Silenced Firearm Combat Messages
We have a big community, let us do some of the lifting!

0 replies

Non-genitive clothing @colours
More flexible use of %color in prose

0 replies

Leaving a blood trail
Break out the bloodhound Splicers!

2 replies

Installing cameras -outside- a vehicle
Additional surveillance options

12 replies

CI chat shouldn't mute encrypted chans

7 replies

Randomized Street Weapons
When did gangs get a standard issue?

21 replies

Recall Appearance
Coded appearance reminder

6 replies

Remove Sidebar on e-notes
Because editing right now is a bitch

2 replies

Filler Gear Vague Suggestions
Gear for other skills

4 replies

Nanopress Enhancement
Now with patterns AND colors!

4 replies

Flight Helmet
IC QOL item for pilots!

0 replies

Clothes and drinks spilling
Please make it stop

42 replies

Infectious yawning
An interactive social

4 replies

Add bright text to loud spoof

10 replies

BB, Paint Ball and Airsoft Weapons
Training weapons for Guns

14 replies

You gotta ask yourself one question... I feel lucky?

7 replies

Ambient car alarms

15 replies

TSX Elevator should be voice activated
Save on the spam

1 reply

Card Reader Hardware
Got a biz? Maybe you wanna invest in it...

10 replies

Cyberdoc customizes chrome @worn
Cosmetic options for cosmetic chrome

23 replies

Allow the Cratelords to use new words
Hey, do you need anything delivered?

1 reply

Be prepared, for the death of the king.

2 replies

Prank or tactic? You decide

16 replies

Vehicle Upgrade Parts
just some idle ideas

4 replies

@256 range search function
I have specific needs

3 replies

Motorcycle Helmets
Cyberpunk A F!

2 replies

Nonbinary option in character creation

3 replies

Add Retailoring To Help Tailor-Play

3 replies

Because neon drug concoctions can't -not- be themely, right?

6 replies

More 2H melee weapons
And how to balance them

7 replies

expose naked echo

0 replies

Shades over contacts.
Can we make it possible?

5 replies

Standard @LP for Disguises
Avoiding the Meta

37 replies

Set Both Titles
More flexible naming

6 replies

@title for @disguise-name?
Completing the illusion

10 replies

Disguise Kit / Holo-skin
All-in-one solution

0 replies

Seeing armor damage on container items.
No more playing armor condition lotto!

0 replies

Guarding but without counterattacks
For sparring and the like?

8 replies

Prune empty e-prints

3 replies

Appear Balance Suggestions
Changes that would avoid quick-switch

2 replies

SIC Viewer App

5 replies

Reading text from a distance
Why has everyone got NinjaCyborg vision?

11 replies

Help us HELP ourselves
"Forced" help file review

1 reply

Make charisma limit npc followers

25 replies

Project Jukebox
We are the music makers...

13 replies

Condition adjective change/removal
Too much info imo...

8 replies

Periodic, automatic events
Would the community have fun with this?

13 replies

Gradual evolution of APPEAR progression

23 replies

Stat check - PvP

7 replies

Single command UE option
Optional alternative to text menus

3 replies

Give PC musicians more to do!

11 replies

Wash your clothes without even getting wet

6 replies

Limit disguise/apperance setup locations
Require installed mirrors to spur investment and planning

2 replies

Have all characters use PC style names
No more multi-part NPC names

0 replies

N/A or No Vote for @vote

11 replies

Accessories are themely
Add a 'soft metal' material

12 replies

Variable ODs
Based on the drug!

7 replies

Nicknames for Camera Feeds
Organizing The Chaos

14 replies

Medical Bracelet
Docs with Guns

13 replies

Nutrient paste AGAIN?!

27 replies

No fake skies or weather in the Mix
Only rain, all night, all the time.

21 replies

Trashing Prompt
When You Are Drunk Or Can't Count

8 replies

Introducing the Crowd Pacifism Grenade!
introduced in partnership with Genetek Revival

2 replies

Helmets stop eat/drink/smoke
Take your helmet off, baka!

18 replies

Neural Remapping

38 replies

Improved drug set ups
Drug labs for the 23rd Century

2 replies

Keeping OOC-Chat politics free

6 replies

Trash-tier Aeroboard
Something for low-level aero-techs

10 replies

Can Tattoos get some love?

9 replies

New Topside Crime Protocol
Acknowledgement, not puppeting.

14 replies

Increased Mix / Corp Interdependence
Blurring the Divide

5 replies

Make Car Theft Attempts Cost
Costs Chy == Being More Selective

27 replies

Revamp Car Alarms Feature set
Slap Dash System to actual structure.

0 replies

KMB Revamp
Modernize topside's only nightclub?

61 replies

Archive the ideas forum or add pages
It's impossible to navigate or type

2 replies

CoverItAll tattoo cover Foundation!
cover those damn tattoos!

1 reply

Custom Mask Creation
No one cared who I was until...

5 replies

Minor chatter stuff
Alleviate some GM burden

2 replies

Execution messaging
More for more weapons!

7 replies

SIC Echo
Smoothing disconnection issues

3 replies

Right of rebuttal on Ideas
OP Respect

6 replies

NPCs needs at weekly cap

3 replies

'Count' messages customization
Different messages for counting your flash

10 replies

Cybertech Insurance
Improving that cyber game...

38 replies

Distant Thunder...
Hear vehicles from further away

42 replies

Consistent Withdrawal/Come Down Message

0 replies

Current drug @symptoms

2 replies

Tailor applied custom @worn on armor
Custom fit and bespoke dough for maximum mix-rich

5 replies

WAI Memetic Diamondweave Bodysuit
Camo for manos with nanos

7 replies

@peek-thru clothing
A middle ground between @see-thru and not

2 replies

Defining Physical Characteristics

27 replies

Specific Character Examines
Making information digestible faster.

2 replies

Softer Disconnection Emote
Often very difficult to RP around the default.

9 replies

Not Crates System

5 replies

Immy Greeter Change Proposal
Greeter as a Side Gig with Commission

10 replies

Combat Posture Refinement
You lean into the fray..

5 replies

Dissolving IC Names

31 replies

Node Security Limits
Cracking you're own nodes

4 replies

Deckers hacking signs
Go put a dick on the O's front door mate

3 replies

Four Cyberware Ideas
Johnny asked for more of these in XOOC the other day

8 replies

Make Black Graffiti Visible

2 replies

Change Tube Exit names
It's a hill...

6 replies

Hunger withdrawal script
Remind you when you're hungry

17 replies

@chat-nick on channels
Now that aliases are 86'd

2 replies

Scripts for chrome installs
Give some flavor to getting some 'ware

2 replies

Make Dezraldin stop PDS outbreaks
More than just a stat boost

6 replies

Multiply UE & costs by 100
I just don't like seeing decimals.

18 replies

Please make it use disguise code like makeup

16 replies

Three new pieces of cyberware
Not for combat!

19 replies

Accidental UE spends
Give staff a tool to fix em!

10 replies

Remove Watch and Address
Hear me out

39 replies

Hide vehicles from view
addressing the meta

4 replies

Faction NPC fight cooldown
NPCs should learn to stay down

0 replies

BYO - Ingredients (Chefs Tables)
Mostly tongue in cheek

0 replies

"Protect" action for NPCs
Stuff is Valuable

5 replies

@blindfold me
Consensual Blindfolding For Mugging, etc.

2 replies

Use of wrecks
mix style fortifications

2 replies

emote @tutorial with Pose and spoof help
A targetable dummy and additional instructions

1 reply

Wearable radios
Freqman's in your ear

2 replies

Feel for x: new dipping command
More risk for thief and expanded RP opportunity

2 replies

Running items for NPCs
Make the trigger dialog uniform

1 reply

Preview BGBB Post
See what you post before you post it!

0 replies

%color in tease messages

3 replies

The smoking lamp is lit!
Installable permanent lighters

0 replies

Add Rev to Bikes please!
How is this not already a thing?

4 replies

Adding %color to vehicle short-descs
A cherry red HondaMitsu Katana 250 does a wheelie.

16 replies

Orange Vehicle Paint

4 replies

Objects that should have fill levels
But don't.

10 replies

Fix-It channel names

3 replies

@nakeds layout and sub-descriptions
Improve information access and readability

19 replies

Traffic Speeds
Change from interrupt to speed reduction?

4 replies

Black Market cybernetics
Make Rippers Great Again

44 replies

Stealthed Emotes
Don't just stand there!

1 reply

Seeing vehicles in the badlands
See them coming from far away

1 reply

Fixing clothing layouts
Clothing should bottom, not top

3 replies

Puppet Request Queue #
Like a deli ticket, but for puppet requests

4 replies

Leasing Vehicles
Oh, you can't afford it? Let's see...

8 replies

Tattoos leaving wounds
That hurt like a motherbaka

2 replies

'dirty me'

4 replies

Thoughts and opinions

40 replies

non-verbal communication
*flips the bird*

11 replies

Clearing bounties

15 replies

Remove 'did you mean X username'

6 replies

Power off Progia's!
For when you want to go dark.

7 replies

@shortdesc suggestion thread

36 replies

See what your Murmuring
I see what you did there.

9 replies

Protect Command
My body as a shield

8 replies

tpemote command

3 replies

Underused Drugs
SoberUp and patches

20 replies

Gun mods
prepare for combat.

21 replies

Stenography via e-notes
Taking dictation on the fly

0 replies

Puppet Wait timer
Average wait time this week is...

4 replies

More Options In a Grapple
Beyond just choking slowly to death while you go get a soda

6 replies

The Drugs in Drinks thread

10 replies

Things to do while you're dead
Time to catch up on paperwork!

1 reply

Forensics Ideas
Go go gadget 'inspect'!

0 replies

UE Change to Potentially Help RP
Work for your experience!

6 replies

Driving/Expressway Suggestions
Not Cars, Just driving

13 replies

Vehicular Espionage
Them stakeouts

14 replies

Pay in Advance for DynaDye
Paint it black.. efficiently!

3 replies

Half empty or half full?
Telling if bottles are full or nearly empty

6 replies

Staff Only Announcement Forum
Making it easier to find updates, patches, fixes,

3 replies

SHI employee of the month

13 replies

English motherbaka! Do you speak it?
Writing on letters (and such) in other languages.

8 replies

Quick common sense suggestions
Fatigue and restraint

10 replies

Owed automated income
Thanks, chum! I'll get you next Friday!

10 replies

Daily UE Gain Tweak

74 replies

Inebriation Alert
Should we be alerted when we're drunk?

6 replies

Gridphone improvements
Breeep. BREEEP.

0 replies

@expose and @eworn
An addition @worn and @message for disguises

3 replies

Suicide with your weapon of choice
For the linkin park fans

37 replies

Add 'unapprove' command to tv production
Sometimes things need to go back to editing

4 replies

Document Shredder & Forensics
Are you really ripping that paper a thousand times?

6 replies

Archetype Cantrips
Fun and Useful Commands for Underserved Archetypes

47 replies

Why can't i blow my own head off?
Automated @idea from in-game

10 replies

Yeah your wearing a trenchcoat
but I can see your shirt's sleeves rolled up.

16 replies

Allow bikes into more rooms
Smaller vehicles fit in small spaces!

3 replies

Automated Income Cap Skills/Stats
Dynamic Usage of CHA/INT/Trading

17 replies

Own wound location
-I- know I got stabbed in the thigh...

10 replies

'Fill' and 'Empty' commands
Hurry up with the cash, bakka!

3 replies

Hostage Verification
Put that baka's eye to the scanner and get us in!

2 replies

Mics for radios
Radio attatchments

20 replies

Contain diseased corpses and protect privacy

9 replies

Revving Bikes
Like a siren for being a chad!

0 replies

Biomod appearance bonuses
A rolex makes me look better but mods don't?

38 replies

Non-gendered Shortdescs

37 replies

NPC nakeds
and the corpse change

2 replies

Improving Artistry quality-of-life

32 replies

Surrender apartment

26 replies

Call Waiting
That annoying little beep

2 replies

Multi-Calls on holophones
Hologram evil council meetings!

8 replies

Scent of Mary Jane
Just can't get rid of it

8 replies

Some General Automotive Ideas
Creating more cool automobiles megathread

140 replies

Improving the Ideas Board
By clearly defining the purpose of ideas

9 replies

Scaling rolls to health condition

34 replies

Remote bank transfers
Making payout less of a hassle

8 replies

Slings, Holster, Clothing & Scoring

14 replies

Tire Chalk
Write temporary messages and mark tires!

50 replies

Bug cars

16 replies

stop all automated actions with one command!

11 replies

Powered up shortdec indicator
Because a flashlight being on it pretty obvious...

9 replies

Coded Support for Charisma in PvP
Because sometimes you feel pretty

198 replies

The next train arrives in...

8 replies

Make SICads cost 10x more
And put a shorter cap on duration

18 replies

'append' verb for e-notes

9 replies

More love to doggos
Training, combat and leisure breeds.

16 replies

nito's, e-notes, e-prints. oh my.
this might be a redundant topic.

17 replies

Music industry

10 replies

‘Memory’ command tip
Strategic tip deployment

10 replies

In pain status
just a thought

5 replies

Make dot after " not ruin Pose

19 replies

Deleting notes

4 replies

Expansion of Coded Income Systems
Because flash makes the world go 'round

111 replies

Put flyers or business cards on vehicles
Advertising, ticketing, or threats!

19 replies

Additional disguise "status"

9 replies

Perform command
Nothing forced, just suggested

25 replies

Free bar entry for newbie_protection

59 replies

Ethicol fueled merriment!

5 replies

Charisma adjective restructuring
Too positive too early

21 replies

Allow Gangers to See Blood Trades
Without needing to have money left on their weekly earning

3 replies

Heavy Weapons
Do they have a place in Sindome's future?

21 replies

Arm Wrestling
Sleazy Test of Strength

22 replies

Arm Wrestling
for drunken bar shenanigans!

5 replies

More illness for antibiotics
Something to make characters to RP more

9 replies

Price Ranges While Browsing
So I can find the available items to buy within my budget

28 replies

Player selectable default combat posture

50 replies

Serving Tray
A portable table!

3 replies

Watch all to prioritise players first

15 replies

Two sided engraving

3 replies

More global Timeline updates
More lore about what's happening in the rest of the world.

26 replies

Getting dirty when meching
If it ain't leaking, it's probably empty...

10 replies

Prohibit use of @OOC when hiding
Hello Abuse Town

57 replies

Returning from @OOC when hiding

54 replies

injuries command
Tell me where it hurts baka

6 replies

Editable ghost paragraphs in coded items
making Customization of coded items possible

13 replies

SIC Stooge

13 replies

Tattoo removal with SkinWriter
Getting rid of phantom spaces

8 replies

Another fantastic firearms idea
Paid for by the NRA

84 replies


2 replies

Make @default-weapon keep it as default

50 replies

Assist [helpfile] to [person]

18 replies

Daily UE notification
You can learn a ton more today...

78 replies

Gridphone listening enhanced
Hearing what's going on with your chums

14 replies

Increase difficulty of tac-comp scans
plz no insta scan

114 replies

SIC Scrambler
Frag a chip 2day

26 replies

Vehicle Mechanic suggestions
The last thread got out of hand

19 replies

Wheels need some love
Vehicle mechanics revamp please?

125 replies

Drug machines deadlines
Please make them more reasonable

0 replies

Covered in shit and/or blood.
so we can tell you're nasty at a glance

16 replies

Suggestion: Increase Locker Availability
Allow for more, with growing playerbase

10 replies

@trust and @untrust to ping the player

19 replies

Genetek Revival Names.
How do they know my screename...the matrix is real!

8 replies

Weapon-Skill Finishers
More than just a necksnap.

5 replies

Help gangs
A bit of clarity on what is common knowledge

12 replies

Node Backdoors

5 replies

Help Files
Help me, Help you, Help Yourself!

44 replies

Disable Shout When Strangled
Please release my throat, I need to yell for help.

52 replies

[GRID 3] Neural Jacks

2 replies

Emote Silently
A more discreet way to give that corpie a bird!

5 replies

Clone Angel Chicken
Topside Chicken restaurant

17 replies

New command: @iclog
For all the gm-driven fun you've missed

3 replies

Option to auto-emote your @tp changes.
Because it is the same thing really.

14 replies

Hard Currency
Follow the money.

10 replies

Get Chyen from Briefcase

3 replies

Watches should show the date

18 replies

Your current call has disconnected.

17 replies

Shooting at orbs.
Don' fire til ya see the reds of their cams!

22 replies

Tail vehicle on bikes
Make it possible to 'tail' vehicles while on a motorcycle

2 replies

High End Melee Weapons

27 replies

Make firearms use melee when empty

73 replies


16 replies

Predator Drones

11 replies

Get all from X to ignore !take items

7 replies

Town Hall Avatars
OOC "members" vs IC "characters"

15 replies

Perfume Remaining
Whoops, you get to stink today

5 replies

Adding potential time to puppet requests
How much time are you requesting for this to be done?

7 replies

Better macros ui

5 replies

Branded Drugs
Marketing, it's not just for Corpies

22 replies

Still capture security camera
For photography

7 replies

SIC Ghosts
A solution to Alias Hopping Small worlding

48 replies

Be a benevolent dip.

5 replies

Car trunks
Kidnapping express

16 replies

Easier/lazier solution, now with more spam

15 replies

Email when pickpocketed while sleeping
I didn't feel someone strip me naked?

30 replies

A way to email-poke someone
Wake up already

9 replies

RP recommendations
Just a nice thing

25 replies

Show locker content on open

4 replies

Picking flowers
We have the pots why can't I get a flower

27 replies

income from npcs buying your stuff?
it just seems odd that we only get business from players

6 replies

IC/OOC Message For SCF Iso-Cubes?
Throwing Newer Players a Bone

10 replies

Disguised NPCs on Green/Gold?
Makeup, Contacts, Wigs, and Paranoia

8 replies

Allow TV Ad's and Programs with BabbleOn
If it's not already there.

2 replies

Stop a bullet with a bulletstopper

30 replies

A little Tailoring expansion or tidy up

0 replies

Expanded Adjective Descriptions
Helping Players know how to RP things

14 replies

Locker rekey/terminate

3 replies


5 replies

newbie grace
killing robbing stealing

31 replies

Ordering At a bar
It's Party Time, Chummer!

5 replies

Closed Holster Variants.
Why can I see inside a zipped riflebag?

5 replies

Expanding @check
Pronouns are painful!

6 replies

Skilled Repairs
For when you really have to display those skills.

9 replies

Remove appearance change from drugs
Or at least remove the penalty

15 replies

Refilling magazines

7 replies

I want gum
To chew...or not to chew.

1 reply

Requisitions denial reason
making it easier for GMs and execs

0 replies

Wearable Tech Tailoring?
Because my tailor can't stitch me a circuit.

8 replies

Substat Control

34 replies

Hide and look

42 replies

Hood ornaments
Still in style 85 years later

3 replies

Music, Singing, & Playlists
Make some noise, be a star!

3 replies

Vote Score
It's all about the points!

1 reply

Check how much time spent in-game?
Today / This week / All time

3 replies

Affects command to display partial score

12 replies

Ces to show current key

5 replies

Sorry bata, got another call comin' in.
New feature for Progia-9 and Progia-11

3 replies

Prevent empty chat messages
You [to JaneBaka]:

5 replies

I'm/I am
Why don't these work for poses?

22 replies

Custom object interactions
Sometimes I like to pose drinking a beer...

3 replies

New command to send message to a key

9 replies

Prevent empty sic messages
Because we all typo, and it's annoying

8 replies

A->Z who
Because ctrl+f foo is too strong

15 replies

Adding %color to bike descriptions
Colorful bikes! \0/

3 replies

Splitting "Where's the party at?"
Corpies don't care aboutta Drome

14 replies

Push/Press equivalency

6 replies

Animal handling/training skill

11 replies

Topside Food
"Corpie bitches love Chipotle"

14 replies

Explosives Skill Overhaul
Because that don't make no sense

22 replies

SICnal lost notification
Less spam!

29 replies

Tailored Socials
Pimp my greetings

5 replies

Posing helper
Additional help with Posing on the fly..

18 replies

Add more science skill jobs to Red
No smart mixer wants to be a corpie.

38 replies

Tiered drug kits
Cook me some hobo grade vee

30 replies

If you're trippin' and you know it.
Automatic descriptions fed while on drugs.

21 replies

Tagging stickers
Because we all want a cowboy progias!

5 replies

Review @bug desc. before submission

1 reply

Cybernetics revamp. Ideas here please.

47 replies

Rep Counter
You think you're somewhat recognized by the

25 replies

New @naked torso
Bras are a thing!

6 replies

The 6% of a previous character.
You've already assigned a lot of points...

1 reply

Bar/kitchenette meter
For those of us who want to be boring adults!

10 replies

Sindome at tabletop conventions?
I'm surrounded by cyberpunk!

7 replies

Graffiti on cars/people
All aboard tags mobile!

10 replies

Your should be worn underneath your jumpsuit.

9 replies

Watch all adjustment
Stop watching yourself

7 replies

Different rooms, different ways of sleeping!

2 replies

Photograph Names
Should they be made IC?

10 replies

Peer back
Looking in the back of your cab

10 replies

Riotgear- making it broader
Making Riotgear viable to more than just combat

7 replies

They're not just for the bedroom, anymore

10 replies

Wallet Chrome
Become an ATM for chrome - Literally!

15 replies

Steal and numbering
Because firsting everything is a bit odd.

5 replies

More outfits!
So we can dress with more style.

15 replies

Endoprine and PDS
shred the meat

15 replies

Memory chips
Information is power

5 replies

Eye camera module
For the paydata

40 replies

Pinging players before puppeting.
To save the staff's time.

4 replies

use random instead of a numbered item
To add a bit of flavor

0 replies

Display Paintings Warning
Add warning displaying how it will read.

1 reply

Tagging & 256 Colors
Taste the Rainbow

4 replies

Adding to/reusing letters
OR maybe just a cheaper writing method

3 replies

Automatic nightly UE spending
More time playing, less time fretting

14 replies

Coup de Gras: @trust to kill
Not: Thank you sir, may i have another and another

28 replies

Death ball simulator

0 replies

BUMP that shit, mano!
Playing in game music via vehicles.

6 replies

More ways to not mind your own damn business.

9 replies

@check overload that shows teases
Because having to @check then @messages is weird

5 replies

Grappling martial arts?
Maybe add some grappling martial arts to the mix?

38 replies

Wild life,Hunting,and New weapon ideas.
Adding animals, Adding a system to hunt, Adding weapons.

2 replies

Estimation of fuse sizing on bombs.
How long is this thing?

6 replies

Hold someone down while in a vehicle

17 replies

NPC earning cap visibility
And few other newbie issues

12 replies

Bar etiquette

23 replies

Grid 3.0 worth the wait?

62 replies


6 replies

%shortdesc in Tailoring
'Pronoun' replacer thing for tailoring with shortdesc?

6 replies

Chef's Table Analogy in Bars/Restaurants
Non-fat no whip grande latte with three pumps of--

6 replies

Decker ability list
An OOC bandage

18 replies

Hacking Minigame for Deckers
A thorough design document

2 replies

Biomod issues and fixes
Moved from the wrong board

54 replies

SIC Hacking
A modern solution for you SIC bastards.

14 replies

More Obvious to Users Drug Effects
Because I got high.

6 replies

Did you hear that...?

10 replies

Guiding other players
An addition to escort/follow

9 replies

Helpfile metrics, order the words

7 replies

@sit_place messaging
JoeBaka is sitting here,

2 replies

Alcohol Healing Effects
Hey Mixer, you should do booze for that.

30 replies

Small improvement to thievery.
Slipping/ Thieving

10 replies

Crawl when you regain enough energ

13 replies

Ultrasonic knife
It's just cool and themely

18 replies

Converting collectors items to displays

0 replies

Grapple revamp.
Seize Control, or struggle, strangle or punish

17 replies

Customizable Vehicle Names
This is my car 'Fred'

6 replies

Serving trays
I need 3 shost, 2 pints, a vanilla silk, a pack of soyanuts

13 replies

Makeup coverup
Using makeup to hide injuries

2 replies

Three day old dogmeat? MMM!
Food going bad and decomposing.

5 replies

Positioning, Clothes, Containers
Backpacks, hoodies, and beds

15 replies

Turn that duo into vat cheese!!!
Shooting cars, can that be a thing?

4 replies

Martial Art - One handed weapon
Hear me out.

23 replies

Duro-Knucks (Implants)

15 replies

Separate from @naked head

9 replies

New Perfumes
to show how much of a scumbag you are

0 replies

Portable Medical Bags
Is there a Doctor in the house?

7 replies

Hand to hand
Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon

5 replies

Voluntary moveout
Freeing up apartments when leaving

15 replies

Unique Bartender Autoresponses
Personality and flair

2 replies

Convert Tagalog to Mandarin
It's called 'Chinatown' for a reason.

8 replies

Giving spray paints more use.
Spraypainting people in the face.

23 replies

No face, no service
NPC bartenders shouldn't serve disguised PCs

6 replies

Metalworking / Crafting
For those who like to work with their hands

6 replies

Possiblh a mirror would make more sense?

12 replies

Mass Hysteria
We're all gonna die!!!

11 replies

Body Mass Index

3 replies

Bandages and wound dressing
Nasty cut you've got there, chum.

-1 replies

Medicine Dispensers
Medicine Kiosks in Stores

11 replies

A new combat command

10 replies

Apartment 'Viewings'
More IC ways to look at certain pads/apartments

9 replies

Public access channel
PBS for the dome

35 replies

Pause for Puppets

10 replies

Sick tan, chum.
Changing your @skintone through IC means.

7 replies

Expose Command

7 replies

Coded Nailpolish
Now that 256 is here!

2 replies

Shortening Eviction Periods
Get pads available sooner

17 replies

More Tailoring Colors

15 replies

Language Colorization
Strictly Speaking

2 replies

@puppet-request summary
After you've put in the request

1 reply

Teaching skills
A benefit to roleplaying training with other players.

4 replies

The Stock Market
Hawking Paydata

1 reply

Noggin Knockout HELP!
Stamina depletion / Where my wallet at?

19 replies


18 replies

The Ganger item/trade system.
Some concerns.

29 replies

Public LiteTerms

8 replies

CPR, because it's cool.

1 reply

Lights, Camera, ACTION!
Camcorders for sex, blackmail, and more!

2 replies

Make 'wear' and 'remove' act like 'drop'

11 replies

Stat Adjective Update
Carried over from 'biggest hurdle 4 new playa'

75 replies

Simple Character Creation Agency

4 replies

Smear makeup

4 replies

I wanna purse.
Purse me inna face.

23 replies


8 replies

Extra @worn functionality: %beneath

1 reply

Look drink tells you how much is left
Alcoholics unite!

6 replies

Sanitize Room/Corpse
A new use for forensics

4 replies

Eat mRc off

9 replies

Weather interaction with items.

4 replies

Working up a Sweat
Exercise Social

6 replies

Lemme take a Selfie
'take selfie with camera'

6 replies

Death Emotes

10 replies

Random automated NPC events

21 replies

More NPC SIC tags
sealab is just sindome underwater

10 replies

Cube aiming
A suggestion

0 replies

Sing Revamp

1 reply

Smoke grenades anyone?

1 reply

Job Based Short Descriptions

1 reply

Dynamic Helpfiles
Ability Knowledge

1 reply

@disguise hides gender w/ shrouds/hoods?
For the purpose of reducing meta, etc.

0 replies

Nonlethal short blade
Shanking Made Friendly

17 replies

Vehicle usability/balancing suggestions
Rush hour is for scrubs, chum.

4 replies

Capitalizing on Grid 3.0 rollout
because it's a big deal

0 replies

Seeing Exhaustion in other players
Too Tired, or waiting for buddies?

7 replies

Run motherfucker! RUN!
Walk, run, sprint

9 replies

Cybernetic Impulse Wings
Making Skyfox look like Skytots

15 replies

Expanded blood sport
Create a new league for fighting

10 replies

Hairstyle and Color in Corpse

2 replies

Charge it!
Chrome and Nano Kiosk payments with cred chip

1 reply

Look up
Potential to see people on roofs of buildings

5 replies

Schwarts Measuring Contests
tools for understanding how awesome you are icly

15 replies

SIC Downtime
OOC/IC Social Chatter

11 replies

Voice reminders

4 replies

Got a light, chum?
Lighting other peoples smokes for them.

1 reply

Corpie Cyberware
Enhanced Vision Module Addition

5 replies

Add to @review-cloth screening
a quality / expense check addition

3 replies

NPC Dispatcher Clone Angels
Easing the responsibility on staff and players

9 replies

Weapon bonus to grappling.

21 replies

IC Skill/Stat Compete Command
Non-Meta, yo

11 replies

High UE players and durability
A continued meandering discussion from xooc

8 replies

Yes/No check with trashing items

5 replies

The Mix's folk music
What is it?

1 reply

armored shortdesc
Notice me, baka.

4 replies

Progia bombs
Ring ring

12 replies

Vandalizing vehicles
Park somewhere safer, chummer.

4 replies

Modernizing SkyFox cabs
What do you MEAN there's no scanner?!

1 reply

How much in that Neva box, chum?
Add a hit count to the Nevadone item.

0 replies

The Divide: Language

1 reply

Cut wardrobe with blade
That'll show em!

8 replies

Sonic Grenades

23 replies

The Corporate and Mixer Divide.
How can we incentivize it better?

77 replies

More portable games
because who doesn't love video games?

7 replies

Drunk Walking
Walking, but drunk

5 replies

Holding cigarettes with your mouth
Smoking on the go

4 replies

Remember the Good Times?
Writing notes on Photographs

4 replies

Soft in the head
Portable skillsoft wallets?

17 replies

Look at things on TV, chum!
Being able to get descriptions of people/things on live TV

0 replies

Improved Play Tips
Learn as you Play

7 replies

New Player Experience Suggestions

30 replies

Putting pictures on letters and flyers

2 replies

Bilingualism for All
Promote cultural diversity!

45 replies

Suicide Booth delete clone
Delete clone data on booth

13 replies

Do's and Don'ts for creative characters.
Make it clearer for older players and newbies.

5 replies

@trust intimacy
Auto-refuse hugs and kisses from random strangers

20 replies

Re-word a message
Sorry for the vagueness

1 reply

Give tobacco products actual nicotine
Where's the drugs at?

23 replies

Coded Writing in a Foreign Language
for those of us that speak multiple

4 replies

A @naked for butt
Not having to use 'groin' on both ends.

25 replies

Alternate kill messages
His neck's all floppy

11 replies


22 replies


17 replies

We can't puppet for you right now
A simple thing

5 replies

Oh, that was an admin/mod/GM?

5 replies

SIC Signal
Outage alternative

7 replies

Blocking numbers

3 replies


22 replies

Cred chips and credit

4 replies

Adding drugs to food
Weed cupcakes and cookies for everyone!

16 replies

Ambient messages per sector

3 replies

How it impacts the game.

11 replies

Improving ganger "do you need anything?"

9 replies


14 replies

Wear, Drop and Remove Object Checking
Make these commands check only against inventory

3 replies

Finding Items On The Street
Not sure if this would be annoying.

14 replies

Nice jacket, you fat fuck!
Customizable descriptions based on size of character.

3 replies


1 reply

Remove Keypads from exit descriptions
I had my screenreader on, it was confusing

8 replies

Clarify Tailoring Failure Message
Indicate it's a character failure not a systems one

2 replies

For sleeping on the couch or in the corner!

0 replies

Make driving the express less of a mess
Rush hour is painful for User Experience

8 replies

ambient sounds on proggy
Television, crowd-noise, wind, etc

1 reply

Allow %color in tease for tailors
Allow Uncolored %color to exist in tease

0 replies

Modify the raising skill message?

2 replies

Remove All Clothing
Like Freehands but to get naked

7 replies

@notes purge
Quality of life for us noters

0 replies

African Language?

31 replies

Sing softly

3 replies

Alright, seriously?

24 replies

Growth opportunities for Veterans

29 replies

Where the Mirrors on your car yo?
This is a terrible place, no one used them, so they got axed

1 reply

Sniper attack messages

3 replies

Knife Disarm

5 replies

Vehicle fuel readouts
An accessibility nightmare...

3 replies

Add MMORPG100 to the Voting Reminders

2 replies

Covering bruises with foundation

0 replies

Plasteel teeth.
New cybernetics maybe?

1 reply

Draw 'x' with lipstick

1 reply

Tailored mask disguises
Remember remember

3 replies

Badges/stickers worn on thick items
Because they go on top. Duh.

4 replies

No empty messages in cm, progia etc

0 replies

Default posture

6 replies

Dropping things
The next costly thing to being dipped

12 replies

A bit different take on bakcpacks/purses

3 replies

Trust to frisk

0 replies


1 reply

Give (number) of item to someone

11 replies

Animated Tatoos

4 replies

Two parter, be ready.

5 replies

Resetting shortdesc when disguised
Extra anti meta measures

0 replies

Weight and height
Conversions, specifically

5 replies

Traffic in the Mix
Respecting that huge, poor, pedestrian dominant population!

16 replies

New look options
Less ticks, less spam

7 replies

Identifying weapons

8 replies

Lemme hit that roach, bata!
Seeing how much of a smoke is left.

3 replies

Badlands Camping
Tools for trips

8 replies

Genetic Profiling/ PC Detoxes

1 reply

Gang initiation
Get beat in a lil' corner

6 replies

Material in @review-cloth

1 reply

Town Hall: Tattoos

0 replies

Corporate Stock Leaderboard
What's insider trading in the 22nd Century?

3 replies

Ideas to Improve Cloning
Open Forum for discussion

4 replies

New graffitis

4 replies

Page (number) in book
Turning to specific pages

1 reply

Caught Red Handed
Artistry/Graffiti leaving marks...

2 replies

Corpie slang?
How do you do, my fellow ace wiz chummer manos?

17 replies

Disguises and NPC assistance

5 replies

Behavior Mod Chips
They could do more!

5 replies

Emergency Logoff
What do you do when shit hits the fan in OOC

7 replies

Bomb appraisal
Needs a fix

1 reply

Helpfile name aliases for @access

0 replies

Making Shrouds More Powerful

15 replies

Better messaging after dodging snipe

1 reply

Tear gas

6 replies

Auto financing
No money down!

11 replies

Should only need one hand.

10 replies

GeneTek and You!
The tedious task that is death, and cloning.

6 replies

Ballistic Development
A corporate contribution

2 replies

Grenades while grappling

7 replies

The fuck you lookin' at?
High perception showing when people look at things.

8 replies

Entry level car crime
Yer wheels and yer fuel are no longer yours.

13 replies

Wincing, grunting, cursing when in pain

3 replies

Watching/addressing mid-combat
I couldn't hear you over the sound of me killing you

2 replies

Looks like you're packin' heat, chummer.
Chance to spot concealed weapons

9 replies

Armor destroying heavy weapon
For armored people and vehicles

2 replies

Pool table suggestion
Just a suggestion

6 replies

Chance to ruin corpse chrome
Keep him alive, damn it!

1 reply

More info on 'inspect'ing a weapon
Reward skill investment, make combat less obscure

16 replies

Just a carjacking, don't turn it into a homicide!

0 replies

Minor changes?

4 replies

Rename 'melee' skill
More accurate name

1 reply

Clone sterilization?

18 replies

Making it less meta?

0 replies

Inspect people's clothing

1 reply

Guard Vehicle
Keep people from getting in

8 replies

Distance in fights

1 reply

See shortdescs at distance
And other shortdesc idea

6 replies

Additional hair styles

9 replies

Cybereyes hub interactions
Let cybereyes output to wiring hub

1 reply

All the good things need not be only on TeeVee.

8 replies

@untrust all

7 replies

Pack kitchenette

0 replies

pick-pocketting protection plan

5 replies

Making lifted objects stand out

4 replies

Disguise change
Be unable to see your own disguise dropping

6 replies

Add %color to disguise descs, but...

8 replies

stop pickpocketing at differing sublocs
No you can't pickpocket me from the bar if I'm at the table

51 replies

Show Next Stop sign on interior of levs
Where's we goin', anyway?

4 replies

QOL gear improvements
Minor stuff!

12 replies

Nerf idlers

5 replies

Notify player of Progia rings on login

3 replies

Donation Progress Bar
Let us how know how things are goin'

2 replies

Coat rack in KMB VIP
For pool reasons

4 replies

Prevent UE in Apartments
Incentivize going out.

55 replies

Drug RP Info on Taking
To know what you're actually taking and RPing!

6 replies

Command to display playtips

4 replies

Ability to Knock On All Doors

5 replies


13 replies

Temporary pcp damage when hit
In the eyes or ears

1 reply

Body mics

8 replies

Super Happy Fun Land
Demolition Derby/AV racing

16 replies

Raise Glasses
The bane of biometrics in the 22nd Century

4 replies

Lift crate

1 reply

'Reset'ting Progia changes number

4 replies

Corpse @nakeds
It would be good if they had them

12 replies

Blood room descriptions

1 reply

SICAD Updates
Cancelling, modifying, etc.

0 replies

Make an @stuck command.

4 replies

Risk of death at extreme low hp

14 replies

remove makeup

1 reply

Cyberware illegal modding

3 replies

Crack with debugger
Sec Tech utility

4 replies

Additional cooking ideas

2 replies

Fun cams
Pictures off rooftops

8 replies

Forgetting an Hour on Death

1 reply

Molotov business should close
Closed for repairs

10 replies

SIC triangulation tool skill check

31 replies

Making use of the News command
Because sifting through the BgBB is stupid

1 reply

Delete Progia-11 texts

7 replies

Command to designate SIC key as primary
No more cycling bunches!

1 reply

SIC alias reset on death

17 replies

Shock Absorber/Jump Enhancing Chrome
Jump to/from Heights Without Injury

9 replies

Automated mechanic commands.
Fix my car!

7 replies

Ideas for attractiveness system change
Doesn't really factor in tailoring right now

21 replies

Break free from grapple Warez
Take your filthy paws off me you damn dirty ape!

24 replies

Taxi Cab Phones
383-CHEX rings them all

2 replies

Russia of 2103
Banned words: neo, cyber.

7 replies

Stripping OOC-CHAT from Television

1 reply

Eating human eyeballs

5 replies

Pick up damn you!
A couple more rings on phones

5 replies

Watch direction
because who doesn't like staring at the distance?

13 replies

Startup Stats

19 replies

Breaking Up Descriptions
Making descriptions more readable

15 replies

Prop door

1 reply

Fido, kill!
Poses for pets.

3 replies

Making things cheaper in the market?

14 replies

Economy - Items deteriorating
Just an idea that ive been kicking around my head.

5 replies

We'll get to the bottom of this...

4 replies

Regulating SIC
Reserved aliases

29 replies

Blind Fighting
I wear my sunglasses at night, in the sewers.

5 replies

Adding to the Sleaze function robustness

5 replies


5 replies

Sewer & Mag-Lev Track Expansion
Mole people!

1 reply

Burn that rubber

9 replies

Varied appearance presentation

20 replies

Weaponizing contaminants

0 replies

Specializing in hand-to-hand

32 replies

Balanced Brawling and Hand to Hand
This combat skill needs progressive weapons

5 replies

Command: sleep.
A way to willingly fall unconscious

6 replies

Whispering in poses
Integrate whispers like we do for says

5 replies

Blood splatter on weapons
For street-sams and melee clobberers alike!

5 replies

Animal Handling
Taming and taking care of pets??? :o

12 replies

Town Hall Drugs 3.0 Stuff
Ride the Dezraldin Walrus

4 replies

Message change for lockers

1 reply

Please set your @voice
I'm begging you in *English with a crystal clear voice.*

1 reply

Weapon specialization and Nailz fingerblades
should be avaliable.

5 replies

Town Hall Disguise Ideas

0 replies

Breathe or Inhale
Let's not get intimate

9 replies

Makeup and mirrors!

2 replies

The Market
Get rich quick! Or maybe not so quick...

18 replies

Higher pay for topside crate running.
Ending the scarcity!

22 replies

Item-Specific Searching
When you know what you're looking for

1 reply

SIC connect/disconnect alerts
So we can be more aware of the city buzzing in our brain

24 replies

The adult channel no one can watch.
An adult PPV channel with a TWEEST

2 replies


12 replies

Hey chum, throw me that katana!
Bladed weapons dealing damage when thrown

0 replies

Notes for e-note
obviously a low priority

3 replies

A bunch of ideas based around sound.

1 reply

Take cover
Thanks Stelpher for reminding me!

11 replies

Walk the walk
Customizable exit/entrance messages

9 replies

HR Department
For Organizational and Fairness Purposes

15 replies

Letting everyone see your face when you drive.

2 replies

Music Playing Devices
A fun way to play with music made by players

3 replies

Tailoring Style Disguise Kits
More subtle disguises?

0 replies

Returning Firel

12 replies

Disguised aliases
Love you, Cat Mother.

18 replies

Collateral Damage
Just another innocent bystander

9 replies

Put onesies on bottom clothing layer
Layering suggestion

6 replies

Web Client and the Down Arrow

12 replies

Drag and Lift people
Moving people without grappling them.

6 replies

Adjust output format of 'to Name'

1 reply

Admin Alts - Burn Hot and Fast
An idea for admin alts

11 replies

Languages rebalance
I'm from Tokyo and the only word I know is 'Baka'

11 replies

The Most Dangerous Game
Jaded Corpies Hunting Mixers

4 replies

Signature Moves
A new @message

5 replies

It's about cars.

0 replies

Pathogens and Contagions

5 replies

Tonfa and Nunchaku?

34 replies

Throwing sharp objects

2 replies

Hardware Keylogger
"Hunter2? You shitting me, chum?"

0 replies

Two ideas in one
A new weapon(and the skill to come with it) and a new item.

14 replies

Buying furniture.

9 replies

@stats clone info
just a little idea

7 replies

Cultural Quarter Balancing
A few simple changes

2 replies

SICAD prices
So many stupid SICADs

10 replies

Which area needs the most love?
Discussion of the current poll

1 reply

Preventing certain words in player desc
Forced judgments aren't cool!

5 replies

Pivot! Pivot!
Two people "lift"ing together

1 reply

Smokables leaving a scent
Like the Quick Kleens!

2 replies

A small suggestion

6 replies

Adjustable clothing
Slightly adjustable clothing

1 reply

Custom drinks
Similar to how tailors create clothing items...

2 replies

Toss me his head, mano
Using corpses to get through security check points

5 replies

Cloning and Mag-Lev fare.

13 replies

Hide sleepers in the Hab-X coffin room

0 replies

Some IC message when resusitated

0 replies

Tattoo Rules in Char Gen

1 reply

Healing and Damage as phases

1 reply

Transportation to Santa Mara

2 replies

Add a cost to repairing fire damage

0 replies

Radios and @voice

16 replies

Health RP aids

2 replies

Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full!
Garbled talking while eating

11 replies

starting shortdesc
Pick a shortdesc during character creation

0 replies

Contagious yawning
Yawning is contagious!

1 reply

Gender neutral/opposite descriptors

13 replies

Stealthy thrill and moneymaker

9 replies

Pacifists and wusses
Don't always hit back

6 replies

Payment plan for vehicles/New job idea.
Ever want to shot a repoman?

7 replies

Where's it -really- at?

5 replies

Medic Chat
From Town Hall

5 replies

Cyberlimb Ideas
Just some ideas I've had since the Town Hall

0 replies

Art Specialities

56 replies

Enhance the 'time' command

5 replies

Differences in Disguises

1 reply

Tattoo's and nakeds
suggested for town hall

1 reply

Memory mechanic

2 replies

Quick Kleen Tecnnician
New Job Position.

0 replies

Its a pain in the ass...

12 replies

Character Ideas
...hope this is legal

31 replies

Information board

4 replies

for all your kidnapping needs

12 replies

Guns, Science, and Cyberpunk
Why Change is Difficult and This is a Pipe Dream.

2 replies

Immy SIC Shout
Notification of an immy coming in

7 replies

More NPCs
More "average joe" types walking around

5 replies

Default weapons
Getting them into your hand at the appropriate time.

1 reply

NPCs w/hood
Mix NPCs with covered faces

4 replies

Bloody corpse clothes
Spattered blood on slaptjobs' equip

5 replies

Ambient RP Help
How can we best explain the do's and don't's of ambient RP?

14 replies

Canteens filled with alcohol
for all the best alcoholics

4 replies

Lore Pages for @history making!
Helping immigrants start out on the right foot!

0 replies


5 replies

the library
bring it back, new and improved

14 replies

Disguise Slipping Reveals @Naked
Would make RP easier

0 replies

Cred chips
Have more locations take them.

0 replies

boomboxes, radios, MP Lites??

9 replies

Chinese New Year
For the mix, a big party in China Town

2 replies

Web Client disconnect confirmation
Are you sure you want to leave this page?

2 replies

Let's Anonymize Banking
Dark Money Prevails

5 replies

Describe, @Nakeds, and Chargen
Keeping meta and style separate.

17 replies

Watch should accept ordinals

1 reply

Removing Paintings

2 replies

Night Shift
NPCs for day/night shifts at establishments

2 replies

Better "spending UE into skill" prompt
A small thing

17 replies

Written Languages
I have no idea what this says...looks asian?

4 replies

Percentages and Competition
Fifteen points to Hufflepuff!

11 replies

What about them?

36 replies

For all the lady-chars out there

30 replies

Furniture making
player industry

1 reply

Harder Hardie
Making Hardie Hard

8 replies

glance here

0 replies

Human-powered Vehicles
Bicycles, rollerblades, hover boards and Snow Crash planks

9 replies

Omit Wounds From Glance/Look Summary

2 replies

Reset my REM

12 replies

Warning shots
Discharging a firearm

25 replies

Select Multiple Advantages
Reduce how often rerolls are needed

2 replies

any chance of expanding the selection?

8 replies

Extend NPC command list
Why not

0 replies

Encrypted SIC Shortcuts
cep and more

2 replies

Puppet Queue

19 replies

Shorter form for 'stop moving'
That is all

5 replies

Ambient Sound
Optional Ambient Soundtrack

7 replies

@profile ideas
Help players play with each other

5 replies

Node Editing for All!
Expand what being a Grid user means

2 replies

Persistant Rooms in the LIterary Archive

1 reply

Fire damage and graffiti
Always more work!

6 replies

How could it work?

3 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies


17 replies

Corpie NPCs buying drugs
Why not?

2 replies

Where did my wallet go?
Oh, its in your hand!

12 replies

Restrict PVP until background approved
I know, I know

24 replies

Removing items from recipe lists
Because OCD?

3 replies

@OOC commands
Disable 'look'

11 replies

motherfucker/motherfucka/fuck shortdesc
for males

2 replies

Firearm Mod Compatibility on Inspection?

1 reply

@OOC marker

12 replies

Ping the Sic
ditch the spam.

7 replies

Tattoo Rework
Because tattoos will triumph because spam is dumb.

17 replies

Hidden items within inventory
I always keep a shiv in my boot

2 replies

Following the Address

15 replies

Bullet Types
Hollow Point, Armor Piercing, and Rubber. OH MY!

2 replies

Add sug. skills for archtypes in game
They are on the website but not in-game

4 replies

@trust to feed
Trust Action Suggestion

9 replies

Cloth Colors

3 replies

Drug Highs
Am I even high right now?

22 replies

Automatic revival of dead patients?

8 replies

Describe scars that disappear after cloning

3 replies

Fire up the Grid
From Metro to Personals

1 reply

More housing in the mix
keepin it fresh

17 replies

Guards for apartment buildings?

2 replies

Corporate debt
Leaving has a price

1 reply

Model Apartments
Towers on Green showing off their swanky digs!

8 replies

Coded Jobs

35 replies

Emphasizing the divide
Bring more hate between Mixers and Corpies

7 replies

Recycling Chutes

1 reply

Death and you as a player.

3 replies

Beef up the UMC
Its flavor! Where's the taste?

6 replies

Coloring of SIC

0 replies

Get rid of SHI
As a coded mechanic

8 replies

Make Progia-7s shittier
Mixer quality for a Mixer phone

14 replies

are limited

7 replies

Palming items

13 replies

Cyberware and Death
Cut 'em out!

47 replies

not drugs

17 replies

Corpse identification
Implant idea

3 replies

Hacking Chyen

9 replies

Improving the @notes system

6 replies

your food, drink, cigs

14 replies

Voice Mail

5 replies

Voicemail option using Gridphones

3 replies

Chrome from corpses

2 replies

Texas Holdem.

13 replies

*doors open* *make your way out* *doors slide shut* "FUCK"

0 replies

Bartender's tips
Giving the job more of a meaning

2 replies

Anonymous Help
Because why not?

5 replies

Converting UE to CHYEN?

10 replies

Holding Your Phone

4 replies

Labeling other Characters
Who do you know and what do you know them by?

4 replies

@look_place for a room
temporary room details?

10 replies

Combat shortcuts
Faster input

9 replies

VH1 in Whitmore

5 replies

@options lprevert
An option to revert look_place when moving

17 replies

Approach and Backoff

1 reply

Stray Bullets
Automated @idea from in-game

29 replies

How good is YOUR poker face?

11 replies

Prescription glasses and minor sight issues.

11 replies

Degenerating node security
To give more work to deckers

5 replies

The skill system ...

8 replies

More pet commands
Escorting and tricks!

6 replies

Just keep following the watch with your eyes...

14 replies

Deckers Working Together

25 replies

The Guandao [Weapon]
The Martial-Artist's Long-Bladed Savior!

1 reply

Option to hide unspent UE on @stats
I do not want to know!

5 replies

Range in combat
Making distance matter.

11 replies

Listening Devices

3 replies

Obfuscate Character Health
When Uninjured

8 replies

Sleeping In A Seat
Oops! I fell off the bed!

12 replies

Hiding a bomb

5 replies

Customizing Armor and Vehicles

0 replies

Featuresgrading your stat

3 replies

License Plate Stickers
Quick! Cover that License Plate!

2 replies

Mood music
For your apartment or hovel

2 replies

Grapplin' improvements.
Not feeling quite so helpless.

3 replies

Noticing thrown items
Noticing where thrown items come from

2 replies

Chrome from corpses.
Harder to get?

17 replies

Waterproofing Garments
Waxed jeans, scan?

4 replies

get all
When you only want to get all of one thing

0 replies

(Un)installing Furniture!
Customize your apartment!

4 replies


7 replies

Make it Rain
Diverse uses, themely, fun.

7 replies

Like chrome but not

4 replies

Wallet change.
Automating it.

4 replies

Phone chatter.
Say whaaaat?

5 replies

gagging incriptions
hiding incrypted SIC messages

11 replies

Drug withdrawal symptoms.
Requesting a small change.

8 replies

leaving your mark
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Does it exist in this timeline?

6 replies

Digital Ammo Display - Gun Upgrade
Dirty Harry knew

2 replies

Non-alcoholic drinks in bars.

2 replies

All public roleplaying areas *BARS*,
Signal Boosters.

8 replies

Cyber arms
Way of the Iron Fist

1 reply

Releasing of some player side info.
There is stuff we just should know.

23 replies

Should be a suicide flag.

4 replies

Where's the party at? Improvement.

2 replies

SIC Ads and Book Borders
I feel like it's cleaning time

1 reply

Upgraded security
Vehicles shouldn't be the only ones

4 replies

Seating, making it more immersive.

1 reply

Mag-Lev change
Add a button.

36 replies

Making more atmospheric echos.
Just some examples.

3 replies

Vision flags through windows.
He's where, exactly?

0 replies

PC Aliases
Could be more robust

7 replies

Posing with the I command

1 reply

Bringing you the truth - no matter how bad it hurts

12 replies

Cheap chrome chrome
Mixer cyborgs ftw

13 replies

A new posture
I can't think of a good name for it

3 replies

Ear, lip, nipple, nose. Whats the ruling?

11 replies

Portable Drinks
Let me flask you a question.

2 replies

I like this blood thing.
And, it can extend to other things.

5 replies

Kill yourself

5 replies

Delete my account

0 replies

Newbie Helpers
Or some other weird title like that

5 replies

Random NPCs.
City of sixty-five million people.

11 replies

NPC Music groups, genre's, ect.
Kick it up

32 replies

Check quick/lite/streetterm
A simple, but helpful verb.

9 replies

Scream, shriek, howl
It's a monster!

7 replies

I bet you have some beautiful scars.

7 replies

Wringing clothing
Another excuse to remove your shirt.

0 replies

Food and medical procedures
And don't eat or drink anything 24 hours beforehand.

4 replies

For all your dropping needs

1 reply

Markets and 3D space
End up where you should

2 replies

You shall not pass!

7 replies

I miss spoof guys
is this just me?

3 replies

I want to archive my collection

0 replies

Colorful descriptions
Describe the rainbow, taste the rainbow!

7 replies

Sign language

1 reply

Detoxing and You!
Detoxes performed by PCs

5 replies

Stop'n'Drop Booth
You have selected "slow and horrible"

5 replies

Metal Materials
That's *so* brutal!

0 replies

Alas, poor joeboy, I knew him well

1 reply

Player Market
The once in awhile market

1 reply

Wounds and Locations

5 replies

Medical appointments
Pretty simple

3 replies

Vehicle Suggestions

1 reply

Dirty/Clean places
Go clean up your room!

4 replies

Better disguises
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

11 replies

High Fashion
Make it work!

2 replies

Looking at sky
Look at sky command

8 replies

faking it with @look_place isn't always...

5 replies

Rescue Command
Mixers getting shot on your behalf (for a modest fee)

6 replies

More Topside Hangouts
Cafes, icecream, and waffle houses. MAKE IT SO

3 replies

Music Store
Instruments for all!

2 replies

Malls as Markets
Get lost in the Cordoba Mallplex

2 replies

oops you mean that was another person named Bill?

11 replies

Who is there?
@shortdesc while hiding in the shadows

10 replies

Aspiringly average, or mediocrely amateur?

58 replies

Removing player-made SICads

10 replies

Interactable Hotel Rooms
It'd be cool!

11 replies


11 replies

Audible Ambiance
Here's some background ambient sounds for you

2 replies

What skills are used for what actions?

5 replies

Death From Above
Who needs a rifle?

1 reply

Macros and timers
for those times it gets tedious

8 replies

Bounty Hunting
Generated, Player, or Staff-created

4 replies

For when it's time to get the hell out

6 replies

For hidden exits too

4 replies

Police Robots
Enforcement Droids, if you will.

9 replies

Pick only held items for certain verbs
Hard to explain

4 replies

Line-by-Line Text Editing

3 replies

Market mayhem

1 reply

Market Minotaur
Because we can!

3 replies

Burner CredChips
Digital currency is not anonymous...but can it be?

0 replies

We want gangrene!

16 replies

Archetypes Supported/Needed
A Guide to Newbs

12 replies

Why not use volunteers?

4 replies

Mixer Cuisine
Sounding for interest

14 replies

Auto DC Idlers

35 replies

We need them

16 replies

Sleep SICing
is a topic for the Ideas channel!

2 replies

Temporary Room States
Let people know what's going on

5 replies

Player Reportcards
A way for players to get and give staff feedback

16 replies

WJF 10 most wanted list

23 replies

Guest Codes for Doors
One-time use codes for doors

4 replies

Brain/Information Couriers
Ala Johnny Mnemonic

13 replies

Sparring weapons
non-lethal alternatives

10 replies

Open/Closed Exits

5 replies

Appearance vs Charisma
I'm prettier on the inside

21 replies

Bank Balance
With your Progia

8 replies

Tailoring Quality
Stop meta meter-long @desc's.

10 replies

Tea Please?
Alternative drinking in the kitchen

3 replies

Buy and sell

20 replies

Jumping off a roof
while in Combat

16 replies

Please update the timeline?

4 replies

Surprise Round

2 replies

Creation of Weapons

4 replies

@coverage vs. locations
For partial coverages!

11 replies

Different Grades of Chrome
in an ideal world.

2 replies

Haggling between Players
Making Trade work for you..

11 replies

Tweaks for ignoring SIC spam?

7 replies

@trust to follow
Because usually you don't follow from a mile away

18 replies

Need a light?
Light someone's cigarette.

14 replies

Targeted Graffiti Removal
Cause it's not all bad.

0 replies

Guns , ammo, chrome and weapons..
making the mix just a little more dangerous...

5 replies

Glance - like 'look', but just basics
When you only need the gist

18 replies

Firmware update to Progia-11
update the missed called feature to include a DateTime

3 replies

SIC Improvements
Sometimes you don't know if you don't know...

23 replies

Macros with arguments

3 replies

Addiction levels, lines in @stats
Because I wanna see you code more! --Kidding.. kinda..

0 replies


0 replies

Search for
When you've got a stash growing

8 replies

Reverse Lookup

4 replies

Balancing Mixers Vs Corpies
Making Mixers more desiarable

65 replies

Training Weapons?

2 replies

Whats to puts letters into

3 replies

Focal point for less obvious professions
Learning curve is a bitch..

15 replies

Different scabbards
Just find it odd

5 replies

No more freebies!

18 replies

Stat adjective pairs
So you're not in the dark

14 replies

Thermo camera
Little pet peeve

3 replies

Wash the NPC's?
Just once in a while?

5 replies

More donation options?
A few more things to get for what you give!

19 replies

Persistent poses
A treatise on the tyranny of @look_place

4 replies

Starting-area Map

7 replies

E6/E7 Ambiance Echoes

1 reply

More Grid Features
random thoughts

1 reply

When should I eat?

25 replies

Customizing objects & equipment
@redecorate for other things

5 replies

SIC Chatter

8 replies

Voices on Cell Phones
It might just be me...

6 replies

AV Ideas!
Brainstorming for fun

1 reply

Transfer Statements
Shouldn't we have an account summary?

2 replies

Another reason to hate technology!

4 replies

NPC Gangs
Unbalanced 'terf'

41 replies

Tech Scrubber
Recycling is good for you and the mix.

2 replies

Evaluate Player idea

2 replies

Another level of SIC encryption
Obscures your alias as well

33 replies

Clean Up Work Spaces
Fuller Med Op Room Needs Cleaning

7 replies

Golf Carts, Mopeds, Bikes
we all just want to get around.

19 replies

Referall program
Incentives to spread the word...

2 replies

Impulse Buy leads to lots o flash

6 replies

Pirate Broadcast
Subvert the Man!

3 replies

Two Bedroom Apartments
Because sometimes people live together and don't have sex

9 replies

Additional Phone functionality

3 replies

Make your clothing brand stand out.
Custom Material or Accessories.

0 replies

You know. Like walking but faster.

7 replies

Cup For Dice
Becouse we all love Chō-Han and Mia

0 replies

Examining items for sale
Lets help noobies a little

1 reply

@notes - improvements

1 reply

Drunken Fist
New MA/Brawling style

2 replies

'my' adjective for specifying objects
The one on the table or the one in your hand?

5 replies

Skywatch Weather
It should do the temp too.

2 replies

Macros - expanded functionality

3 replies

Small, Medium, and Large Canvasses
Which one is juuuuuust right?

2 replies

SD Hardcore
Just for kicks, special event

2 replies

Scooters / mopeds
Not everyone's cool enough for a motorbike

4 replies

Brief descriptions when looking

2 replies

Change of color in text while driving

4 replies

Moar Dreams
infinite idea #456,212,444,633,200

4 replies

Bug commenting
Because we're testers too!

0 replies

Controlling drones/robots/other machines remotely

0 replies

To replace the current Dermal

0 replies

Forensics and damage

0 replies

Grid Working
No ability to Moderate?

0 replies

Street-side Sit in Restaurants

2 replies

Movies and such
A new major part of the pop culture of Withmore City

0 replies

Extended Newbie Protection
Only to be applied to new Players

10 replies

Prolonging death.

0 replies

Clothing, meat shields and hostages
Bunch of stuff I thought of.

1 reply

Hooray drugs!

3 replies

Add on to the Police Forces of Withmore city

4 replies

Teaching, learning, books
Share your knowledge!

5 replies


0 replies


1 reply

Material scavenging
let's make it interesting

6 replies

Car Bomb
Not the good kind.

3 replies

Dress like the corporate plebeian you are.

1 reply

Voting xsocial
Because everyone loves to spam xsocials.

0 replies

Weapons, Disguising and NPCs
Venting Idea

0 replies

Weapons, Disguising and NPCs
Venting Idea

11 replies

Clothing Wearing Styles

5 replies

Tools for abduction.
Well, usable tools.

5 replies

Negatives to Charisma
Motivation to bathe.

3 replies

Open Air Markets
Appraise vs. Inspect

4 replies

A little greeting.

0 replies

The frackin' Grid (IDEA THREAD)
Just... ugly, man. Fixes?

1 reply

Return of Ramming
More functionality to cars.

1 reply

Forensics on live bodies

1 reply

Cybernetic Eyes
Room descriptions

0 replies

Sing Command
Because why the hell not

1 reply

Entry-level labs
for people who aren't filthy rich

6 replies

High-tech fabric technologies
clothing that does more than just look good

1 reply

Koi & Duo Model Years
New Models

1 reply

Cutting Drugs
Second Verse, same as the first

13 replies

Delivering Crates

12 replies

Social status and clothing
Adding a more divided atmosphere

2 replies

Food degredation
and stuff

13 replies

Memory System Improvements
I don't need to know that anymore...

2 replies

How well does that armor protect

0 replies

@see-thru and adjustable coverage
always room for improvement

0 replies

Archetype Exploration
Giving the new guy a taste of what they can do..

2 replies

Electronic Degradation
If cars and weapons break, why can't tech break too?

5 replies

The web client
Cause I multitask a lot

0 replies

The web client
Cause I multitask a lot

0 replies

Time Clock

1 reply

How they affect you and your ROPL.

5 replies

just what -does- it affect ?

2 replies

Customizable guns?
completely aesthetic

4 replies

Mix Life? Pfft. Corpie Life!
Quality of Life for those that can afford it.

22 replies

Two skills in one

3 replies

Edged Weapons
And melee weapons.

0 replies


10 replies

Voice on phone
Gender, at least.

10 replies

Adjusting disguises
Instead of completely removing them.

1 reply

banking over the grid
like we could do in 2002

2 replies

Not the shitty TV show

4 replies

Supporting skills via automated jobs
For when everyone in the mix already has a silencer

5 replies

Canvas to Digital Whiteboard

3 replies

Parkour Skill

1 reply

@Name and you.
A way I think will help add a little immersion.

6 replies

Random slang definititions.
Beyond the @who

3 replies

Stuff IC

9 replies

Drug labs
Vaccines and Venom

2 replies

Courier work
A very simple, but noticeable improvement

27 replies

Tactical Gear/ Custom Armour
Not from scratch custom armour, just customiseable

10 replies

Material weight
and custom clothing

4 replies

How much is left?

2 replies

append to e-note entry?

4 replies

Green Library
The library being down

22 replies

Reveal command.
Those pesky disguises!

3 replies

Keeping our streets clean
Those pesky street sleepers!

0 replies

Language barrier
And names

0 replies

Newbie Chat > OOC chat.
A new way of doing it.

9 replies

Bak-Bak Baka!
Firing off shots

8 replies

Sedative Syringes
For those times when a baka won't shut up...

2 replies

A whole new world.

5 replies

Download Dues
a thpught..

4 replies

UE For voting

9 replies

Custom clothing tailor
NPC tailors

7 replies

This week on NLM...
Tv show ideas, games etc.

1 reply


3 replies

Redwards for being a good person
UE for your good deeds!

24 replies

Immigration Package

16 replies

Even news correspondants get dispatched.

2 replies

The RolePlaying Awards
Fuck the Oscars, we want a blood red carpet

0 replies


0 replies

Running Man
Three rounds, three days, thousands of chyen.

24 replies

Ideas to improve chargen
And the Noobi Hendrix Experience

18 replies

things to carry things in
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Ankle holsters
And other gunfuckery

0 replies

Another way to gain.

11 replies

Suggested changes to luck

7 replies

Changes to ammunition

1 reply

Corpie project/work system
...telling you what to do

6 replies

SIC in the Mix

2 replies

Deathball Betting

1 reply

And cardiac arrest

2 replies

hacks, warez, etc.

8 replies

Firearms that fit the era

77 replies

Prison in SD
I know..I know...

30 replies

Earned Experience and Tasks

29 replies


1 reply

Badlands and SIC

4 replies

Photos off Security Cameras
We have the technology.

1 reply

What? No colors?

0 replies

Surplus & Shit inventory

4 replies

Tattoos and "look target"

0 replies

Vending Machines
Restocking Troubles

3 replies

Pets n stuff
some ideas on a cool new thing.

18 replies

Keyword Search
list objects with similar keyword

12 replies

Credchip cracker
coded and IC

22 replies

Duel Wielding
Automated @idea from in-game

12 replies

Recording phone conversations
Automated @idea from in-game

10 replies

Thermos and hiding
something that I've thought about for awhile

29 replies

missing skillsofts
Am I crazy/totally not seeing this or....

6 replies

Variable Hide
Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

clothing %color extension

1 reply

Saturday night fire fight
bring it back!

10 replies

Just call me the Cleaner
Evidence removal in SD

6 replies

Ambient SIC Conversations
More than one-liners.

2 replies

Body Mods
why no piercing paraphernalia?

14 replies

Business Phone Numbers
Forward them to gridphones

2 replies

Topical Damage And Cybernetic Limbs
Aww shit! My hand, my fucking hand!

6 replies

Tattoo flash
see something you like??

6 replies

gun de-mod
i dont want this fuckin scope!

1 reply

Things that go BOOM!
And their little cousins that go bang.

10 replies

Appointment books
it's kinda hard to get ahold of some people

8 replies

Modes of Fire
Automated @idea from in-game

15 replies

new cyberwere
that would frickin rock

1 reply

Drunk Driving
Is What I like to Do. I like Drunk Driving with You.

10 replies

Long arm of the Raw
Close enough to whipe for you.

12 replies

Escape from Withmore
Who names their child Snake...really...

7 replies

custom trips?
for custom drugs

1 reply

No Smoking
Ultra-petty crimes.

7 replies

All tied up!
Ye feckin' sod get'es zippie off'me rookers!

15 replies

pocketDoc chemical analyzer
more bang for your buck

1 reply

Add new places to cabbie/driver navigation
What the fock yu nah know war dat pless be?

0 replies

Here's your closeup baby!
Closeup shot using eyepods

1 reply

Corpsec and you.
Why you can't just walk into any building in a balaklava.

39 replies

Surviving the Badlands
Shelters, Water Extraction, Badlanders, etc.

9 replies

Samurai or African Militant
You call'at a soar'd?

12 replies

Taxicab stand

6 replies

Where can I sleep!!!

1 reply

Am On TV

8 replies

rearrange order

8 replies


2 replies

No don't throw that!

3 replies

More WJF Authority
Any ideas?

56 replies

Sleeping Death

98 replies

checkups, tuneups, and more!

7 replies

The great outdoors.
You wanna get high?  Smoke this brain.

14 replies

Hacking Your Dreams
Welcome to your nightmare...

3 replies

Inspect the Quality of Modded Goods

3 replies

News Feed
Flood the newslines with all your creative trash!

16 replies

Automated corporate economy
Industrial robots, delivery trucks, sec guards!

9 replies

SIC Darknets

7 replies

Rocket Propelled Grenades
And their launchers, too!

11 replies

NK Personal Video Recorder

2 replies

Customizing vehicles ala @messages
Fun for the whole family.

2 replies

And stuff

4 replies

Rampage MOO Mini Games
Wee.. more then just killing zombies?

5 replies

decks of cards
coded ones that is

5 replies

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
And I'm free...freefalling...

34 replies

...just got gory

0 replies

Meeting sorta thing

9 replies

Skillsofts & You

2 replies

Ethicol Pumps
What do you think?

4 replies

More taxi stops
make them cabbies know a little more about the city.

3 replies

wearable add-on
this is a bit odd, and I've mentioned it before

3 replies

Progia-11 features
two come to mind

4 replies

'examine me' + help
for the sake of new players

4 replies

Roaming Platforms
ACD's Roam The Dome!

1 reply

Cybernetics Insurance
I risk sounding like I'm whining...

5 replies

Dreaming about NPC intelligence
It's how they respond...

5 replies

Water and containers.
Containers are useful!

1 reply

Communication By Line of Sight
Emergency Flares and Mirrorshades OH MY!

10 replies


11 replies

New characters and Languages
Diversifying Red district

3 replies

8 missed calls?

1 reply

Entrances and Exits.
And no, not like the one yer mom has.

3 replies

'Watch'ing You
A stalker's dream come true

4 replies

Car Bombs
Welcome to boomtown.

6 replies


6 replies

Living in luxery.

3 replies

Bet it up
Money where your mutt is

2 replies

WJF Medic

2 replies

Weapons and armour
Yes armour, it has a u in it, damn you.

7 replies

graveyards and burial
Automated @idea from in-game

13 replies

Look At (so and so) on TV

5 replies

Edit Commands

0 replies

...and the fact they can't see squat.

8 replies

Skills and UE
Automated @idea from in-game

14 replies


3 replies

Just a thought

6 replies

ala strange days

4 replies engine
Vroom Vroom

2 replies

Lap Dances
Oh my!

1 reply

Gun changes?
and additions

39 replies

For better or worse

20 replies

SIC in room title
and other shits

2 replies

Quickdraw gets pwned

4 replies

WJF Supply
perhaps it's time to take another look at it?

3 replies


8 replies

Bank Accounts
Transfer it all to this account or else!

5 replies

Ambience for RED
A hellzone as it should be...

9 replies

Cruisers and you.

13 replies


3 replies

Fueling Station
Where to put it.

8 replies

I just had a great one!
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Busy Schedules
Just throwing some random ideas in.

3 replies

Anonymous Transfers

0 replies

Things this place should have...
Admin beware...coding involved.

31 replies

Prophecy and You!
Nostradamus for Beginners

1 reply

For your dirty magazines...

3 replies

Cute and fuzzy they are not...

7 replies

he's wearing a wire!

8 replies

Speciality weapons

7 replies

Withmore Realty

2 replies

Bah, stop harassing me, come tomorrow or something.
When exactly is tomorrow?

3 replies

Book of law in the HOJ
De laww

1 reply

what they need

9 replies

Coup de gr�ce
Die with Honor.

2 replies

stun guns/mace

4 replies

WJf issue grenades

1 reply

Sleep Kill Warning
(Y)es or (N)o

22 replies

Better banking...
Improvements to the banking system

3 replies

GPS in cars and the like
Where are we?

1 reply

Database Terms
No, wait, hear me out on this

3 replies

Delivery crates
Automated @idea from in-game

20 replies

Clone Notes
Just a thought

9 replies

Stim Patches
And the like

7 replies

Lockers for rent
Automated @idea from in-game

17 replies

RP Clinic
Like an intensive study.

4 replies

Corporate ID
"do you -really- work for security?"

2 replies

Cell/Grid Phones

10 replies


5 replies


17 replies

Gang rides
and other shite

6 replies

Kruise Kontrol
Be out! Be out! Be out! Be out!

1 reply

Up and ATOM!

0 replies

Simple cosmetics

5 replies

Sports in Withmore?
Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

Clothing on GREEN
Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

A few suggestions...

27 replies

Clearing / Cutting the receipt on shops
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Driving Jobs
So you take 3rd over to the 18th bridge...

9 replies

Musical Instruments
Play it again, Sam!

9 replies

Doctors, Death, Resuscitation

8 replies

Ninjas and Petticoats
you laugh...bastards

22 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

9 replies

ANSI colors in descriptions?
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

There goes the neighborhood
expansion of the SD areas

0 replies

Typos in helpfiles
Automated @idea from in-game

10 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Cube doors
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Cars and stuff
Automated @idea from in-game

15 replies

Set Phone to Vibrate me again

2 replies

Cigarette burn-out
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Jumping the turnstile
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Thermos and Streets
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Construction work
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

katas for martial_arts
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Grappling and Doors
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Drive by
as opposed to the walk by

12 replies

Alerting people in an adjoined room of your presence
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

what you can, and can't do.

20 replies

Spraypaint Vending Machines
Automated @idea from in-game

14 replies

I gots the GPS and um...

4 replies

NEW SKILL: Outdoorsman
We're dfropping you into the andes naked

2 replies

I mean...really..watching

22 replies

NPC Judges.
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

New Skill: Acrobatics
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Tell when peopel are blocking exits
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Complimentary Matches
With every pack of ciggarettes...

4 replies

Siphon, siphon, siphon!
Vehicles, fuel drums, fuel cans, gas pumps..

11 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

it's like a basket for bits
Cryo coolers

2 replies

Temporarily Altering the Coverage Status of Armor on the Fly
Automated @idea from in-game

21 replies

Lotto system
rags to riches

4 replies

Dunna dunna dunna dunna.. BATMAN!
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Ops, locate that scum bag
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Peeking through doors.
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Organ transplant
Is this my hand? Or is it your hand? No wait it is my hand..

4 replies

High tech clothes.
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Food in the cafeteria
Automated @idea from in-game

8 replies

Conditions advanced

4 replies

grouped @nakeds
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Napalm Soccer, anyone?

4 replies

Last call

8 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

16 replies

The Mini Fridge

1 reply

Gym (for martial-arts)

8 replies

Multiple Drinks
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Random Thoughts

17 replies

Bodily functions?
hunger, thirst, sleep, bathroom facilities

4 replies

Giving chars casts for broken bones
bone > snappy > cast > happy! yes

3 replies

Material stuff.

11 replies

Here boy!
Those loud whistlings...

1 reply

Kickin down the doors
Automated @idea from in-game

30 replies


0 replies

How about a river thing?
Waterm, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

11 replies

An easier solution...

20 replies

Judge Taxi
I need backup, and a ride...

5 replies

Non-stashable, or Mutiple hold itmes.
I know some already exist.

4 replies

jobs for the wageslaves

6 replies

One time use medical equipment.
Automated @idea from in-game

10 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

21 replies

lazy bums
Automated @idea from in-game

43 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

11 replies

Guns N Ammo
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies


3 replies

Remote control doors.
Automated @idea from in-game

13 replies

Foot cuffs.
Automated @idea from in-game

10 replies

Driver do this, driver do that

9 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Taxi service
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Pedestrians in Express tubes
Confused I am

7 replies

Ability/Skill checks
Doing something that's not coded with ease

0 replies

Withmore City Day
Party on!

7 replies

Throwing Items
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

File off Serial numbers
For Guns

7 replies

Money Pass

18 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Language notification
Automated @idea from in-game

18 replies

More interactiveness on tvs
just some thoughts

9 replies

Ordering Terminal for stuff
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Skill boosting
Skills helping skills on specific checks

4 replies

Sneeking in windows
B and E

7 replies

Caller ID
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Wooden Bokken
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Browsing SIC ads
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Throwing items off a roof
I wanna do it

8 replies

Purple OOC hold messages!

2 replies

Fresh gear
Calling Dick Tracy

1 reply

Cash On Delivery
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

they disguise you too.

6 replies

Make it easier for newbies
not too easy, but not infuriating

7 replies

Got gas?

4 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Advanced searching.
Automated @idea from in-game

9 replies

Ideas- More than one
That's plural Kyle.

0 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Lockers at Genetek
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Node Permissions
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Drop all of something

5 replies

shooting guns into the air
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Cleaning rooms
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

make maps OOC for newbies.
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies


1 reply

Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

I want my money back

1 reply

handcuffed briefcases
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

room description changes
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Auto Revive..
For level 12 casters

4 replies

Carnal thoughts.
it'd be nice if..

5 replies

mag lev
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

chex taxi sic ad.
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Stealing from the market.
hey, where'd that go.

7 replies

Co-op carry
Will you help me with this, it's f'en heavy?

1 reply

Tattooing Unconcious Persons
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

something I've been considering.

8 replies

The digital enhancment thereof

3 replies

Musical Instruments
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

hey, ya' missed something.

0 replies

RP and Grid locations
where the hell is everyone???

2 replies

case-insensitive input
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

cubes, apts, and the like

4 replies

a strip club without a pole?
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

A good way to be IC

6 replies

Public Phones
I've had this idea for a while...

11 replies

Oversized items.
And how they don't belong in your pockets.

6 replies

Knocking On Vehicles
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

-Very- slow burning.
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

All you CP Artists

2 replies

Bank Accounts
Going for secrecy...

2 replies

Bar tables
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

26 replies

espically swords

10 replies

Ski masks
Automated @idea from in-game

17 replies

smokin' cigs
Automated @idea from in-game

8 replies

Drunken Boxing as a form of martial arts
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Combat Streamlining
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Auto-Closing Doors
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

I'm marked for life
drugs, they aren't THAT bad

10 replies

RP Notification

9 replies

Beautiful Cars

16 replies

Speeders and SpeederBikes!!!
things that go swoosh and b00m!!!!

12 replies

functionable sinks/washrooms
Automated @idea from in-game

8 replies

body bags!
You stuff your corpse into the bag...

17 replies

Construction skill?
Automated @idea from in-game

16 replies

Them Crappy Packages!
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

SHFL goes to hollywood!
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

You can have your cake
and eat it too!

1 reply

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

20 replies

Cigarettes and fire
Automated @idea from in-game

10 replies

Musical Instruments
a-one, a-two, a-one two three four...

7 replies

Being robbed by the game
Automated @idea from in-game

12 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Of Clothing and Charisma

8 replies

Increase the @hate!
I @hate you!

2 replies

death tube
Automated @idea from in-game

19 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Tyger Autocannon
folly #2

2 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

look from the market
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Cubes and Peering
Automated @idea from in-game

18 replies

Prop weapons.
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Cost of Items

7 replies

Thievery Addendum
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

Table Talk command
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

"Down" drugs?
Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Help files
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

palm computers
Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

@naked eyes is
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

the A-Train
as opposed to the f-train?

2 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

cell phones
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Newbie Help
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

In a land without Brita...
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Go home
Automated @idea from in-game

14 replies

Newbie Help

7 replies

@where the hell are all the people?
Hmm, kinda lonely tonight

21 replies

Limit to the length of a description including clothing and accessories
Automated @idea from in-game

19 replies

More items to add

1 reply

SIC accounts terminals
Places to pay

3 replies

OOC Communication
Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

and redecoration

4 replies

Garnering wages
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Sex distinction when talking on the phone
Automated @idea from in-game

13 replies

Turnstile mayhem
Automated @idea from in-game

11 replies

Funcam pics
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Combine a few ideas and ...
cortex bombs and removable SICs

7 replies

Cortex Bombs
Murphy got me thinking ...

23 replies

Where am I to sit...

11 replies

Maglev Cards
Automated @idea from in-game

9 replies

Some sort of terminal in TERRA
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

I don't like you so ...
Attitude from NPCs

6 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Crusin in style.
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

time on NLM
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Choosing which cube to rent

1 reply

Judge uniforms as disguise
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Sewer Sharks
New monster for the sewers.

17 replies

Chargen nakeds
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

mmm.... chloroform....

0 replies

rat catcher...
i want a club

4 replies

Items stolen when store owners missing
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

search and hiding

14 replies


3 replies

New @social

11 replies

Critical, Specials and Fumbles

4 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Tasty and Flavourful!
what kind of Soyanaut nut are you?!

10 replies

sic acivity light
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Look Place
Automated @idea from in-game

11 replies

yeah ok, I'm lost...

4 replies

Multiple drink/food ordering
Hey Rychek I want a scotch and a cinnamon kiss for the lady

0 replies

You know those little canteens with scotch...

0 replies

I just got some new quickterms from my...conection

0 replies

Training gloves

4 replies

NLM Directory
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Lost N' Found type thing at WCS
claim your dead belongings

7 replies

Japanese Cuisine
food / drinks needed

4 replies

Non-lethal ammo
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Hotels and restaurants

4 replies

New Jobs ideas...
I know you want one too...

0 replies


3 replies

Flashlights extended...
alternative ways into holding and using flashlights

12 replies

What if we could...

1 reply

More interactive clothing!
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies


0 replies

Missing Donuts
where they go

3 replies

WJF Recon Hover-Orbs(whatever)
Mobile remote controlled cameras/recon

5 replies

dropall a freehands companion
Dropping held items instead of stashing them...

5 replies


39 replies

SICAD Modification
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies


10 replies

Tac-comps and SIC ID's
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

More clothing stuff
I'm bein' nice :D

3 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

A variety of things kicking about in my head
Ideas aplenty

6 replies

New alias for bottles and cans
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Automated @idea from in-game

36 replies

Just a thought.
On the way we smoke that is.

1 reply

Leaving Messages
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

More ethnic backgrounds
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Speech System Addendum
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Random SIC
The ambient population at work

5 replies

Retnal scanners
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

Feet in the door
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Environment Changing Drugs
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Two Ideas
eavesdropping/perception, and characteristic gestures

6 replies

A Simple Grammatical Suggestion
with poses

4 replies

I want more options dang it!....Please

6 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

9 replies

It's a clear as a telephone box is red... Honest.
Beware the hooded goldfish.

3 replies

Finding stuff in markets.
Automated @idea from in-game

3 replies

See above

5 replies

Not that kind you perv

1 reply

Stinky stuff

1 reply

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Thoughs on Afterthoughts

2 replies

Skill Reversal
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Coffins Glitch?
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

SHI workplace
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

Adding an exit
Sense Net pod room

0 replies

Mag-lev Card
I am not mad... honest.

10 replies

give people an estimate timeframe for history-approval.
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Item 'kicking'
Automated @idea from in-game

9 replies


9 replies

oh the potential!

5 replies

IC memory after being cloned?
Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

ninja rope!

1 reply

Advertisements for NLM boards

3 replies

Fines and Permits
Automated @idea from in-game

0 replies

*click* *click* Oh, shit..

3 replies

Rent and things.
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Knowledge is key
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Door plackards.
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Shopping chummer style
Getting your four basic food groups

0 replies

Well guys carry wallets

15 replies

Voice mail system for Cell phones
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Watch command
Automated @idea from in-game

7 replies

Blades & Bikes
human power....

5 replies

Dome Pizza
Fresh to your door

1 reply

Bomb Disposal
Automated @idea from in-game

4 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Disposable Generation
the paper cell

0 replies

MEMO to staff

0 replies

the media

0 replies

New Client?
Alpha, Beta and 1.0

1 reply

And other digital companions

4 replies

Of corpses and firearms
A poetic look at violence in urban environments

2 replies

Be cool to have, 'nuff said

1 reply

Slip notes or photos under a door.
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Some junk..
I'd like to see

6 replies

Its a chargen thing.

0 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

9 replies

Disconning in SHI
Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

1 reply

Bigass elevators, whee.

11 replies

Grunen's needs MORE DRINKS DAMNIT! Sake for sure. Wine as well.
Automated @idea from in-game

5 replies

Automated @idea from in-game

2 replies

on pose.
Automated @idea from in-game

6 replies

Goodies for us to play with

8 replies