Instead of having immy greeter be a job, it should be something everyone after a playing a certain amount of time - maybe three months, maybe more - can do as a side gig. Players that greet someone then get paid if the player is still active after two weeks and again at four. There would possibly be a cap on the number of payouts you can get. I think this would accomplish a few things:
1) In my mind, the difference between an enjoyable Sindome experience and one that's not as enjoyable is one's character having friends. Immy greeters are not going to be able to remain friends with all of the immies that they greet. However, if many more character are doing immy greeting as a part time gig, they can remain friends with the immies they greeted, and the relationship can be more than one that spans a couple days when they get on their feet.
2) This system would prioritize player retention. No one is going to want to play Sindome if all they can do is do the basic automated immy job, find a place to stay, and avoid the obviously dangerous areas. A longer term relationship, incentivized by payouts only when the player is retained at two and four weeks, will give greeters an incentive to teach their immies more and get them involved in more things.
3) This would give immies a chance to get involved in a faction/enterprise/scheme or whatever else the greeter is involved in off the bat. Maybe the immy doesn't take it, but it at least gives that immy an easy option for something to get involved in.
4) My understanding is that greeting is very thankless work involves pouring in a lot of effort into people that end up not playing the game. This might be easier if we spread the burden around a bit.
5) To the extent a character does not want to work for the organization that pays immy greeters, this gives a player a chance to contribute while getting a little extra chy for their efforts.