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The Timeline - Future's History
It's taken an extraordinary series of events to get to where things are in 2110. Countries have fallen, technology has advanced too far and corporations are their own kingdoms. Read up to understand just how bad things have gotten. And don't forget to check out the global map of 2102!
Attention! The horrible things that have happened in the world throughout the Sindome Timeline should not be a template for your character's actions. We do NOT accept racist or bigoted roleplay or conduct.
The millennium comes and cults around the world who predicted the end of the world prove to be wrong. 1 million are dead the morning after in the wake of riots, suicides, and general crime that runs uncontrolled across the globe on New Years Eve.
Seraph I, the International Space Station, has been manned for 8 months now. Plans for a second Seraph station are planned, and the project is dubbed the International Seraph Project.
In a surprise move, China invades North Korea, absorbing the region into the greater whole of what the world is beginning to call the Chinese Empire. In response, the United States of America unilaterally invades and annexes Taiwan. International tensions increase to levels well beyond anything experienced at the height of the Cold War.
A rash of terrorist attacks spring up in China and around the world, as embassy after embassy is attacked with car bombs and suicide bombers. The United Nations calls for a peace talk between China and the United States
For the first time in human history the permafrost of Northern Canada and Russia remain thawed for over a year. Climate analysts panic and scientists begin the Global Earth Meteorological Project, or GEM Project.
Great Britain joins the European Economic Union, making it the largest developed free market economy on the planet.
Tribal and cultural divisions in Africa reach a frantic level as colonial impact finally explodes in mass riots, revolutions, and revolts. Multinational companies flee the continent en-mass as cultural and tribal states war across the entire continent. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen form the Arab Economic and Religious Union, or the AERU, fusing under a theocratic government and economy in an attempt keep pace with the ECC.
The UN attempts for a short period to bring peace keeping troops into the African continent by moving the largest single peace keeping force into the Zambia Region. The attempt is disastrous, culminating in the Zambia Massacre, in which a joint Canadian, American, British, and French peace-keeping force opened fire on a protesting group of Ama-Nazarites. Instantly the situation exploded. Within half an hour the peace keeping force was swamped and all members were killed, resulting in the loss of 3400 Canadian, 5000 American, 1200 British, and 980 French troops. Over 75,000 African civilians were killed. The event leaves Canada with virtually no mobilized military force.
A series of off season hurricanes sweep up the eastern coast of American and Canada, causing massive devastation to every coastal city. The economic damages are so severe that Canada appeals to the world at large for economic aid. Three large multinational corporations offer to assist in the rebuilding in return for unlimited mining and oil rights in Western Canada. The Canadian government agrees, against the wishes of the people, and the commonwealth of Canada fragments into the Free Republic of Western Canada and The Commonwealth of Canada. Rebuilding is slow and both new states have massive economic problems. In turn the multinationals demand economic provisions, gaining a firm and unshaking foothold in the Commonwealth of Canada.
After almost three years of research the GEM Project releases its findings. Global Warming projections from the late 1980's and early 1990's were false, the situation was far worse than expected. The GEM Project estimated a global increase of mean temperatures in excess of 25% within 100 years, and an increase in ocean levels of up to 120 feet in depth due to pack ice melts and water expansion. Governments around the world ignore the report, and fossil fuel consumption increases at an alarming rate.
The top five media companies on the globe, including Turner Broadcasting and the BBC, merge in the single largest corporate merger in history. Governments around the world refuse to sanction the merger, and refuse to allow the corporation to maintain its corporate status. In retaliation, the newly formed media conglomerate known as 'Trans-Global Media' shuts 80% of global communication satellites off, resulting in a communications black out on a global scale. Within hours all nations re-instate the new mega-corporation's licenses.
The United Nations officially recognizes Chinese rule over Tibet.
In the wake of the creation of Trans-Global Media, corporate mega mergers occur at an astonishing rate. Massive multinational mega-corporations begin to appear on a massive level in all sectors of the economy. The period becomes known as the Age of Mergers.
The Age of Mergers continues. In a flurry of mergers and purchases Mitsubishi, the largest corporation in Japan, combines with Honda, Fujitsu, Hyundai, as well as over half a dozen other major Japanese companies ranging from electronics to food production merge to form Honda-Mitsu Incorporated, the worlds largest manufacturing and power production mega-corporation.
In response to the emergence of Honda-Mitsu Incorporated, Nokia begins a daring set of mergers and acquisitions. Within a month Nokia has combined with over 150 small to medium sized corporations, forming Matahashi Industries, a massive electronics corporation who's only domestic rival is Honda-Mitsu Incorporated.
American firms jump into the age of mergers but on a much smaller scale as optical giant Eastman Kodak merges with the small bio-optical research firm Nito Research Ltd. Nito agrees to the merger due to cash flow problems inherent in their thirty-nine outstanding patent requests. Thirteen patents are approved the day after the merger, with the remaining patents granted within two weeks. Affiliates of Trans-Global Media immediately allege government corruption at the US patent office.
Partially borne of a desire to modernize, and partly over a lack of viable male heirs, the Japanese Government adopts cognatic primogeniture for the Imperial Throne.
A Chinese investigation finds evidence that the terrorist bombings of its embassies over five years earlier may have been funded by the CIA. In an enraged speech to the United Nations, the Chinese representative calls for a full UN investigation into the bombings. The United Nations, under pressures from the massive Chinese population agree.
Russia refuses to join the ECC for the third time.
Violence on the African continent finally begins to decrease as colonial and imperial states are dissolved and new borders are re-drawn based on traditional tribal borders. The over five years of constant warfare have drastically de-populated the African continent, bringing populations down to UN accepted levels, leaving China and India the largest populations on the planet.
China invades Myanmar and Cambodia.
In a surprise third quarter move, the majority of insurance companies in the United States merge to form International Securities Incorporated.
China invades Vietnam.
China invades Thailand. In response to the increased military threat presented by China, India invades Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka under the guise of military protection. Both China and India attempt to take over Laos in a bloody conventional land based battle in the dense jungle. The overwhelming numbers of Chinese military troops force India out of the country, leaving it under Chinese rule.
Japan signs the Tokashawi Treaty with China to avoid invasion. As part of the treaty China opens itself up to Japan as an economic market for goods and products. In return, Japan begins to sell high technology to the Chinese people. Enraged by this, the United States place a full embargo on Japan. The Japanese quietly expel all American forces from Japanese soil, and initiate the Japanese Defense Force, the most technologically advanced military force in the world.
The majority of Africa unite to form the Collective Nations of Africa, a unique economic and political union based on traditional tribal structures common to the majority of the entering nations. Within weeks over 90% of African nations are members.
The United Nations undergoes a massive reformation and set the European Union, The CNA, China, The AERU, Russia and Australia as the Security Council. The US representative storms out of the UN.
The United Nations committee set to investigate the terrorist bombings of Chinese embassies in the early part of the decade present to the United Nations their findings which show that the CIA, under orders from the United States Government, was responsible for the bombings and terrorist acts. In response, the Security Council expels the United States from the United Nations. The UN moves to Geneva as a temporary location.
The United Nations builds a new headquarters in Sydney, Australia.
The United States lifts its trade embargo on Japan due to economic shortages.
The Russian Mafia attempts to form a corporate entity within the Russian state, and fails.
A string of assassinations within Russia occur. The Russian Mafia attempts for the second time to form a corporate entity, and is successful.
The Chinese, backed by United Nations troops, move in and take Taiwan from American control.
A joint project between Japan, China, and the CNA is announced, with plans to colonize the Moon to provide a launch station for further exploration within the solar system.
Alfred Senley creates a program that turns the current Internet into a full graphical experience based on numeric equations. Matrix 1.0 begins taking the net by storm. By the end of the year, every computer ships with it installed.
The Jenna X project perfects the human cloning process. Right-wing terrorists bomb the project compound in Australia, but fail to kill the clone, Jenna, who flees to New York.
In a surprise military move the Chinese move into Mongolia and up to 15 miles into Russia in selected areas, claiming it all as Chinese soil.
A new company forms in France called Neural-Net, and begin to explore the possibility of direct neural connectivity to the Matrix and other electronic systems.
Pakistan joins the AERU, in response India threatens to cut all trade to AERU nations.
Israel falls under attack by AERU forces. After fifteen days of bloody conflict, Jerusalem is captured, and Israel is divided into the states of Hebron and Palestine, with Jerusalem being set up as a free city-state much like the Vatican in Rome, with a council representing Jewish, Muslim, Palestinian, and Christian interests.
The British Motor Company purchases the flagging Ford and GMC automotive companies, moving manufacturing out of the United States and into Mexico, The Republic of Canada, and into select CNA nations.
China forces Japan to join it in a trade embargo against the United States. The US is powerless to stop it, as its military is dwarfed by the massive Chinese army, and the high-tech weaponry provided by the Japanese.
The United States, due to massive debt load and unemployment, are forced to back out of the Seraph project. Corporations from around the world purchase portions of the Seraph project. The CNA steps in to assist the Seraph project, building a state of the art launching center in central Africa.
South America and Central America form the Latin Trade Collective, or the LTC.
Neural-Net Incorporated solves the problems between neural connectivity and the Matrix, and begin selling early model Neural Network Interface Chips. The Matrix is instantly transformed into a fully immersive environment.
The Chinese move large numbers of troops into what was once known as Laos. In response India moves massive numbers of troops towards the region.
India launches a nuclear missile strike against key points in the former Laos, hoping to wipe out a large portion of the Chinese military. Aging Soviet detection equipment, unmanned and forgotten in the wastes of Siberia and along the Pakistani border is triggered, launching volleys of missiles at the sources of the Indian launches. Thinking the attack is from Pakistan, India immediately retaliates. Nuclear 'domino effect' continues across southwest Asia toward the Mediterranean Sea. Most of southwest Asia and the Middle East are reduced to radioactive slag.
The world economy grinds to a halt in the aftermath of the nuclear disaster.
Japanese Emperor Akihito dies, leaving the throne to Crown Prince Naruhito. According to tradition, he is posthumously renamed to Emperor Heisei after the period of his rule, and the November 29th becomes the first day of Eiwa period in Japan.
The LTC joins the United Nations Security Council.
Due to the drop in world oil supply, and the Chinese embargo, the United States economy completely fails. Martial Law is declared as riots break out all over the country.
A massive earthquake of unheard of levels strikes southern California, and a sudden and massive tectonic shift occurs in which half of southern California drops below sea level, and half slides northward into Oregon. All across the west coast volcanic activity increases dramatically, resulting in the destruction of Portland.
Jenna becomes spokeswoman for Genetek Revival, a small upstart of a company offering new chances to its clients through cloning replication. Instantly, religious fundamentalists scream for laws and sanctions against clone technology.
The last of the major oil reserves outside of Antarctica are used up, and the world economy staggers yet again, as consumer technologies suddenly are forced to shift.
The United States begins reconstruction of Portland.
In a massive collective effort by the UN and all the member states, Heavy Water engines and ethanol based garbage-mobile engines are introduced.
A United Nations supported committee looks into the effects of the massive radioactive event in the Middle East, and find that cancer rates globally have reached pandemic levels.
Due to a shrinking economy, Trans-Global Media Fractures into three smaller corporations: Paradigm Media, Netsat Media, and Trans-Global Media. By the end of the month half a dozen other mega-corporations fracture into smaller multinationals in an effort to stay alive during the chaotic period following the nuclear disaster in the Middle East. The 'Age of Mergers' comes to a sudden close.
The United Nations commission the Global Earth Meteorological Project 2, or GEM-2 Project, to study the environmental effect of the Nuclear Disaster in the Middle East.
Riots break out across Germany as the economic situation reaches a dangerous level. Corporations enact mass lay-offs in order to stay fiscally sound, causing the German unemployment rate to skyrocket to 34%. Mass student and citizen protests turn into violent riots, and the German state falls into chaos.
Following the economic collapse of Germany, the economies of France, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark fail, resulting in mass unemployment and protests.
The economic failures in Europe cascade across the globe, and all major economies are afflicted with what economic and social analysts begin to call 'Mass Destruction Syndrome'. MDS quickly becomes a sociological catch-all term for the collective world shock of the death of over 2 billion people, and the destruction of the cradles of civilization. Countless religious and cult movements spring up around the destroyed cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. Many Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people see the nuclear event as the final Judgment, and suicide movements flood through the western main-line religions.
After one year of intensive research, the GEM-2 Project presents its findings. The nuclear event in the Middle East has increased global warming exponentially, and rather than causing a 'nuclear winter' scenario, has caused a 'nuclear summer'. Radiation levels are found to be globally off the chart, and animal and plant mutations have been found accelerating at dramatic rates. The entirety of the Middle East is still too radioactively hot to support anything more than the most mutated and hardy bacteria.
In a bold economic move, a group of fragmented international corporations team up together and purchase the civil rights to a large portion of Germany, paying the failing German government over 540 billion German marks for the next five years of tax rights and production value of roughly 1/3 of Germany. The coalition of corporations calls itself the 'New German Republic', which quickly becomes the name for the region they have economic control over. Within days corporate entities form coalitions and shore up failing governmental economies in exchange for various political and economic rights. Politically governments retain current political borders, but in terms of power, governments rapidly become beholden to corporate entities. Many governments resist, specifically countries in the Latin Trade Community (LTC) and the Collective African Nations (CNA).
The Seraph project runs out of funding, stranding 15 astronauts in high-earth orbit. Governments, unable to gather funds to rescue the astronauts turn to corporations for help. Two small, fledgling corporations, SkyWatch Inc. and NeoTrans Inc. volunteer to bring the astronauts home. The joint mission is successful, and all 15 men and women are returned home safely.
The Chinese recover from the nuclear attack, and begin an aggressive rebuilding program that is an attempt to re-solidify the communist government and the shattered and shocked economy. The project is called 'The Grand Progress'.
The Yakuza officially incorporate, forming the Yakuza Syndicate, becoming the second criminal organization to incorporate, the first criminal organization in Japan. After this, a flurry of crime syndicates incorporate all across the globe, including certain chapters of the Triads, the Italian Mafia, and the Hell's Angels.
The United Nations lifts the ban on exploration and economic development of Antarctica in the hopes that the resource and mineral fields under the shrinking ice pack will boost the stagnant global economy.
A series of small military conflicts break out across the Philippine Islands, in rapid succession. The conflicts seemingly flare up for no apparent political reason, leaving the world baffled. After a period of four months the conflicts cease, and the Philippine Islands unite under not a government, but under a large corporation, which renames itself 'The Philippine Protectorate, Inc.'. The island region becomes the first government run 100% by a corporate entity.
Global ocean depths begin to rapidly rise as the increasing average global temperature causes ice caps to melt and the water to physically expand. Within six months the average sea level raises 15 inches. Scientific projections indicate that coastal cities are all threatened with imminent flooding and destruction within 15-45 years.
Texas cedes from the United States of America, forming the Lone Star Republic.
New research in retroviral treatments creates a cure for HIV. Though available globally, the pharmaceutical corporations place huge economic costs on the treatments, rendering it virtually unused by any but the most wealthy nations.
The global death toll from the fallout and initial blasts of the nuclear incident in the Middle East reaches a projected 2.8 billion deaths world wide. In spite of the increase in radiation, global population levels continue to rapidly raise, quickly reaching back up to the 7 billion mark, only eight years after the destruction of most of south east Asia, the Middle East, and most of the Indian sub-continent.
A group of international corporations, known as Withmore Hope Inc, offers the fallen US government $200 billion to purchase the volcanic desert of old southern California. Amid protests against it, Congress approves it by a slim majority. Withmore Hope begins project Avia I on the site, researching deep core geothermal power as a viable energy solution.
In an attempt to save coastal cities on their island, Japanese engineers begin to erect a series of the worlds largest tidal walls to hold back the rising water level caused by global warming.
NeoTrans Inc. purchases the entire Seraph space station from governments and corporations, converting it into the first commercial orbital space platform. At the same time the joint project between the CNA, China, and Japan finishes the first phase of its long term project, a large orbital station at Lagrange Point 4, between the Earth and the Moon. Plans are explored to set up a colony and larger launch site on the dark-side/light-side equatorial region of the Moon, and the entire project is re-named the 'International Orbiting Network' Project, or ION for short.
Withmore Hope Inc. completes Avia I. Curious media are denied access to the site by a huge mirror-like dome over 17 miles in diameter.
Construction of the tidal wall surrounding Sydney Australia begins.
The first of many Antarctic colonies is formed as people leave their home countries to find a better way of life.
The contract for the area known as the 'New German Republic' comes to an end. In an attempt to retain the rights to the area, the coalition of corporations incites a political revolt, in an attempt to form a new state which they control. The German military move in and forcefully keep the area under the control of the German government. In response, the corporations with vested interests in the 'New German Republic' land area begin moving large numbers of corporate security personnel into the region.
The corporations representing the 'New German Republic' region engage in the first massive corporate/governmental war. Within fifteen days the conflict is over, and the new corporate state of the "New German Republic" is formed. By the end of the month, against protests from the LTC, Germany and member states of the CNA, the New German Republic has a seat in the United Nations.
All across the European Union, member nations divide on the issue of trade with the New German Republic. Spain, Italy, Portugal and France begin trading with the new nation state. Great Britain remains undecided on the matter, and Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, and Greece refuse to recognize the New German Republic. Tensions within the EU are exacerbated by a growing pressure from multinational and mega-corporations who wish to have similar corporate protectorates set up, or who wish to extend economic contracts into the next decade.
A group of free colonies in Antarctica unite to form the Commonwealth of Sinarcia, a democratic commonwealth.
The European Union collapses due to tension between the member nations and the corporate entities within the region. Riots and mass protests break out across Europe, as citizens sick of economic and political chaos demand change. Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and Germany all elect new governments.
All nations, multinational corporations, and corporate syndicates sign the New Dawn Treaty, banning nuclear weapons world wide. Slowly the global economy stabilizes and begins to recover.
The LTC announces a plan to set up a Utopian free state in the upper Amazon Basin. Plans for a large enclosed area are announced, a series of connected domes similar to the Avia I project, but on a much larger scale.
The Chinese economic restructuring plan fails, and the communist party collapses in on itself. A series of internal civil wars begin to rage across the country as warring factions try to elect a president, appoint a chancellor, and re-establish the emperor all at the same time. The Chinese temporarily pull out of the ION project due to political unrest.
Genetek Revival files an injunction against the government of the Lone Star Republic for using there patented clone generation technology without Genetek authorization. The injunction goes before the World Court
The Lone Star Republic pays Genetek Revival 20 billion Australian dollars, and executed over 1.5 million citizens, all children under the age of 10, all clones, in response to the World Court case. The world is shocked by the sheer numbers of clones within the republic, and is even more shocked that the government would choose to terminate the lives of the clones. The United Nations immediately forms the United Nations Genetic Duplication Commission, the UNGDC, and appoints this task force to discover the use of clone technology on a global scale.
The Chinese government re-solidifies under a Democratic Socialist state, and begins a conservative effort to rebuild the economy and to control the rapid population growth of the Chinese Empire.
The Chinese rejoin the ION project.
A new strain of HIV is discovered, and dubbed HIV-II. The strain is radically shifted from previous sub-mutations of the HIV virus, having an active incubation period of 90 to 200 days, at the end of which the full onset of AIDS begins, leading to fatality within another 3 to 6 months.
A latter day Islamic group known as "The Sons of Allah" appear in the media, taking responsibility for the creation and release of the HIV-II virus. They dub it the 'Great Jihad' and the revenge of God for the destruction of the holy lands.
A small group of Sinarcia rebels hijack the a space plane and dock with the remnants of an old Soviet space station Konstantanov, and set up the Orbital Station of FreeSky.
Orbital Station FreeSky expands and forms a larger network of interlocking pre-fabricated space station parts, and the population grows to 149 full time residents.
A shocking mid-Atlantic tectonic shift causes a massive tidal wave to come crashing into coastlines all across the Atlantic region. The cities of New York, Boston, Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, Buenos Aires, Miami and all coastal regions are devastated by the 250 to 300 foot tall tidal waves that radiate out from the epicenter.
The United States decides it is easier to re-build New York and Boston, as well as many other coastal cities, further inland. Re- construction efforts ignite the American economy as the massive urban centers are re-built, relocated, and re-energized.
The global population continues to sky-rocket at an alarming rate, reaching just over 9 billion.
The ION Project Phase II is completed, and the first permanent launch station is set up on the Moon. Mineral excavation instantly begins by the governments of the CNA, Japan, and China.
Germany attacks Austria, and the first Austro-German war begins. France sends troops to assist Austria, as does the New German Republic.
Germany defeats a joint French-Austrian military force and captures Vienna, the Austrian capital. Germany re-dubs itself the New Prussian Empire, and adopts a policy of racial and historical superiority.
Genetek Revival scientists perfect clone 'blanking', a process by which an adult blank clone can be imprinted with genetic material, making it so clones no longer need to be raised from birth.
Avia I comes to an end and the doors on the dome are opened. The name Avia is dropped in favor of the name Withmore City. Developers begin designing a beautiful city in the dome, utilizing the power generated from the huge geothermal plant at its core. Withmore Hope is dissolved as the governing corps carve their own chunk out of the growing city-state. The corporations advertise throughout the worlds nations that a new life awaits everyone at Withmore City. People from all walks of life flock to the dome
The United States continues to pour billions of dollars into the rebuilding of the east coast. The cost sky rockets as the sea levels continue to rise and tidal walls come into need. Areas of the south eastern USA begin to slowly slide under the rising tidal levels. New Orleans begins to rapidly sink into the soft silty soil of the region.
Under the increased population stresses in Africa, the CNA convenes in a closed series of meetings. The meetings end and a report is released: The Collective Nations of Africa have agreed to a long term program dubbed 'The Human Overpopulation Management Enterprise'. HOME outlines a harsh program of controlled family planning and population controls that within 30 years will bring the populations of African nations down to stable levels, and to reduce the population to a sustainable level within 75 years. The main depopulating factor becomes the HIV and HIV-II viral strains, which will cull over 60% of the population in 20 years. The CNA agree to cease all efforts to find treatments or cures for the disease, allowing it to ransack the population. The United States objects vocally, and threatens economic and military actions against the CNA. The CNA scoffs at the threats.
The remaining Commonwealth of Canada suddenly is thrown into chaos as Quebec separatists force a national referendum on separation. In a shocking turn of events, over 75% of the voters decide that separation of Quebec from Canada is a necessity. Quebec begins the separation process, moving towards independence from the Commonwealth of Canada.
The independent state of Quebec is formed.
A large scale rebellion occurs in Cuba, and the people overthrow the communist government. The New Directorate of Cuba is formed, and joins the Latin Trade Community.
The Canadian military, backed (and some say forced) by corporate militia invade Quebec, placing it under joint control of multinationals and the Canadian government. Quebec becomes, in effect, a corporate fascist state under the control of multinational corporate forces who pay only shallow lip-service to the Commonwealth of Canada.
In a bold move to deal with raising water levels and the devastation of tidal wave activity, the United States government begins the 'Miami Sea Dome Project'. The MSD Project encases the larger metropolitan area of Miami in a massive geodesic dome which holds back the tidal waters. The project is expected to take well over 10 years to complete and cost an astonishing 1.4 trillion US dollars.
A group of scientists at the re-located MIT engage the first nano-robotic manufacturing system. The result is a self replicating nano-robot capable of moving objects the size of individual atoms. Within hours the self replicating robots begin to overrun the containment units made for them, and MIT is forced to electrify all the units.
The New Prussian Empire makes a series of military moves in Eastern Europe, taking the nations of Poland, Denmark, and large parts of Sweden and Norway in a series of military moves that remind the world of events in the region a century earlier. Cut off and surrounded, the New German Republic's corporate government makes a series of economic and political moves that bring to bear the massive force of over half a dozen transnational security forces. The New Prussian Empire is forced to give up land in Denmark, and agrees to cease hostilities in Europe for a termed contract of 35 years.
MIT attempts for a second time to activate the nano-robotics system, and this time safe guards against over-replication are successful. Within a few days the scientists at MIT have a stable population of nano-robots that each have a life span of 72 hours, after which they break down into base components and are reconstructed by newer robots. Bids for the technology begin at 100 billion Australian dollars.
What appears to be a military task force attacks the labs at MIT and steal the nano-robotics colony, and all data pertaining to it. Further investigation reveals it to be a task force from Saedor-Krupp, one of the largest corporations in the New German Republic. Attempts to get the colony back are unsuccessful, and the matter is taken before the United Nations. In a surprise move, the United Nations sides with Saedor-Krupp. Outraged, the American government threatens to attack the New German Republic.
Saedor-Krupp applies for a seat in the United Nations, claiming that its 2.9 million employees belong to the independent 'corporate nation state' of Saedor-Krupp. The United Nations denies the application.
Ocean levels reach new heights, costal cities and populations are devastated. Nations erect tidal walls along massive portions of coastline. Most of Florida slips under the waves.
A United Nations study finds that the world global population has reached 10 billion.
The ION project enters phase III, and begins working on a large scale program to colonize Mars. The initial plan calls for a manned mission to the red planet to be launched by the end of the year.
The ION project launches the first manned mission to Mars 6 weeks ahead of schedule.
Tectonic instability in the California region causes a series of 'volcanic gas geysers' to erupt, filling large portions of the area around Withmore City to be filled with deadly levels of sulfurs, acids, and poisons.
On July 23, 2046 the first man walks on Mars. Hiroyuki Sakai takes the furthest steps man has ever taken from the planet earth.
On the eve of the new year, the world economic bodies of the WTO and a coalition of trans-nationals determine that the new base currency for the world economy will be the Australian Dollar, replacing the devalued American Dollar. Around the world stock exchanges begin shifting over to the benchmark currency, planning to convert by the end of the fiscal year.
The ION Project increases the scope of its projects, planning a series of missions to the inner planets of Venus and Mercury.
A small corporation, Neodyne Computer Technologies, announces they have created the first fully functional Artificial Intelligence. They are instantly purchased by the rapidly growing Saedor-Krupp corporation.
Withmore City adopts a new currency to stake its claim in the world market. The chyen starts out even in value to the US dollar but quickly deflates to only half that.
A series of strange diseases sweep across parts of Russia. The United Nations Health Organization investigates and finds that large scale cloning experimentation has been enacted on the populace. The UNGDC becomes involved and a full investigation occurs. Genetek lawyers file an injunction on the entire Russian Syndicate, claiming trade mark and patent violation. A war between the Syndicate and Genetek heats up politically.
The tension between the Russian Syndicate and Genetek reaches breaking point, and hostilities become physical. Genetek floods the Russian cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg with shock troops. The army of corporate soldiers storms through the urban landscape, slaughtering one in three people. Genetek offers a final ultimatum: The Russian Syndicate pay a total of 4 trillion Australian dollars, or the rest of Moscow comes under the knife. The world at large is horrified. The Russian Syndicate grudgingly agrees. The UNGDC launches a full investigation on the troops used by Genetek in the attacks.
The UNGDC concludes that the forces used by Genetek were heavily genetically altered. The world is highly concerned, as are many of the transnational corporations. The UNGDC appoints a task force to draft a new binding set of rules on clone technology that applies to all corporations, nations, and individuals.
Due to weak law enforcement and even weaker laws, crime levels rise to unheard of levels in Withmore City. Corporate police forces fail to do much good as riots breakout over the crime. In a desperate hope to regain control of the city, the governing corps create the Withmore Code of Militant Justice. The code grants the newly created police force the power to judge and issue punishment to criminals on scene. Crime rates begin to decline.
Nation states and corporate enclaves around the world look to the Withmore Justice system as a solution to crime and a heavily burdened legal system. Some states choose to adopt the 'Judge' system of legal punishment, some reject it. Most notable to choose this path: The New Prussian Empire, China, Spain, and Italy. Those most opposed to the concept are the LTC and the CNA, who call the military state an utter death blow for democracy and freedom of speech.
The UNGDC task-force on clone technology releases the First International Clone Treaty, FICT. The treaty bans all genetic re- mapping of the human genome for 'military, industrial, or corporate use' as well as the wholesale use of clones to bolster the work force or populace of a nation. The collective nations of the world agree to the treaty, and sign. In a surprise move the UN demands that all transnational corporations with corporate incomes over 15 billion Australian dollars per annum sign the treaty. Genetek is infuriated, and refuses. The rest of the world's corporations, in a surprise move of solidarity, all sign the treaty and threaten military and economic action if Genetek does not agree. Genetek, with no recourse or choice, signs the First International Clone Treaty.
Japanese Emperor Naruhito dies, leaving the throne to Crown Princess Toshi. He is posthumously renamed Emperor Eiwa, and February 24th marks the beginning of the Taiho period.
Genetek Revival researchers perfect memory mapping of a human brain. This allows memories to be passed from a dead body to a new clone, eliminating the need to teach a new clone. The UNGDC reconvenes and begins drafting amendments to FICT.
A series of military moves the Japanese Yakuza Syndicate against the Chinese Triad Syndicate flare in over a dozen provinces in China. The syndicate war lasts only for a few days, but both sides use exclusively energy based weaponry, mainly microwave cannons and gamma-laser weapon systems. The loss of civilian life is staggering, over 250,000 Chinese are killed in the cross fire as the energy weapons pass through buildings, small hills, and military targets.
Energy based weapons (laser, microwave) become outlawed on earth due to the dangers and risks to the civilian and corporate populations who can be caught in the cross fire when large or small scale energy based wars occur. Energy weapons are still used and produced outside of the Terran sphere, mainly on the Lunar bases run by the ION project.
The ION project launches twin missions to Venus and Mercury, both unmanned.
After a year of debate and study, the UNGDC decides that FICT is inadequate to deal with the new realities of memory mapping in conjunction with clone technology. They draft the New International Clone Treaty, NICT, which outlines the limits and guidelines which corporations, nations, and individuals must follow in regards to cloning. The most important features of NICT are the recognized sovereignty of the clone, and the sovereignty of the recorded memory and clone data. Clone data becomes considered an individual, and is protected by human rights and legal rulings on humanity. The world's corporations quickly ratify the treaty.
The ION project begins the first colony in the Mars system by building a Martian Lunar base on Phobos.
The Miami Sea Dome project finally reaches completion, four years late and 2 trillion dollars over budget. The project is successful, enclosing Miami in a dome that holds back the water from flooding the city. The still rising oceans place sea level at 50 feet above the 1995 ocean levels, offering some of the most unique and beautiful underwater views on the planet from within the dome.
The titanic costs of rebuilding the eastern sea board, and the Miami Sea Dome project causes a second economic collapse in the United States, fed up with the mismanagement of the republic, the states of Oregon and Washington break off from the US and join the Free Republic of Western Canada. The new economic area is renamed the North Pacific Economic Commonwealth.
In the wake of the economic turmoil to strike the second economic failure in the United States a large number of corporations begin to fail, having heavily bolstered the economy with funds. The economic failings ripple out from the US in what economic analysts call 'The Miami Effect'. By the end of March, 2055, over 20 small to middle sized multinationals collapse, resulting in a massive dip in the overall global economy.
Eternalism, an offshoot of Christianity is founded by the Prophet Anor. It is met with severe criticism in it's first few years but slowly gains a steady following.
The Withmore City council approves measures to redesign the city for the next decade. Over the next 4 years the city is completely changed, a plan that is thought will lower crime in some areas, decrease traffic, and raise property value for the owners.
The first fully functioning colony on Mars opens, populated by 150 scientists, engineers, and corporate representatives. Plans for a second colony begin immediately, and the ION project begins an active recruitment program on Earth. Millions flock to leave the over populated and environmentally stressed Earth. Dissident movements begin to arise based on the selection methods used to enter the Martian colonial missions.
Desperate for an influx of money, the United States agrees to sell the state of Nevada to a group of large entertainment trans-nationals, the largest being the newly formed New Light Media. They re-dub the state the Free State of Nevada, and begin to market it as the entertainment capital of the world.
Outraged by the sale of Nevada, and the wholesale marketing of 'sin' in the new Nevada Free State, a group of religious fanatics in Utah form a political movement demanding a separate homeland and state for the Mormon faith. Through a cunning series of political propaganda, people flock to the Mormon religion in the tens of thousands, millions of Mormons world wide begin to flood the state of Utah, entering legally and illegally. Unable to deal with the problem, the United States simply writes off Utah, letting it become the Holy Mormon Protectorate.
The Vatican denounces the Holy Mormon Protectorate as a non-Christian entity.
With the newly redesigned Withmore City comes the breathtaking new Hall of Justice, a huge building in the heart of the city that houses all the government services. The corporate council releases its governing power and becomes an advisory board to the newly elected city council. Strangely, 9 of the 11 council members are ex-corporate vice-presidents. Skywatch erects a launch platform into the dome wall to facilitate increased production from its orbiting factories.
Genetek, in direct violation of the NICT creates a live clone of the current CEO, Gerry Husklar. Within hours combined forces of various corporate and national security and military troops move on Genetek facilities in over 30 nations, seizing property and executives, in total over 2.3 trillion Australian dollars in assets. Genetek is forced to terminate the second Gerry Husklar or face dissolution. They comply.
The coalition of transnational and UN sanctioned countries draft a reparations and penalties act that forces Genetek to loosen the strangle-hold on certain key hardware and software elements in the memory recording process. Through a series of legal moves and dealings, Genetek retains all rights and control of clone recombination processes, as well as many of the patents and research rights to memory recording. In exchange, the corporation pays out a staggering 1.5 trillion dollars in reparations, and allows other corporations to enter the clone data brokerage business.
The UNGDC begins drafting revisions to the New International Clone Treaty. In record time they finish before the end of the month. The new treaty is dubbed the 'Treaty on Clones and Clone Technology', or TOCACT. This treaty gives massive rights to corporations involved in clone brokerage, and Genetek specifically as the sole clone recombination corporation. The new treaty, ratified by all nations and trans-nationals in the UN, marks a new era in clone usage and technology.
The ION project launches a series of unmanned scouts from Mars into the asteroid belt in search of mineral mining opportunities.
The economy of the United States stabilizes when the World Trade Organization decides to forgive all outstanding debts incurred by any nation having to rebuild due to nuclear summer and increased tidal activity. The reprieve is a one-time forgiveness, and unburdens some 20 trillion debt dollars from national and corporate coffers.
The population levels in the CNA begin to stabilize as people afflicted with HIV and HIV-II begin to die at an increasing rate. As the number of people in the African nations falls, the economies slowly begin to pick up, gaining steam with each death. China, now facing a population which has exploded to 4.5 billion, and the LTC, which face a population of 3 billion collectively begin to consider using similar methods of dealing with poverty and overpopulation. European nations disagree, and look to Mars and the Orbital colonies as alternatives for planetary depopulation methods. Even though the population growth rates have slowed, or even halted in many member nations, the CNA is still dealing with a massive number of unemployed and underfed people in its nearly 3.5 billion people. Global population levels reach the 14 billion mark.
The LTC, in a sudden move, begins to close off its borders to outside corporate influences, allowing only national and international corporations based in Latin American nations to hold purchase in member nations. Many of the trans-nationals react aggressively, sending military forces against member states of the LTC.
After a series of armed conflicts, the LTC agrees to set up corporate enclaves within member nations. The enclaves will act as autonomous city states within the LTC, paying taxes, duties, and tariffs to member nations in exchange for the rights to be within the LTC sphere of influence. Only one member of the LTC disagrees with this plan, Brazil, and they move to expel all non-Brazilian corporations against LTC mandates.
Fifty people die on Freesky when part of the orbital station ruptures and violently decompresses. The population of FreeSky, now at an astonishing 1200 people, mourns the loss of the people and quickly moves to rebuild the lost sections of the station. Cadium Quogawa (ku-ohgawa), the head of Saedor Krupp in the 2060s helps fund (from his personal coffers) the re-build. In speeches Cadium says that he did it to keep FreeSky free, because he believed it would be important for humanity. September 25th is hence-forth known as 'Cadium Day' on FreeSky.
After over 30 years, the Amazonian Utopian Free State is completed and named Amazonia. The city is virtually corporation free, designed around a resource sharing model. Huge terra-formed ecologies make up a series of complexes deep in the remaining Amazon Jungle, creating living spaces for over 1 billion residents. People all across the globe flock to Amazonia, seeking a life free of corporations and harsh legal systems. 95% are turned away after a battery of psychological and physiological tests set out to determine suitability for Utopian life.
Over twenty years after first attempting to become a member of the United Nations, Saedor-Krupp once again attempts to declare itself on par with any nation state in the world. This time the political and legal case for Saedor-Krupp is incredibly difficult to refute, and the case goes before the General Assembly for debate, where it remains debated until late in the summer of 2067.
The human population on Mars reaches 1,000,000. The ION Project enters phase IV with the construction of a star ladder in Martian orbit. Using primarily nano-robotic combiners, the ladder is estimated to be completed within 6 months.
After long debate Saedor-Krupp is granted a form of political sovereignty. The United Nations determines that Saedor-Krupp has moved beyond the realm of a simple corporation and has become, as the Security Council terms it, a 'corporate sovereign protectorate'. The new status grants Saedor-Krupp a seat in the general assembly, with certain limited political voting rights there within. Within weeks a dozen other large transnational corporations apply for corporate protectorate status.
The star ladder on Mars is completed, slightly over budget and behind schedule, offering increased mineral exportation from the Martian surface. Asteroid mining operations are stepped up in scale, and Mars becomes the economic hub between the mineral desperate Earth and the mineral heavy asteroid belt.
The ION Project enters Phase V. In an effort to provide for the desperate energy needs of the human race, the nations and corporations involved in the ION Project begin a small orbital colony circling Venus. The small colony will serve as a jumping point to reach Mercury, where it is planned to set up a system of solar and microwave power collectors and transmitters which will direct a new and potent source of energy back towards Earth. Environmentalists worry about a potential misfire of the microwave technology.
The Book of the Eternal Soul is written by the Prophet Anor. The Eternalism Bible contains all the books of a normal Christian Bible with the addition of the Book of the Eternal Soul. The Book of the Eternal Soul seeks to compare cloning to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, while at the same putting a religious spin on Degenerative Clone Disorder.
The population on Mars reaches 3.5 million. The population on the ION Lunar base reaches 750,000. The population of orbital stations, including an estimate on rogue or unlicensed stations, is estimated at 200,000. The population on Earth reaches a staggering 18 billion.
Eternalist riots in Italy force the Catholic papacy to relocate. Australia is the only country willing to accept the Pope. Rumor abounds that the papacy had to give up half their assets in return for a new Vatican. It is later uncovered that the riots were fueled by elites who looking to mainstream the idea of cloning with the masses, something the Vactican had been resisting since Eternalism was founded.
On July 28th, in a tragic turn of events, 400,000 people die when one of the larger dome centers on Mars has an air system fail completely. Pro-Earth groups increase their message to boycott space travel due to the disaster. Pro-Exploration groups demand that the restrictions on space exploration and colonization be lifted, offering more opportunities for people to leave the Earth.
Protests around the world begin to take place, demanding either more or less space travel. In Withmore City one particular protest turns deadly in front of Skywatch when it announces its plans for a manned deep space research vessel to travel to explore the Jupiter system of moons. Protesters from both pro- and anti-space exploration sides swarm on the Skywatch Plaza, and in the mayhem 21 die as Judges try to repel angry students and control the situation.
The Philippines erupt into war as anti corporate factions begin raids on corporate enclaves. Within days the war boils over into neighboring nations, and the entire South Pacific becomes embroiled in conflict. Australia and New Zealand are thankfully spared, though refugees from corporate and non-corporate states flood both countries.
Alaska joins The North Pacific Economic Commonwealth.
The situation in the South Pacific becomes more complex as corporations begin raiding and attacking each other, each claiming that the other has been funding rebel groups targeting corporate assets. The media begins terming the conflict 'The Corporate Wars'.
Genetek Revival takes cloning to the next step, now able to recreate limbs and organs separately in a much shorter time than previously thought possible. Cloning time is reduced from a week to a few minutes.
When a seemingly fine copy of Matrix 7.4 making its way around Withmore City nearly empties the city's banks accounts, the city council decides to ban all Matrix software. Withmore City falls back on a more secure system, but one with little or virtual interactive matrix, and little or no interactive graphics. The majority of the world continues to use the Matrix, though under strict monitoring.
The Corporate Wars continue, and the death toll rises dramatically when on September 20th, at noon a group of terrorist and anti-corporate organizations set off a viral outbreak in the Saedor-Krupp enclave in Sydney Australia. A highly modified form of the Ebola virus is released, dubbed Ebola-MX, spreading through the Saedor-Krupp compounds and out into the city. Within 24 hours over 2 million people are infected, 90% of which die a painful death within 48 hours of exposure. Outbreaks of the virus are reported in smaller amounts across the globe; spread by travelers infected before a lock down could be arranged.
Ebola-MX claims a death toll of 5 million people world wide.
Pharmaceutical and virological corporation ViriiSoma releases a treatment and cure for the Ebola-MX virus, agreeing to sell it to the UN at cost for treatment of people affected in the attacks.
The United Nations steps in and finally begins the process of defusing the situation in the South Pacific. Death tolls for the Corporate Wars have been globally estimated at nearly 12 million people including refugees and viral victims. Within weeks the Corporate Wars draw to a close.
The ION Project on Mercury is completed, and Mercury is 'Switched On'. The resulting microwave burst fries the residents at the Venus re-routing stations. 200 technicians and scientists are killed before Mercury can be switched back off. The ION Project releases a report that outlines a modification of the microwave power station to be repaired and attempted a second time within an 18 month period.
The United Nations begins a study on global population, finding that the death rate and birth rates have nearly balanced, and the global population appears to be stabilizing at roughly 22 billion people.
The ION Project attempts to switch Mercury on a second time. Only a skeleton crew of 20 technicians is cooked alive as the microwaves fail yet again to be routed through the Venus stations. ION Project leaders plan for a third attempt in 2 years.
Food riots break out around the globe when a bacterial infection spreads through 40% of the worlds krill and shrimp farms, devastating the food markets around the world. Particularly hard-hit is Withmore City, which has some of the worst rioting ever seen in the history of the city. Even martial law and a harsh penal code can not halt the violence as starving people desperately fight for food.
A series of mid-range earthquakes strike Japan, and citizens worry about a potential tidal wall collapse. A program of tidal wall evaluation is set in place, old and weakening walls are shored up and replaced using nano-robotic building systems. The Tidal walls begin to take on an eerily organic nature, being called 'The Concrete Coral Reef' by the media.
Participation in a food riot is deemed a crime punishable by clone death in Withmore City.
The ION Project attempts for a third time to switch on Mercury. The last reported message from the 5 man team in orbit around Venus was "Third time's the charm, right?" The ION Project council decides to halt any further testing any time in the near future.
Rumors of a Eugenics program in the LTC begins to leak out to the world, and the United Nations begins an investigation.
After nearly a year of study, the United Nations finds that certain member nations of the LTC have been using people in the lowest levels of economic poverty as testing subjects for genetic augmentation programs. The world reacts violently, demanding that the augmented humans be either terminated or incarcerated. A purging happens throughout the LTC, which leads to the United Nations opening discussions on the Clone Treaties once again, seeking amendments for people unwillingly tested upon.
Because of its close proximity to member states of the LTC, Withmore City is flooded with refugees from the purging. Hundreds of thousands of people begin to flood the city gates, mainly living in the underbelly of the already over-crowded and city, in the RED sector.
Withmore City, known as the 'Dome' to the world, closes its doors to 99% of all immigrants. The isolationist policy forces thousands of refugees into the badlands surrounding the city, most of which are thought to have died in the harsh conditions.
Japan's most important tidal wall breaks and most of downtown Osaka is flooded in thirty feet of water, leaving the city of Osaka in ruins.
Japanese Empress Toshi commits suicide, leaving the throne to Crown Prince Asuhito. She is posthumously renamed Empress Taiho, and April 5th begins the Kaiwa period.
Eternalism eclipses all other Christian denominations to become the worlds most practiced religion.
The UN announces plans to amend the TOCACT treaty, to include rules and guidelines on genetic alteration of the human species, and the results of these alterations. A task force is set up to study cultural and economic, as well as technology patent, aspects of the situation that has arisen in the LTC.
Genetek and ViriiSoma both announce technological advances in genetic research allowing the combination of non-human genetic traits into the human body. Animal cosmetic modification becomes a world wide craze, and prolongs the UN's examination of human genetic manipulation.
The collapsed tidal wall in Osaka is rebuilt along the lines of the Miami Sea Dome, encasing the city in a large translucent dome that holds the oceans back. The cost of the project is massively reduced by the use of nano-robotic assembler systems.
SkyWatch and the ION Project begin plans for a series of manned exploratory vessels bound for the further reaches of the solar system. Riots once again occur around the world as both pro- and anti-space exploration activists clash in a repeat of the riots of 2070.
The population of the Earth holds steady at 23 billion. The population of Mars reaches 22 million people.
Genetek refuses to sign or acknowledge the ICGEM Treaty, claiming it violates the human right to seek solutions for genetic frailties. Genetek demands that the ability to alter the genetic information of ones self is a human right, and can not be denied. Corporations flock behind Genetek, most notably ViriiSoma. Saedor-Krupp, primarily working in cybernetic systems and computer interfaces, sides against Genetek
The United Nations releases the newly amended TOCACT treaty, re-dubbing it the 'International Clone and Genetic Eugenics or Modification Treaty', or ICGEM Treaty. The treaty takes a highly paranoid positioning on eugenic modification, banning any research on human genetic modification (HGM). Victims of HGM are ranked on a scale of alteration depending on what percentage from standard human genome they rank. Anyone over 20% HGM is deemed to be a product of a corporation, and is terminated upon discovery. The one exception is cosmetic modification. All military grade genetic implants are deemed in violation of the ICGEM Treaty. Riots around the world shake governments and corporations as pro-genetic modification groups react against the ICGEM Treaty.
Shock Security, one of the world's largest independent security providers, is forced to close down all operations in Withmore City in the wake of allegations of propagating criminal activities and terrorist attacks on key elements within Withmore City. All assets and holdings are seized by the Withmore Justice Force, and Shock Security is banned from corporate activity in Withmore.
Just before New Year's Day the United Nations holds an emergency session on the ICGEM Treaty, seeking a solution to the hotly debated situation.
A massive riot between attendees at the funeral for a Judge occurs in the corporate sector of Withmore City, just blocks from the Hall of Justice. The riot claims the lives of over 120 people. The Withmore Justice Force responds by cracking down on gang and gang related activity, expelling thousands of people from the dome city.
The United Nations scraps the ICGEM Treaty, falling back on the earlier TOTACT treaty, adding new clauses that protect the rights of any individual to alter one's own genetic code for health or personal reasons.
Military grade modification is put under strict control in the LTC, CNA, and Withmore City, virtually outlawing it in many cases.
The United Kingdom announces a plan to enclose London in a geodesic dome to improve the health and quality of life of all people living in the heavily polluted city.
A small corporation known as TERRA acquires a contract from the Withmore Justice Force to patrol and provide security for many central parts of Withmore City's RED sector. The small corporation out maneuvers larger, more global security corporations, surprising many company heads around the world.
A nano-robotic assembler unit is stolen from a construction site in London associated with the plan to construct the environmental dome over the city. The resulting loss of the assembler bankrupts the project, leaving London with tattered webbings and pillars scattered across the city. The assembler unit is tracked down to Withmore City, where it goes missing.
TekSoft, a small corporation in Withmore City announces plans to re-release Matrix software to the city. Technology stocks surge in value in anticipation of the return of the interactive technology.
The TekSoft version of the Matrix has a catastrophic failure, and the testing units malfunction draining corporate and citizen accounts across the city. The Corporate Council seizes all TekSoft property, closing the corporation.
NLM releases its GRID 2.0 software to the public of Withmore City. The software is virtually unused outside the Dome, except as a low end backup system for more complex Matrix based systems.
The Corporate Council proposes changes to the immigration policies of Withmore City which are accepted and ratified within weeks by the City Council. This new policy, which allows the travel of persons in and out of the city wiling to pay a duty, aims to reduce crime rates, boost quality of life and add a source of revenue to fund Withmore City Services better.
Eternalist Prophet Anor kidnapped by fundamentalist Christian group known as 'Hunters' that believe clones are soulless and evil demons that must be eradicated, while speaking in Withmore City.
Eternalist Prophet Anor Rescued from Fundamentalists in Joint Effort.
New Light Media is bombed. The Grid is nearly destroyed. This sparks renewed debate over the Matrix in Withmore City.
A new Ebola Outbreak rocks Red sector. Corporations scramble to purchase Ebola-Nox, leading to a shortage and thousands of deaths on Red Sector.
Power Fluctuations in Withmore -- fans off for several minutes resulting in panic, riots. Power is eventually restored though the source of the interuption remains a mystery.
An alleged Seraph Project remnant briefly discharges an Energy Weapon of Mass Destruction onto the western outskirts of Lusaka, New Zambia. This is the first of several attacks including the Songshan Incident roughly a month later. Reports from New Light Media, Inc. state that the fires were so hot that vitrification took place in buildings, vehicles, animals, and people. An estimated death toll of approximately 35,000 and property damage resulting in over 750,000,000 kwacha, the incident is one of the most devastating to New Zambia in recent years. Among the missing is the current lead engineer and administrator for the ION Project, Doctor Samuel Eko. The incident lasted a total of exactly 7 seconds according to eyewitness reports and electromagnetic data recorded during the event.
Mt. Song, Dengfeng, China. At 4:09AM China Standard Time (Beijing Time), a typical cold winter morning is transformed into a blazing inferno as a powerful beam of energy opens the clouds and burns through the earth, destroying the ancient and sacred Shaolin Monastery at Songshan near Zhengzou City Henan Province in Dengfeng, China. The most severely decimated area of the temple was undoubtedly the world-famous Pagoda Forest, even though it was the last area to be razed before the sudden disappearance of what many have called simply "The Beam."
NeoTrans begins frequent Orbital Flights to FreeSky.
NLM TV star and rapper Juicy Vee Releases his New Album 'MIX LYFE'. It goes triple platinum in six minutes.
Multiple murders on the world famous 'Fuller Street' in Red Sector, Withmroe City. The gang violence boils over and begins effecting Gold Sector. Corporations push for heavier fines and punishments from WJF.
The United Nations, working with a loose alliance of corporate interests calling themselves the Gesiht Organization, cooperated to disrupt 'The Beam' platform before it could cause any more harm to denizens of Earth. This, the same orbital weapon blamed for the terrorist attacks in November and December now known as The Lusaka Incident and The Songshan Incident, was disabled earlier this month while it was preparing to fire upon Tokyo.
New Strain of Ebola infects Withmore causing deaths in the tens of thousands before Ebola-nox production is ramped up enough to contain the outbreak.
ViiriSoma launches new Orbital Research Facility.
Japanese Emperor Asuhito is assassinated by Takeda Manabu, who flees to Withmore, and the throne is left to Crown Princess Sakurako. He is posthumously renamed Emperor Kaiwa, and February 27th kicks off the Eiten period. The assassin is soon apprehended and brought to justice in Withmore City.
Following a year of high profile kidnappings, the terrorists known as "RDFER" or Red Denizens for Equal Rights attempted to destroy the Withmore Energy Museum and the reactor beneath the building, plunging the city into chaotic darkness. The Withmore Justice Force thwarted the attempt at the last moment by detonating an aerodyne packed with explosives prematurely. The resulting wreckage tragically rains down on tens of thousands of Red Sector citizens the RDFERs have organized into a mob outside of the Energy Museum.
Freesky suffers massive decompression after an explosion rips through the upper levels of the orbital station destroying much of the infrastructure required to support a population and killing roughly five thousand inhabitants. Due to the geosynchronous orbit of Freesky with Withmore, chunks of wreckage crashed down over the city and the surrounding area causing damage to the exterior of the Withmore Dome and NeoTrans spaceport. Religious extremists claim the world is ending and incite city wide riots and mass suicides. Reports cite families leaping from the skywalks in panic.
After a tumultuous quarter for both companies, Skywatch (SW) and Shinohara Heavy Industries (SHI) receive UN approval to merge into a new mega-corporation called Planetary Resources Incorporated (PRI).
WJF Chief Justice Douglas Gray is permanently killed in a targeted attack by the Martian terrorist group, the Red Suns. Chief Justice Gray was shot with an energy weapon and turned into a pile of dust by Janus of the Red Suns. The City Council appoints Gerik Phillips as the new Chief Justice of Withmore City.
ViriiSoma releases a line of gummies engineered with a disease called Ferimid-Messisium Type K9, which is fatal to dogs. RePet, the cloned-pet company, saw its stock plummet as millions of pet dogs succumbed to the infectious disease. RePet was quickly bought out by ViriiSoma, who immediately hiked up the prices after the merger.
Pope Innocent and Prophet Anor are assassinated during a joint visit to Withmore City. After announcing that the Catholic Church now permits cloning, Pope Innocent was shot by a terrorist with a needle gun and permed before he could obtain his first clone. Seconds later, the Prophet Anor was struck by an illegal energy beam and reduced to a pile of ash.
PRI release a joint statement revealing to the world that the United Nations secretly contracted the corporation to create a network of over 3000 armed satellites that will ring the Earth and provide protection from rouge asteroids. Phase 1 of the project is already completed at the time of the announcement, with a portion of the satellites already in orbit and ready for testing.
NLM News breaks a major story about PRI potentially having built backdoor access into the Earth Defense Grid satellites such that PRI could maintain control over them even after handing them over to the United Nations. PRI denies the accusations. The UN dispatches an Inquisitor to Withmore City to investigate the allegations.