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- Enkidu 9s
a Mench 11m Doing a bit of everything.
- Slyter 22m
- Emily 20m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- Enven 1h
- NightHollow 3h
And 22 more hiding and/or disguised

Social Etiquette on the MOO

Since your interactions with others take place completely in text on Sindome, being understood is all about making your text approachable, intelligent, comprehensible, and respectful of those around you.

Remember that on Sindome there are none of the usual visual cues to indicate smiling or frowning, laughter or anger, so you must learn to indicate the mood of what you say by how you write it. You should be aware of mistakes that can make what you have to say sound, even if on accident, obnoxious or mean-spirited. Check out some universal etiquette guidelines below.

Coming Across Approachable


Typically you do not have the option of using bold, underline, or italics online and on MU*s. Therefore various other ways of emphasizing words have been devised. Marking a word with unusual punctuation, for example, asterisks or underscores, gives it emphasis (to be read louder or more strongly).

For example: The dog ate my homework!

The *dog* ate my homework!
The dog ate _my_ homework!
The dog >ate< my homework!

Another obvious way to emphasize a word is to put it in all caps. You can easily imagine someone shouting,


Now imagine someone who always talked that way...


On a MU* this kind of writing is used almost exclusively to indicate high volume. Speaking like this regularly will make your companions want to hold their ears. To come across politely on MUDs, reserve writing in all caps for times when you really mean to be yelling or shouting.

Don't Sound Frantic.

Punctuation is plainly an important part of communicating in a text-based medium. How you wield a question mark or exclamation point has a great deal to do with how you come across, in both obvious and more subtle ways.

For example: So, what's going on?

This question sounds ordinary: pretty laid-back and calm. But if the person carelessly leaves their finger on the question mark key too long, they'll very likely produce this:

So, what's going on?????????????

Now they sound like they're shouting, frantic, panicked. To come across politely on MU*s, don't overdo your punctuation. An occasional startled "What?!" is okay, but refrain from producing frantic text ("What?!?!?!?!") unless you really, really mean it. This amounts to being careful, essentially. Watch what you're typing, and correct mistakes and typos if you make them.

Go On to Page 2 (Being Clear & Communicating Effectively)

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Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.