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- Treble 29s
- Fogchild1 3s
- baewulf 1s
- Terrible_the_duck 20s
- QueenZombean 3m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- zxq 27m
- BigBiscuit 19s
a Mench 1h Doing a bit of everything.
- Hivemind 10m
And 26 more hiding and/or disguised
Connect to Sindome @ or just Play Now

Script Development
Type 'help scripting' for access info

Post install cyber scripts
Like drug experience scripts but for cyber

25 replies

Warning: No Smart Quotes
Turn smart quotes off!

0 replies

Script Google Drive
Check it

3 replies

[Start Here] Babble-On Scripting Guide
Bringing together 20 years of wisdom into one place

0 replies

Music Player Script
Crowd sourcing ideas

5 replies

SIC Explosives Script

1 reply

Bees: The Script
Buzz off.

3 replies

Biomodification Procedure
Put Suggestions here!

2 replies

Disease scripts
Bad news bears announce their arrival

1 reply

Create @tutorials
If you have good ideas!

2 replies

Fatigue Scripts
You haven't @quit in days, chummer.

1 reply

Explosive Ambient Scripts
Help us make the streets come alive

0 replies

SIC Scripts

53 replies

Drug Experience Scripts
Try your hand at them

61 replies

Drug Withdrawal Scripts
I feel funny...

11 replies

Current scripting needs
Help inspire Ryu

3 replies

Sense/Net Train Advert
Because not all ads should be friendly...

2 replies

BabbleOn and learning to script
I'd like to be able to script

1 reply

Crowd Sourced Projects
If you build it - they will script it

1 reply

Some questions about the tutorials
Looking at building dream sequences

5 replies

Scripting Workshop?
An online workshop on scripting.

16 replies

Bar/Club Trouble Makers
Is something like this even possible? Desireable?

4 replies

It's a tv show...

2 replies

Running scripts
How do you run scripts, I can't find the @script commands

1 reply

Trying to script, C&C please

0 replies

Current State of Scripting..
What's on the Priority List?

10 replies

Scripting Samples
Samples of real scripts

5 replies

Food Riot
Blood of the Streets...

4 replies

cyberpunk tv
looking for ideas and suggestions

32 replies

A tought on TV Shows and RP.
Shush woman! I'm watching the damn documentary.

6 replies

Example Code

4 replies

Hey Why not

1 reply

Having a hard time
reading the manual?

22 replies

Do they need to be scripted?

2 replies

DJ scripts, mixes, MCs...

2 replies

Holo-ads in general...
..and fholo-ad walls in particular

1 reply

Play Scripts
for television, movies and more.

8 replies

Withmore Idol
Hey, if Survivor's still going...?

1 reply

A place for people places and things that can get re-used.

4 replies

Idea for small scale gangs

3 replies

A bag full of questions

10 replies

a new tv show

19 replies

EditPlus Bable-On Syntax and Autocompletion
Giving back to the comunity

1 reply

Pirate Station Shows
We're the voice from RED, we don't have much time...

2 replies

Space Ghost
Coast to Coast

2 replies

RE: Idea's Drugs
Sounds like alot of fun :)

7 replies

Bartender Goodbyes
and cashiers and shit

14 replies

Concept: Drink preparation scripts
more detailed messages!

4 replies

Implants and stuff.
and what's goin on with them.

0 replies

Refrence it.

7 replies

Let's work on it IC for a bit
Call out to da playa's

30 replies

Wait a minute...
Don't laugh at me... I know it's easy...

3 replies

Call me horny but...

7 replies

Part 4: Math
1 + 1 = ?

0 replies

Part 3: Script Flow Control
How to make your scripts dance.

0 replies

Train Advertisements
more ads needed!

8 replies

Mugging script
It's old

5 replies

Now which thread was that in?
Commands and your proverbial fingertips

0 replies

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
Johnny did it, now you gotta suffer through it

2 replies

Concept: Drugs and Alcholol
oh god man, I am so wasted....

0 replies

Dreams Idea

15 replies

New to the Sindome Scripting World

0 replies

NPC Responses in scripts
Hookie turns to you and says, "Say what?"

2 replies

Part 2: Situtation-Centric Scripting
Now you can live vicariously through the NPCs!

13 replies

Loanshark Scripts Needed
several scripts needed

12 replies

Ambient Population Scripts

7 replies

No part 2 yet, but some new verbs.
So you can start REALLY doing damage.

8 replies

yes I have one everyonece and awhile

0 replies

My Current Efforts

3 replies


4 replies

Babble-On Scripting Manual, Part 1
Scripting for Dummies

0 replies

Buying a Vehicle?

3 replies

It's a virtue

1 reply

Concept: Techno-Techno
use for scripts

0 replies

First Thread!

0 replies