Is this what you were looking for?
I have a bunch of ideas but will wait for feedback before posting actual scripts.
Admittedly, I was thinking of Rychek having a -very- bad day, or at least .. red in general but ..
Heh, customer service is not exactly top priority, especially on red, now is it? �;)
// Margharita
// Enter here as soon as the %player has told the %npc he/she/it want's a margharita.
// variables that are expected to already be defined
// %npc
// %location
// %amount - the cost of the drink.
// %bar - the name of the object the bartender normally sets drinks on.
uses $npc_centric_script
to %player "You want a margharita? �This is %location! �Where the hell do you think you are, Blue?"
pause 3
do ".walk off toward the back of the bar, grumbling under my breath, and .grab a bottle marked 'M � h ari a �Mi'"
pause 3
do ".walk back, as I .glare at you."
pause 1
to %player "Do you have any idea how much work a fancy drink like that takes?"
pause 3
.do ".Grab and .open a bottle of tequila."
pause 2
tell the %player "You notice the worm floats sickly up near the top."
pause 1
to %player "Next time order a shot or a beer."
pause 5
do ".Lower my eyes as I .pour some tequila into a dented, rusting, dull chromed shaker."
pause 2
do ".Pour some sickly green liquid from the bottle marked 'M � h ari a �Mi' into the shaker."
pause 1
do .look up at %player
pause 3
to %player "You wanted that up, with no salt on the rim, right?"
pause 1
to %player "Good, because I don't feel like crushing any ice, and I don't like you enough to take the time to wet and salt the rim."
pause 5
do ".Cover the shaker while still looking at %T and .shake it 3 or 4 times."
pause 3
do ".Grab under the bar and .take a wide glass with a thin stem and .set it on a counter below the bar top."
pause 2
do ".Pour the contents of the shaker into the glass."
create $drink %booze
pause 3
describe %booze as "A thin stemmed wide glass filled most of the way with a yellow-greenish liquid covered in a slight amount of froth."
@taste %booze is "%T tastes strongly of bad tequila and weak lime juice with sugar."
@drink %booze is "You tip the glass up, a little too quickly. You spill some on your cheeks, and dribble a little more down your chin."
@otaste %booze is "%N sips lightly at the drink."
@odrink %booze is "%N takes a big gulp of the yellow-green foamy liquid and dribbles a bit down %p chin."
@poof %booze is "You drain the last of the margharita from your glass. �You notice a slightly earthy aftertaste as you see specks of brown in the bottom of the glass."
@opoof %booze is "%N downs the last of %p margharita and grimaces slightly."
//not sure on this next command, but you'll get the idea
@portions %booze 6
//I found the 'messages' commands above .. here
do "Put %booze on %bar
pause 5
to %player "That'll be %amount chyen."
pause 1
do ".wipe my brow."
pause 3
to %player "And after all that work, I expect a tip!"
//Exit here and return to the calling script.