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Drug Withdrawal Scripts
I feel funny...

Nemisis likes SIC Scripts. I like drug withdrawal scripts. Here's a sample of one I wrote a while back. Similiar scripting can be used to induce drug "trips" as well. The more random shit, the better...if you can make peoples experiences more individual: they'll appreciate it...or at the very least not know what to expect.


uses $play_script
as %player
start "symptom"

label "symptom"
 random "type" 7
 if equals %type 6
    start "symptom_a"
 elseif equals %type 5
    start "symptom_b"
 elseif equals %type 4
    start "symptom_c"
 elseif equals %type 3
    start "symptom_d"
 elseif equals %type 2
    start "symptom_e"
 elseif equals %type 1
    start "symptom_f"
   start "symptom_g"

label "symptom_a"
   force %npc ".clench my jaw, grinding my teeth together."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".purse my lips together in a crude fashion. My face twisting into wretched form, my clay like flesh giving way to my cheek bones: a segway of displaced wrinkles and clumps of fatty tissue."
   pause 5 "minute"
   force %npc ".cradle my head in my hands, clamping my fingers tightly around my skull."

label "symptom_b"
   tell %npc ".sniffle loudly as my nose becomes flush with color."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".slide a finger beneath my nostril."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".pull my hand from my face in shock, my index finger dotted with several beads of vibrant crimson."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".sneeze loudly filling the air with a dark mist of blood."

label "symptom_c"
   tell %npc "You feel your hands throbbing."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".groan loudly, the vein's in my temples burrowing out of my skull forming the illusion of small horns on my brow."
   pause 1 "minute"
   tell %npc "Your heart pounds against your chest. The fierce repetition of your pulse echoing through your skulls as you feel your brain start to swell."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".fold over like a piece of origami, gripping my chest."
   pause 1 "minute"
   tell %npc "The pains in your heart slowly subside. A cold, wet chill encasing your meaty flesh.
   force %npc ".breathe heavily, a few beads of sweat descending from my brow."

label "symptom_d"
   tell %npc "The world slows down to a crawl."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".widen my eyes, soaking in my surroundings with dilated pupils."
   pause 30
   force %npc ".rub my eyes, unable to maintain any semblance of focus."

label "symptom_e"
   force %npc ".take rough unsteady breaths as tiny droplet of sweat form on my brow."
   pause 1 "minute"
   force %npc ".twitch noticeably, squinting as the tiny blood vessels in the white of eyes .start to pulsate."
   pause 30
   force %npc ".widen my eyes furiously as they nearly bulge out of my skull. The creamy white surrounding my retinas giving way to a pool of deep crimson."
   pause 30
   force %npc ".pant loudly as a steady stream of blood flows from my eyes.

label "symptom_f"
   tell %npc "A shallow voice from behind you calls your name."
   pause 1 "minute"
   tell %npc "You feel a tap at your shoulder."
   pause 30
   force %npc ".glance over my shoulder nervously."
   pause 1 "minute"

label "symptom_g"
 force %npc ".cross my arms over my chest, my lower lip quivering faintly."
 pause 1 "minute"
 force %npc ".shiver and .shake, my teeth chattering against one another."
 pause 1 "minute"
 force %npc ".wipe a small splotch of mucus from my nostril, flicking it off my finger."

Okay, so I just took your example and started playing with it a little bit.  This is small I know, but does everything look right?   If it does then I can play around some more, if not I'll work a bit more on getting this shit straight, hehe. Thanks

uses $play_script
as %player
start "symptom"

label "symptom"
random "type" 3
if equals %type 2
   start "symptom_a"
elseif equals %type 1
   start "symptom_b"
  start "symptom_c"

label "symptom_a"
  tell %player "You feel the looming presence of an unknown force."
  pause 1 "minute"
  force %player ".squint my eyes while turning in a slow circle trying to pinpoint the feeling of being watched."
  pause 5 "minute"
  force %player ".relax as the presence starts to face into nothingness."

label "symptom_b"
  force %player ".start scratching my throat and making hawking sounds, throat itching for some reason."
  pause 1 "minute"
  force %player ".lean my head back, making funny gurgling noises."
  pause 1 "minute"
  tell %player "Your throat is driving you crazy. It's itching soooo bad right now."
  pause 1 "minute"
  force %player ".growl in frustration, glaring daggers at everybody around."

label "symptom_c"
  tell %player "Did you just hear someone cough?  You think you just heard it but aren't certain."
  pause 1 "minute"
  tell %player "There it is again, someone coughing.  Deep throaty coughs.  But where is it coming from?"
  pause 10
  force %player ".look around anxiously, eyes scanning everyone and everything."
  pause 10
  tell %player "Your eyes cannot seem to focus on anything, your vision seems to be bouncing around.  It's hard to breath now."
  pause 20
  force %player ".continue to cough loudly, reaching out a hand to steady myself."

What kinda drug is it for?
Eh, was thinking either th2c or the jackal pipe (considering it's laced herb right?).  Hence the throat itching and coughing, although nothing too bizarre.  

Keep in mind that I was just messing with the layout of the script more than anything.

Gotcha, well when you've got it polished up and ready let me know and I'll see about applying ti tot he one of those drugs.
Feel free to submit new drug scripts! It's always open for that.
Drug withdrawal scripts needed:






Example of V202:

uses $play_script

as %player

start "symptom"

label "symptom"

random "type" 13

if equals %type 6

start "symptom_a"

elseif equals %type 5

start "symptom_b"

elseif equals %type 4

start "symptom_c"

elseif equals %type 3

start "symptom_d"

elseif equals %type 2

start "symptom_e"

elseif equals %type 1

start "symptom_f"

elseif equals %type 7

start "symptom_g"

elseif equals %type 8

start "symptom_h"

elseif equals %type 9

start "symptom_i"

elseif equals %type 10

start "symptom_j"

elseif equals %type 11

start "symptom_k"

elseif equals %type 12

start "symptom_l"


start "symptom_m"


label "symptom_a"

tell %npc "Your vision blurs for a moment, white spots appearing in the corners of your eyes and disappearing as you try to focus on them."

pause 1 "minute"

tell %npc "A voice from behind you whispers your name."

pause 5 "minute"

tell %npc "A voice reaches your ears, so close that you feel as though you could touch the speaker, \"Kill them all.\""


label "symptom_b"

tell %npc "You feel as though something inside your head is trying to take control of your body and mind."

pause 1 "minute"

force %npc "think Fuck you. It'll be my time soon."

pause 1 "minute"

tell %npc "You seem to get yourself back under control, the pressure on your mind lifts slightly."


label "symptom_c"

force %npc ".grind my teeth."

pause 1 "minute"

force %npc ".begin clenching and unclenching my fingers."

pause 1 "minute"

force %npc ".flinch slightly as if shying away from a punch."

pause 1 "minute"

force %npc ".rub the side of my face as my left eye begins to twitch."


label "symptom_d"

tell %npc "You catch sight of someone drawing a gun out of the corner of your eye."

pause 10

force %npc ".turn quickly to my right, my posture tense."

pause 10

tell %npc "The person you saw is gone, perhaps never even there."


label "symptom_e"

tell %npc "A voice in the back of your mind urges you to attack the next person you see."


label "symptom_f"

tell %npc "Anger wells up inside you from an unknown source."

pause 30

tell %npc "The anger inside you continues to build."

pause 30

tell %npc "You can barely control yourself now, your anger is threatening to boil over. Your vision takes on a reddish hue."

pause 10

tell %npc "You get the sudden urge to scream loudly."


label "symptom_g"

tell %npc "A tickle in your palm reminds you that you need a fix."


label "symptom_h"

tell %npc "You feel like you might throw up. It might be time for a fix."


label "symptom_i"

tell %npc "You hear someone whispering about you and your little problem."

pause 20

force %npc ".scratch at my neck."


label "symptom_j"

force %npc "think Fix, fix, fix, fix, fuck! I need some fuckin' " %drug_name "!!"


label "symptom_k"

tell %npc "You are not sure you can control your actions much longer if you don't get a fix."


label "symptom_l"

force %npc "think I just need to calm down... and get a fix."


label "symptom_m"

tell %npc "You feel the sudden urge to spit on the person nearest to you."


uses $play_script

as %player

start "symptom"

label "symptom"

random "type" 13

if equals %type 6

start "symptom_a"

elseif equals %type 5

start "symptom_b"

elseif equals %type 4

start "symptom_c"

elseif equals %type 3

start "symptom_d"

elseif equals %type 2

start "symptom_e"

elseif equals %type 1

start "symptom_f"

elseif equals %type 7

start "symptom_g"

elseif equals %type 8

start "symptom_h"

elseif equals %type 9

start "symptom_i"

elseif equals %type 10

start "symptom_j"

elseif equals %type 11

start "symptom_k"

elseif equals %type 12

start "symptom_l"


start "symptom_m"


label "symptom_a"

tell %npc "Your head begins pounding, you know you need your pills."

pause 15 "minute"

tell %npc "Heat centers in your forehead, and you feel as though you could die, you are so anxious."

pause 30 "minute"

tell %npc "Your whole head begins pounding again, feeling like it's about to burst. Maybe some coffee would help, but you know you really need an EverUp."


label "symptom_b"

tell %npc "Your skin twitches and feels dry, idly you feel like you need to scratch at it."

pause 10 "minute"

force %npc "think Fuck I need an EverUp."

pause 20 "minute"

tell %npc "Is it still not bed time, you feel like you could use an EverUp to get through the rest of the day."


label "symptom_c"

force %npc ".slap my thighs."

pause 2 "minute"

force %npc ".begin moving back and forth trying to build up energy and motivation."

pause 2 "minute"

force %npc ".twitch lightly at the corner of the eyes. I .rub slightly at them."

pause 4 "minute"

force %npc ".blink slowly looking a bit stupid."


label "symptom_d"

tell %npc "You need just a little bit of EverUp to get through the day."

pause 10

tell %npc "Life needs a little bit of EverUp in it to get you through the day."

pause 10

tell %npc "EverUp is the greatest substance to ever exist and you need more of it in your life."


label "symptom_e"

tell %npc "There's a tiny voice in the back of your head, and it says to take an EverUp. It'll help with whatever your problems are."


label "symptom_f"

tell %npc "Anxiety wells up inside you from an unknown source."

pause 3 "minute"

tell %npc "That anxiety builds and builds."

pause 3 "minute"

tell %npc "You can barely control yourself, there's just a lack of focus to the world, a lack of clarity that's bothering you."

pause 10

tell %npc "You get the sudden urge to scream loudly."


label "symptom_g"

tell %npc "The smell of coffee nearby reminds you that you need a fix. It's EverUp or nothing though."


label "symptom_h"

tell %npc "You feel like you might throw up. It might be time for an EverUp."


label "symptom_i"

tell %npc "There's nothing left in the world but you and EverUp, it's not left you, so why are you leaving it?"

pause 20

force %npc ".scratch at my hair roughly."


label "symptom_j"

force %npc "think So fucking tired, FUCK, fuck! I need some fuckin' " EverUp "!!"


label "symptom_k"

tell %npc "You are not sure you can control your actions much longer if you don't get a fix."


label "symptom_l"

force %npc "think I just need to calm down... and get a fix."


label "symptom_m"

tell %npc "You feel that headache coming on, time to pop an EverUp."


EverUp withdrawals because they need to be a thing.

Woah please don't put withdrawal scripts on EverUp. The stuff is practically essential and forced emotes break stealth :(
Actually ignore that post, I'ma move that discussion to the drug thread in complaints. Ahem.
EverUp withdrawals are now a thing. None of the withdrawals START with a pose or emote, giving you a few minutes to take a hit before it'll break your stealth.
Still needed:

Drug withdrawal scripts needed:



When you write them, please make the first message a tell and not a think or a pose, that way people have time to take a hit if they need one without breaking stealth.