You can also do math with the 'math' command.
The math command takes a result variable, a left hand operand, a operator, and a right hand operand, and sets the result to the result variable, with valid operators being + - * / (plus, minus, multiply, divide respectively).
It looks like this.
set "%a" 1
set "%b" 1
math "%c" = %a "+" %b
// %c is now 2
math "%d" = 2 "*" %c
// %d is now 4
math "%d" = %d "-" 1
// %d is now 3
You can check to see if two numbers are equal or not equal in the standard way:
if equals 1 %a
//do something
if notequals %a %b
//do something
//do something else
And finally you can get a random number between 1 and X by with 'random "%rand" X' where X is any positive number. If you want to make it negative afterwords, multiply it by -1.
Like this
random "%rand" 4
if equals 1 %rand
//do 1 here
elseif equals 2 %rand
//do 2 here
elseif equals 3 %rand
//do 3 here
elseif equals 4 %rand
//do 4 here
If your confused as to why this is useful, take a look at the 99 Bottles of Beer script... You can do really dynamic things.
Questions? Comments? Screams of agony?