Here we go. I fixed my typos/errors/missing punctuation and changed the ones I made (hopefully correctly) to use the %alias feature.
// WarRamble 1 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
cmas %alias “Oye. Back in my day, inexpensive cloning from Genetek wasn’t a thing.”
Pause 6
cmas %alias “Yeah, you might wake up in a tube after the anti-corps raided your home, but your children weren’t going to be coming back, too.”
// WarRamble 2 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
cmas %alias “Quiet days like this make me miss the Corporate Wars."
pause 6
cmas %alias “Nothing quite as wondrous as blasting through a door and mowing down the competition with the your trusty minigun. The only bad thing about the XM196 was that you couldn’t even hear their screaming over the glorious rat-tah-tat-tat as it was singing."
pause 5
cmas %alias "I can’t do fun stuff like that nowadays.”
// WarRamble 3 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
randalias "%alias2" "female"
cmas %alias “Oye! Gorram disrespectful mixers on the mag-levs!”
pause 8
cmas %alias “If I met a punk like you back in the Corporate Wars, you’d already be a stain on the floor!”
Pause 5
Cmas %alias2 “Blah blah blah, geezer.”
Pause 5
cmas %alias “Keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there. I'm a gorram decorated hero. I ate dumbasses like you for breakfast and then served up your family for brunch.”
pause 5
cmas %alias “Lucky I’m Obeying the Law.”
Pause 6
cmas %alias “Because if I didn’t have this chip in my head, I’d put a barrel in between your lips and watch you cry for fun, girl, and -”
pause 5
cmas %alias “Oye, bakalaka made my chip angry again. Got a headache.”
// WarRamble 4 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
randalias "%alias2" "female"
cmas %alias “War, war never changes. Fight for money. Fight for resources. Fight for your family or freedom. Oye, fight because it’s gorram fun!”
Pause 7
cmas %alias “The wars we wage in this life never end, kids. They’re going to follow us through each clone and echo on into eternity after we die.”
Pause 5
cmas %alias2 “You ever thought about therapy, chummer?”
pause 4
cmas %alias “I got a hot therapist named Dezraldina.”
// WarRamble 5 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
cmas %alias “Oye. My only regret is those poor orphans down in Brazil.”
pause 5
cmas %alias “Wasn't really my fault though. Grenades don’t care who they blow up.”
// WarRamble 6 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
cmas %alias “When you look inside yourselves, and ask, What am I going to be? You ought to think about all the people who came before you, who fought for the world you’re living in. If you’ve never had to make the choice in a split second to determine whether someone lives or dies, you don’t even know how it to feels to be truly alive.”
Pause 5
cmas %alias “So don’t be a wussy. Get into corporate security, get a gun license and rain hell on any mixer scum who tries to cause trouble for you.”
// WarRamble 7 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
cmas %alias “All you pitiful bakas should just fall in line and learn your place already.”
pause 5
cmas %alias “Most of you don’t fucking know war, what it’s like to really fight for something.”
pause 9
cmas %alias “But you want to blame someone for holding you back? You want to have one epiphany after the other thinking you’ve finally figured how the business world is ruining your life, and how you can turn everything around by stealing, cheating, and murdering? Think fucken again. That mediocrity and lowness you feel isn’t some obstacle built by corpies.”
Pause 3
cmas %alias “It’s you.”
Pause 6
cmas %alias “It’s who you are, bitches. The one stopping you from your dreams is YOU. The one hindering everything you always wanted and keeping you from having anything is YOU.”
pause 6
cmas %alias “No one is going to give you anything or hold your hand! And the minute you forget your place and try to take what’s not yours to have?"
pause 3
cmas %alias "You’ll get reminded who has the guns.”
// WarRamble 8 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
cmas %alias "People believe that there is no silence in a war zone, only a constant cacophony of gunfire. They like to think that’s the reason why some come back unable to stand the lack of sound. Makes them feel clever when they tell someone else that, as if they have some iota of understanding, some insight into what it’s like that makes them better able to empathize."
pause 10
cmas %alias "Oye. Truth is, the damned quiet can get you killed. More often than not, it afforded you time to retreat into your own head and start trying to reason out what was going on. Instincts take a back seat then. Your brain starts working shit out, takes up your attention. You start wondering what you’re even gorram doing and why. You want know when you’re going see the home and kids."
pause 6
cmas %alias "You wonder what is the next big thing you’ll miss and how much longer you’ve got till you can kiss the shithole part of the world goodbye. You get so caught up in it, you forget to listen when your gut’s screaming at you to put your gorram head down."
pause 5
cmas %alias "And before you know it, a bullet slammed through your skull and kindly ended the whole process for you."
// WarRamble 9 //
uses $sic_script
randalias "%alias" "male"
cmas %alias "Oye. People who went through the Corporate Wars, we learned about fear and pain first hand. It's that look in their eyes before you execute 'em. It's that feel when your ace chummer got the Ebola-MX, and you know he's shitting out his eyes and ears in quarantine without a clone up."
pause 8
cmas %alias "Or when there's a full gorram cyborg charging at you with an assault rifle, and all you have is your gumption and a single magazine in your P7 to determine if you live or die."
pause 3
cmas %alias "Those were good times."