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- Garthus 45s
- Bruhlicious 10s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
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- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
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- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
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a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
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Sense/Net Train Advert
Because not all ads should be friendly...

It's a dystopian future, so why not have a dystopian commercial? Not sure if Sense/Net has a slogan but I think it works.


uses $holographic_advertisement_script

create $room "%offstage"

rename %npc to "a Fashionable Holographic Woman"

describe %npc as "A holographic projection of a slender red-headed woman in a navy blue business suit, the pin on her lapel bearing the logo of Sense/Net."

move %npc to %location

to %player "Hello %N, I know that life can be full of mistakes. Mistakes though, can be deadly."

pause 3

tell %player "The holograph expands, with this woman in the forefront as an image begins to form and play behind and to the left her."

random "key" 4

if equals %key 1

pause 1

tell %player "You can see yourself walking down a street in the mix, the scene seeming highly ominous. The angle of the image changes as you now see yourself through a scope of some kind with the sights directly on your head."

pause 8

tell %player "*BANG!* The rifle shot echos in your mind as you watch this image of you being shot in the head as the courtyard is redecorated in holographic brain matter gray."

pause 6

elseif equals %key 2

pause 1

tell %player "As the image becomes clearer, you can see yourself walking on the skywalk near the WJF Tower. Through the foot traffic you can see a small midget dashing through the crowd and running at you full speed."

pause 8

tell %player "The midget reaches you and bashes into you with force, causing you to lose your balance. The image swivels around, watching the snide grin of the midget as you plummet down to red, screaming in terror."

pause 8

elseif equals %key 3

pause 1

tell %player "The image forms into that of a stone jawed Judge. His speech is distorted but his demeanor is menacing as the image zooms out, his gun pointed directly at a holographic projection of.. you!"

pause 8

tell %player "The distorted speech continues for a while until you can clearly hear, /"By the Withmore Code of Justice, I sentence you to death./" The image seems to appear in slow motion as the Judge unloads half his clip into your image's chest, leaving you twitching on the ground."

pause 6


pause 1

tell %player "The image comes into focus and the person looks a lot like you, in fact, it is you. The scene is nondescript, save for the electrical socket you are working near."

pause 6

tell %player "As you continue to watch, your image notices a plug not plugged in and goes to plug it in. The image zooms in as you plug in the plug, a brillant spark coming from the outlet as your image writhes in agony and shortly expires thereafter."

pause 8


tell %player You can hear your heart beating loudly and your heavy breathing as the image fades away.

pause 2

to %player "I know that was probably traumatic for you to watch, but we here at Sense/Net, want to take the trauma out of your life. With our affordable cloning packages, you can survive these mistakes and maybe even learn from them. So %N, why not come on down to Sense/Net and either update or get your clone today? Remember, at Sense/Net, our business is life itself."

pause 8

do ".smile softly as she .fade away with the hologram."

move %npc to %offstage

pause 3

tell %player "After watching the disturbing images, you feel the urgent need to get or update your clone."

I like it.
I think the rifle shot in the mix one should be traded out with a mugging or similar instead, but I love the rest!