Alright I've been working on a script so all us recovered V-202 addicts can finnaly kick that little haggard descript this is what I got, �but I'm having trouble getting it to parse correctly, �i get "%npc" variable not defined.
force %npc ".Lead %N to a table and .lie them down.
tell %player "You lie back and stare at the ceiling."
pause 15
force %npc ".Say while fitting restraints around %N's wrists and feet and placing a bite guard in %o mouth, ""This is gonna hurt quite a bit."" �.Turn and .grab a rather large syringe from a drawer and .fill it with a bright orange liquid.
pause 10
force %npc ".Place a hand on %N's shoulder and .drive the syringe into the center of %N's chest.
tell %player "Your veins fill with fire and the world drops away as the syringe empties into your heart."
pause 3
force %player ".Scream in pain as I .convulse uncontrolably, my arms and legs pulling the restraints to their limit. Sweat �covers my body immediatly as the injection does it's work."
pause 20
tell %player "The pain continues to rage on and you want it to end so bad death is a welcome prospect."
pause 15
tell %player "There is a bright flash of light and the world goes dark."
create $dream_room "%room"
rename %room "Firepit"
describe %room "You can see or hear nothing except the fire that consumes you. A pain like no other you have ever felt cripples you, all you can do is lie there and burn."
avatar %player $dream_avatar "%avatar"
move %avatar %room
pause 30
force %avatar ".Scream out but no cry is heard. �My arms and legs .flail about trying to douse the flames that envelope them.
tell %room "%N flails about on the table, a look of horror and unbearable pain twisting %o tear streaked face. �%S cries out that %s's burning and begs for someone, -anyone- to extinguish the flames."
pause 15
tell %avatar "You writhe in agony and pray for any possible release as the flames char your flesh, your hands and feet already turned to ash and thrown to the wind in your thrashings. �Tears roll down your face as you continue to cry out in a silent voice."
tell %room "%N continues to convulse on the table %o screams becomming more and more hysterical, ""Please....OH GOD PLEASE!!! �PUT IT OUT...SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE SOMEONE PUT OUT THE FIRE. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!""
pause 5
tell %avatar "The blackness begins to flicker. �Bits of the real world cropping up around you, standing there faintly only for moments then fading away."
pause 10
tell %avatar "The world goes black and the pain is replaced by a dull ache."
pause 60
force %avatar ".Open my eye's slowly and it takes me a minute to realize where I'm at."
unavatar %avatar "%player"
tell %player "Your vision clears and you can hear the voices around now. �Your body aches and you feel as if you haven't slept in months"
pause 15
force %player ".Look around the room your gaze finally finding the doctor. .Ask ""Is it over?""
pause 15
force %npc ".Nod and while undoing %N's restraints �.say, ""Physically it's over, �you'll need at least 12 hours of sleep, and I'm going to give you an injection of protiens to help to balance what you lost through the detoxification process.""
pause 2
Force %npc ".Grab another syringe and .jab it into %N's arm without waiting for a response."
pause 5
force %player ".Stand up wearily from the table rubbing your torn bruised wrists and ankles."
pause 5
force %npc ".Takes a look at you with his moniters and evaluates the readings. �He then administers first aid to the injuries you incurred during the procedure."
force %npc "to %N Your all done, now go home and lie down."
Go head and let me know what ya'll think and If I'm missing anything apparent. �