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Mugging script
It's old

I've gotten pretty tired of the old Dream Mugging Script so it's time we came up with a few more.

Here's the old one to use as an example. All the pronoun subs will be the same, so be sure to stick to that as a guideline.

uses $dream_play_script
// %player is the avatar of the dreamer
// %location is the dream room the avatar is standing in
// %here is an alias for %location
// %realplayer is the real player
// If you want to cause the player to scream, you must unavatar. If you do not unavatar, the player will wake up anyway.
// For more information, see 'help scripting'.
broadcast "gm" %realplayer " is seeing a dream about being mugged."
rename %here "Misty Unknown"
actor "%mugger" %in_muggername %in_muggerdesc
exit %mugger
as %mugger
do "hide"
pause 5
enter %mugger
pause 5
announceall %here "You open your eyes and find yourself in a world without form or shape. Dancing colors flirt through your vision as objects appear, and quickly fade from your vision. As you look on, a single form slowly begins to take shape..."
pause 10
do "unhide"
pause 10
announceall %here "Looking at the figure you see..."
announceall %here ""
force %player "look figure"
pause 20
// %in_o - him/her
// %in_p - his/her
// %in_q - his/hers
// %in_r - himself/herself
// %in_s - he/she
announceall %here "As the form fully comes into focus " %in_s " walks with confidence as " %in_s " slowly works " %in_p " way towards you. After a moment, you see the glint of evil... of greed, in " %in_p " eyes. You reach up to try and stop " %in_o ", only to find you can't move. You try and scream, but no sound comes from your mouth."
pause 14
announceall %here "You watch as " %in_s " reaches out with his hands for your unmoving body, a chuckle coming from deep down in " %in_p " throat. Quickly and deftly, " %in_s " begins to take things from your prone form. Unable to move, you watch helplessly as your belongings are stolen from you."
pause 13
announceall %here "Taking all that " %in_s " wishes, " %in_s " slowly backs away from you. It seems as if " %in_s " moves in slow motion as " %in_p " form slowly fades from your vision, leaving you alone. Trapped. Frozen... in this misty hell."
pause 9
announceall %here "You try to move again, and begin to panic as your body remains unresponsive. You put all your effort into trying to scream out loud..."
unavatar %player "%player"
pause 4
force %player ".scream at the top of my lungs!"

Looking forward to your submissions!


I'm on it.
I merely changed the descs on it, so if you need anything more complex feel free to sendme a flaming e-mail. :D

uses $dream_play_script
// %player is the avatar of the dreamer
// %location is the dream room the avatar is standing in
// %here is an alias for %location
// %realplayer is the real player
// If you want to cause the player to scream, you must unavatar. If you do not unavatar, the player will wake up anyway.
// For more information, see 'help scripting'.
broadcast "gm" %realplayer " is seeing a dream about being mugged."
rename %here "Misty Unknown"
actor "%mugger" %in_muggername %in_muggerdesc
exit %mugger
as %mugger
do "hide"
pause 5
enter %mugger
pause 5
announceall %here "You open your eyes slowly, blinking heavly and tiredly you can barelly see your surroundings. You peek around squinting your eyes trying to see what made the sound that woke you up."
pause 10
do "unhide"
pause 10
announceall %here "You see an humanoid figure and between blinks you try to focus into it..."
announceall %here ""
force %player "look figure"
pause 20
// %in_o - him/her
// %in_p - his/her
// %in_q - his/hers
// %in_r - himself/herself
// %in_s - he/she
announceall %here "As the form fully comes into focus " %in_s " walks sneakly " %in_p " way towards you, moving with caution and slowly extending " %in_p " hands towards you. You promplty try to jump on your feet, but your body doesn't move. You try to shout and scream at " %in_p " and no sound comes from your lips."
pause 14
announceall %here "You try to resist and fight with all your strenght as " %in_s " starts to rob your so hardly gotten possesions."
pause 13
announceall %here  "A chuckle comes from " %in_p " throat while " %in_s " looks at your possessions and discards what dislikes " %in_s ". Anguer takes your mind and the desire to ravage " %in_p " body and leave the pieces to the sewer rats to take care of increases."
pause 9
announceall %here "As your anguer builds up and the tempestive desire to harm the robber takes full possession of your body you feel your fist close."
unavatar %player "%player"
pause 4
force %player ".jumps up looking around, searching for someone, fists closed and breading heavly in rage."

Ok, so it's not really a mugging, but I think it'll server the same purpose.

I used the same framwork as the original but the rest should be different.

I'm not sure how to incorporate speech into this.  But I made a rough attempt at having the dream 'mugger' speak to the dreamer (and call them by name)

For what it's worth, I'm still having problems running scripts through the parser.

uses $dream_play_script
// %player is the avatar of the dreamer
// %location is the dream room the avatar is standing in
// %here is an alias for %location
// %realplayer is the real player
// If you want to cause the player to scream, you must unavatar. If you do not unavatar, the player will wake up anyway.
// For more information, see 'help scripting'.
broadcast "gm" %realplayer " is seeing a dream about being mugged."
rename %here "Misty Unknown"
actor "%mugger" %in_muggername %in_muggerdesc
exit %mugger
as %mugger
do "hide"
pause 5
enter %mugger
pause 5
announceall %here "You open your eyes and feel filled with energy.  You leave and hit the streets, feeling pumped, it's going to be your day"
pause 10
announceall %here "As you walk down the street, it seems odd that it is getting dark so quickly.  You notice that your mood begins to change and grow more fearful as the lamps grow darker"
pause 10
announceall %here "Suddenly, as you turn the corner, the scenery changes.  You recognize this place from your past, 10 maybe 15 years ago.  It was bad then, you can't remember exactly why, but the fear quickly envelops you all over again."
pause 10
announceall %here "You feel panicky as you turn looking to go back the way you came, only you can't remember where you just were.  This place, bad memories, but why?  You just can't remember."
pause 10
announceall %here "You begin walking, where, you don't know.  It's as if your feet are taking you somewhere.  Scenery passes and the sense of dread in you grows by the moment, especially when you begin to hear the footsteps behind you."
pause 10
announceall %here "You're not sure now, if the footsteps are in front of you, behind you, next to you.  You wan't to turn and look, but cant bring yourself to.  The sound of those steps echoes off the walls of the buildings and you are the only soul on the streets to hear it."
pause 10
announceall %here "Your steps quicken as the panic is now nearly all consuming.  By the time you turn the corner, you're nearly running, cold sweat running off your brow.  And then, you see " %in_o " and your feet stop dead, your knees frozen."
pause 10
do "unhide"
pause 10
announceall %here "Looking at the figure you see..."
announceall %here ""
force %player "look figure"
pause 20
// %in_o - him/her
// %in_p - his/her
// %in_q - his/hers
// %in_r - himself/herself
// %in_s - he/she
announceall %here "As the form fully comes into focus you realize you know " %in_s ".
pause 14
announceall %here "All you want to do is run but you can't.  You watch as " %in_s " reaches out with his hands for your unmoving body. Every muscle in your body tenses up as " %in_s " grins evily at you.  This place, this person, you know them, but you don't know how.  It's in your past, but you don't know how, or why."
pause 13
announceall %here "'Did you really think you could get away from me that easily?  Did you really think I wouldn't find you?' " %in_s " says to you.  If your muscles weren't frozen, you'd be pissing your pants right now."
pause 9
announceall %here "Slowly "%in_s " pulls out an unbelievably large pistol and points it directly at you.  You want to scream, you want to run, you want to do anything but be right here right now, but your legs are made of lead. 'I'm comming for you %N, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I'll be here, and I'll be looking for you.  Count on it.'"
pause 9
announceall %here "You try to move again, and begin to panic as your body remains unresponsive. You watch in slow motion as you hear the click of the hammer and watch it fall slowly, slowly, your life about to end as you put all your effort into trying to scream out loud..."
unavatar %player "%player"
pause 4
force %player ".scream at the top of my lungs!"
force player shout Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

If I might try my hand....

uses $dream_play_script
// %player is the avatar of the dreamer
// %location is the dream room the avatar is standing in
// %here is an alias for %location
// %realplayer is the real player
// If you want to cause the player to scream, you must unavatar. If you do not unavatar, the player will wake up anyway.
// For more information, see 'help scripting'.
broadcast "gm" %realplayer " is seeing a dream about being mugged."
rename %here "Foggy street."
actor "%mugger" %in_muggername %in_muggerdesc
exit %mugger
as %mugger
do "hide"
pause 5
enter %mugger
pause 5
announceall %here "Out of breath and panting, you find youself running down a dark, dimly lit street. Your vision is further obscured by a fog just beyond the fringes of tangibility, but the sharp pain in your side and the leaden weight on your limbs keeps your mind focused on a single thought: escape."
pause 10
announceall %here "As you barrel down the the oddly quiet street, the only immediately noticeable sounds are the clapping of your own feet on the tarmac, and that of your hoarse, shallow breathing. Upon straining your ears however, the quiet, constant and ultimately reassuring buzz of the dim streetlights may be heard. The sharp pain at your side flares for a moment, your feet stumbling as you look down. Your hand comes away bloody, caked blood covers your fingers as thin rivulets of fresher crimson fluid trail across your palm, past your wrist. More than the stich of extended exertion, you realize, as you stand there, staring numbly at the gash along your ribs."
pause 20
do "unhide"
pause 10
announceall %here "Your head snaps up as suddenly, you notice movement along the edges of your vision and hear another's footsteps. You strain your eyes in the darkness, trying to discern some detail beyond the silhouette of the figure which steps towards you..."
pause 5
announceall %here ""
force %player "look figure"
pause 20
// %in_o - him/her
// %in_p - his/her
// %in_q - his/hers
// %in_r - himself/herself
// %in_s - he/she
announceall %here "At a rather leisurely pace, " %in_s " steps toward you, wearing a rather wicked-looking grin on " %in_p " face. One of " %in_p " hands, the left one, balled into a fist, rises with index finger jutting out. Said finger slowly wags at you as " %in_s " shakes " %in_p " head, a mocking rendition of a pained sigh accompanying the performance."
pause 14
announceall %here "The left hand drops as the right hand rises, the dim streetlights reflecting on something large, and chromed. The figure advances towards you, as " %in_s " points a ZMI .357 Magnum directly at your forehead. Your assailant keeps advancing until the cold steel barrel of " %in_q " weapon touches, and then pushes, your forehead. With " %in_p " free hand, " %in_s " pats you down. At this, you attempt to step back, but find yourself mired in place, your eyes locked on the barrel of the monstrous revolver. You sniff gingerly, and your nose tingles as you catch a whiff of a sulfurous smell. Cordite. The weapon's been fired recently, and you doubt the one pointing it at your head would have any problem pulling the trigger again."
pause 20
announceall %here "You stay in place, wincing as " %in_p " hands duck into your pockets. You dare not look down for fear of death, but you can feel " %in_o " taking things from you, pilfering your pockets and anywhere else you happen to keep your valuables hidden. Through it all, the pain in your side has only increased, and a cold sweat begins to bead on your brow. The pressure on your forehead is eased, and " %in_s " begins to back away. You allow yourself the luxury of a relieved sigh."
pause 15
announceall %here "A sigh too soon, it seems, as " %in_s " cocks the revolver's hammer. The ominous click of the weapon's firing mechanism echoes out across the empty street and for a moment, as you find yourself staring into the inky depths of a revolver's barrel, time stands still."
pause 15
announceall %here "You notice " %in_p " hand tense, veins bulging, as " %in_s " squeezes the trigger. Your vision goes white, blinding you, accompanied by a deafening, thunderous roar. Your sight fades slowly to a dull, pulsing red, then finally to black, as a feeling of vertigo overtakes you. Then, silence."
pause 20
announceall %here "Tiny motes of light dance before your eyes as the world comes into focus. You feel you are lying on something hard, it's really rather uncomfortable, and some odd warmth is spread over your face. You also find it difficult to see clearly, but one thing you do know is that you're staring at what passes for a sky in these parts. Footsteps echo around you, but when you try to raise your head to look around, you discover that you can't really move. The most you can manage is a twitch. Your ears pick up the distant wail of sirens, but they're not for you. You move your lips, trying to articulate a word, one you can't quite remember. In fact, you can't really remember much but the dull, throbbing pain in your side. You can't feel it all that much anymore. Alarmed, you try to force your throat to emit some sound, as your sight begins to waver and dim....."
pause 20
unavatar %player "%player"
pause 4
force %player ".scream at the top of my lungs!"

Thank you all very much for your contribution. Your submissions were all very interesting on their own merits, and we will be implementing most of them when our development cycle permits.

Awesome work guys. Thank you again.
