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- Garthus 45s
- Bruhlicious 10s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Inks 3s The pinnacle of mediocre.
- RedProtokoll 16s
- Bix 55s
- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
- BigBiscuit 1m
- Slyter 55s
- Wonderland 2s
- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- adrognik 56s
- Hivemind 2h
- Rillem 52s
- Terrible_the_duck 6s
- Fogchild1 1m
- zxq 6m
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised
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Example Code

I'd like to work on some TV scripts and such, but I learn best by looking at code.  I've gone over the few example codes on here several times and still don't feel all that comfortable with the langauge.  Would it be possible to have one of the existing TV scripts posted on here?

That way I can look at the code for something I (and anyone else who learns from looking at code) can see the code for a script we've seen in action?  Maybe one of the Johnny Sienfield episodes?

Here's something I've been working on....

"Fall Up"
uses $play_script

//Commercial for The Lunar Colonies (Skywatch)
<Funky Montage Action? Information overload tastes like soypaste stuck
to the roof of your mouth.>

//An introduction to the game � Examining the Shinohara Dome

//HoverCam HUD Display
desc %here "Stylishly low tech neon reticules dance on screen, examining the most subtle nuances of the Shinohara Dome. Swarming over the crowd like birds of prey, shifting optics with the fervor a true voyeur they reveal sturdy construction, complex subsystems, and the occasional undergarment.�

announceall %location "[A monstrous aberration of a roman coliseum. The crowd of thousands rippling like kelp in a nutrient bath, sectioned off per class by fences ranging from the electrified to the three-picket. In the center of the arena lies a magnificent semi-translucent orb that softly glows beneath the Technicolor rainbow of Holo's that roam freely throughout the amphitheater. ]"

pause 2

announceall %location "A synthetic bass driven concoction bellows
forth, "Ladies and Gentleman, chummers of all ages!!!""

pause 13

announceall %location "[A tear gas canister soars through the air before detonating. The gas disperses wildly, swirling into a double helix of cleansing agents in a brief calm before riping into the variety of slags, dregs, and suicidalz. The Disposable Generation flails with a soft look of hopelessness as if merely going through the motions. You barely catch a glimpse of the rough concrete seating as they're absorbed into the dreary backdrop. Quickly, their Faces blur by like you're in the new DaimlerChrysler Wolverine. Buy One Today. ]"

pause 15

announceall %location "[Hollow faces fade behind chain link fences as a new breed of being slides across the screen. Dressed in casual media-core style they appear wholesome and genuinely interested in one another. Dispersed openly, they seem to have free reign over the arena. Whether up in the stands or perusing the picnic area it looks like these people are on some kind of drug, being as most of them cannot stop smiling. The occasional human vendor circulates among sultry holovendors and Adonis synthetics, adding a touch of humanity to displace the vulgarity of the drones.] On behalf of New Light Media, Welcome to the Shinohara Dome."

pause 15

announceall %location "[The images of the crowd gradually lose form as the stands grow distant. Ad-blimps trawl through the skies above, carefully distanced from the corporate box deck. A malfunctioning HoverCam zooms by colliding with the scaffolding of a nearby SHI construction crew. Three men descend into the abyss below. A look of sheer terror swells on their faces but their cries are unheard. The defective HoverCam swerves violently into a Corporate Box, bouncing off the reinforced two-way fiberweave with apparent confusion as it lingers in the air. Twin autoturrets suddenly come to life sending a full automatic burst into the disorderly HoverCam. The mischievous property of NLM spits sparks briefly before exploding in a union of circuitry, orbital steel, and 7.62 FMJ shells. The autoturrets go silent.]"

pause 6

announceall %location "[An unmarked sleek black aerodyne emerges from the foggy neon coated haze, guns exposed and ready to fire. A faint laser emits from one of them and slowly scans over the screen. ] "

pause 7

announceall %location "[The on screen perspective spins wildly causing you to lose track of the Shinohara Dome's laws of gravity abruptly. The grand scope of the coliseums centerpiece comes into light as the camera spirals downwards. Digitally enhanced, the fusion of old world sociology with bleeding edge science becomes apparent in this
monstrosity.] Are -You- Ready to step into NoOo Man's Land?!"

pause 15

announceall %location "[Digital overlays display the schematics with dramatic detail over bass pounding SPEed DuB. Reflecting ominous connotations about the 8 meter high, 91.5 meter across killing grounds. Neatly packaged in a vacuum by a translucent virtually indestructible viral synthetic courtesy of ViriiSoma. Held carefully in place by Neutronium beams that root themselves in the volcanic depths of the City's foundation.]"

pause 15

announceall %location "[Bipolar pseudo-gravity generators line the vacuum centering the gravity over the odd viral compound that establishes the boundaries of the sphere. The resulting field effectively enables the ultimate freedom in the anything goes arena. Eight men line the Outskirts, outfitted in: paramilitary trousers, combat boots and sleeveless flak jackets. They're easily discernible by logo's, colors, and implants. On each Fringe � A single warrior stands before their respective perpendicular apex each equidistant by
90 meters, defending opposing magnetic ball locks.] THIS IS DEATHBALL."

pause 15

// _build players
/_add play by play statistics...on the fly?

//ViriiSoma Contagion
/_add uniforms (Red and Black)

actor %Victor is named "Victor" and looks like "Victor's monthly struggle for survival has etched deep lines in his face, and his bestial grin attests to the ferocity under the surface. He carries himself with certainty as though each of his actions are planned with utter efficiency and tactic. A malign sort of patience rests within' his pupil-less eyes as though he recognizes that any true threat will come to him."

actor %Lin is named "Lin" and looks like "Lin's' impressive appearance wins many fights before they begin. She wears her hair cropped short, so as to provide no handhold for an opponent. Her large frame belies a surprising and deadly quickness. She surveys with they eyes of a true predator, noticing every subtle nuance and innuendo. Its as though she has a complete lack of fear."

actor %Samson is named "Samson" and look like "Sunken eyes, a perpetual snart and a domineering presence attests to Samson's age and utter lack of human emotion. He's obviously vat grown and has tattooed a cross on the back of his neck in open mockery of the Church and its promises of redemption. Flowing white hair hangs over his eyes, concealing whatever sinister intentions he has.�

Actor %Dirk is named "Dirk" and looks like "Dirk's eyes are impassive and distant. Life means nothing to him. His long blond hair dances around him with a life of its own, even when he is completely still. He bears a long scar across his face obviously inflicted by the
DeathBall that he wears as a badge of honor, given to him by a particularly worthy opponent. He speaks little, but his haughty demeanor exudes an aura of indomitably. He has witnessed massive blood-shed, and his gaze suggests that he sizes up everyone he meets."

//New Light Media Icons
/_add uniforms (Green and White)

actor %Bauhaus is named "Bauhaus" and looks like "Bauhaus' covered in tattoos, and some of them move. Jets of black ink shoot through his body, making patterns as they pass. Every few minutes, they travel through the veins of his temples and create curled horns on both sides of his shaved head. Then, the horns fade and the ink forms tear-shaped loops as it travels down his left cheek and back into the patterns on his body. Bauhaus goes vest less in order to show off his animated tattoos."

actor %Jamal is named "Jamal" and looks like "Jamal carries himself like a hunting cat: eyes constantly in motion, body perfectly still, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. His natural features are those typically ascribed to Egyptians and other North Africans."

actor %Jonus is named "Jonus" and looks like "Short, hairy and mean looking. You're not quite sure whether this guy just crawled out of the badlands or is undergoing radioactive therapy. Regardless, this strange little beast of a man commands a degree of respect amongst his fellow warriors that tower over him like giants. Must be the low center of gravity."

actor %Busch is "Busch" and looks like "You're fairly certain this is some sort of shaved gorilla. Riddled with bar codes, serial ports, and artificial veins. Busch is a prototype, no questions asked. He doesn't seem to have a mouth. Kinda makes you wonder if he has an asshole..."

//1st 5 minutes - Learning the Game

//Icon Ball Lock � No Man's Land(Throne=Ball lock, Jester = Holgraphic Icon Mascot. Don�t forget the crowd which are nothing but peasants in a fiefdom. Perhaps modify Busch�s look_place �is the king.� Or some shit.)
desc %here �Holographic green tapestries sporting white stripes ripple with lifelike majesty displaying NLM in accented Palatino Linotype. Four MASSIVE clasps are secured directly through the virtually indestructible sphere to the orbital steel beams,  outlining the eye of Ball Lock.�

actor %ICON is �The Icon Mascot�  and looks like �%N appears to be the typical jabbering holo. Decked out in rediculous garb that must have been ripped out of a pulp comic in the days when paper was still made from tree's.�

place %ICON is �parading about wildly here, reveling in his double chin, and plastique smile.�

<Introduce Teams>

announceall %location "The speakers pulse loudly, 'The NEW LIGHT MEDIA ICONS, the biggest fuckin' slags o' meat ever to set foot in No Man's Land!!!'"

pause 5

announceall %location "[The hovercam slowly pans towards Busch, capturing the soft rustle of the crowd through the transparent viral compound that confines the arena.] Four year veteran, Antoine Busch. The only member of the Icons that isn't a baseline. One-Hundred percent Vat-Grown, and he's not just missing his belly button folks. This is a man who's convinced Deathball is better then sex."

Enter Busch
Place %Busch is "creeping along the outer rim, protecting the NLM Ball-Lock."
as %Busch
.hop .backward, gliding amidst the Bi-polar threshold of gravity while striking a muscle rippling pose. Accompanied by a HUD that swirls around his head like a crooked halo. [83 Kills] [54 Deaths] [420 Saves] [130 Goals Let In]
pause 10

exit Busch
exit The Icon Mascot
//cut to sportscenter (Announceall + redesc)
�I don't think he'd know, Todd�
pause 5

announceall %locations �[On the screen behind Todd and Seth you see: Busch glare directly into the camera.]�
pause 5

�Can he hear us?!�
pause 5

//Icon Outer Rim � No Man's Land
desc %here "

announceall %location "[NLM � SportsVault cuts back to the arena as the defensive
line comes into view.] Two scary J's, we're looking at the Alpha and the Omega here, Seth. They'll rip off your balls, dip them in wasabi and stir fry the little fuckers in biodiesel before you can register the pain."

Enter Jonus
Enter Jamal
place %Jonus is "holding the defensive line."
place %Jamal is "holding the defensive line."
as %Jonus
.clash forearms with Jamal as the pair release a barbaric growl!!
pause 10
exit Jonus
exit Jamal

//THE CORE � No Man's Land
desc %here "

announceall %location "[The New Light Media Icons shrivel to the size of Soynuts as the hovercan glides upwards before descending rapidly into the center of the massive coliseum capturing the animosity between the opposing teams Proxies.] Don't get kinky with me, Todd. I thought I told you last was only one time and I was really

Enter Bauhaus
Enter Victor
Place %Bauhaus is "in the core, ready to rip each other limb from limb."
Place %Victor is "in the core, ready to rip each other limb from limb."
pause 5

announceall %location "The speakers boom, 'Maybe if you weren't such a wino I'd let you be Rigby every once in a while. We're minutes away from tip off, Ladies and Gentlemen. Stay sharp or you just might lose an appendage.'"

pause 5
exit Bauhaus
exit Victor

//Contagion Outer Rim � No Man's Land
desc %here "

announceall %location "[The screen blurs slightly as the frame rate
decreases; bringing about the conception of a slow motion montage of
the opposing team warping their movements to those of a B-Grade zombie
holo.] Behold the infected aberrations known only as THE VIRIISOMA

pause 5
enter Lin
enter Dirk
place %Lin is "holding the defensive line."
place %Dirk is "holding the defensive line."
as %Lin
.nod to Dirk and .lick my lips, "These one's look tasty." I .say with
a slight giggle.
pause 5

announceall %location "The speakers boom, 'They look meaner then the
case of electro-gonorrhea I caught at the Red Canary.'"
pause 5
announceall %location "Laughter echoes from the TV as one of the
announcers remarks, ''I thought they had personality, Seth...and if I
don't know about you but Lin Mei is kinda cute.''"
pause 10
exit Lin
announceall %location "[The screen swells with vivid digitally enhanced images of Dirk as he moves through the arena in slow-motion, capturing each flicker of his blond hair as it glides through the air as it pleases.] ''I'd rather take my chances with the Viking, Todd. Somehow he seems less likely to sever my vitals mid-climax.''
pause 5
exit Dirk
announceall %location "Static feedback emits from the speakers briefly
as one of the announcers remarks, ''I thought that cost extra.''"
pause 10

enter %Samson
place %Samson is �protecting the ViriiSoma Contagion Ball-Lock and just might be the Antichrist.�
announceall %location "[Digital bale fire rains down upon the arena as Samson comes into full view. He basks in the ''BoO's'' of the entire crowd save a few Jack Dracula's wannabe's caught in the third row groping their trust fund money.]
pause 10
as %Samson
.open my mouth wide, baring my long synthetic Fangz for all to see.
shout Eat shit and Die baselines!!
exit %Samson

And here's a Johnny Seinfeld episode courtesy of jinx

// Johnny Seinfeld a ripoff of Seinfeld
// EPISODE 8 - Act B
// "The Phone Message"
// featuring Johnny as Johnny Seinfeld, Kevlar as Kevlar Constanza, Iga as Kramer, Athena as Elaine
// Stonemonk as Morty (Johnny's dad), Divine as Ellen (Johnny's Mom), Finn as Uncle Mac, Jinkorei as Uncle Leo
// Sable, Bixby, Patton (whacky guy!), Legba, Firestorm and Purity as other people as needed.

actor "%johnny" "Johnny" "A tall and thin man with black wavy hair. He has a teethy smile. He is wearing a jacket, with his shirt is tucked into his jeans trousers."

actor "%kev" "Kevlar" "A short bulky man, he is balding and wears thick framed glasses. He appears to wear clothes that are one number too small for him."

actor "%iga" "Iga" "A tall and bony man with a weird and fuzzy hairstyle. He wears loose fitting clothing and appears to not take much time into dressing up."

//actor "%stone" "Stonemonk" "An old man, gray hair, grandpa belly and small reminiscent of sideburns."

//actor "%jink" "Uncle Jinkorei" "A man on his fifties, bald crown and full hair on the sides, big nose and ears. He is a bit hunched and always dressed on a cheap suit."

actress "%ath" "Athena" "A short and voluptuous girl with long curly hair."

//actress "%div" "Divine" "A woman at about 50 years old, always well dressed and with impeccable hairdo."

//actress "%claire" "Claire" "A slim and tall Claire."

actress "%car" "Carol" "A woman on her late twenties, chubby and beautiful smile. Her blond hair is straight and cut at chin height.."

actress "%donna" "Donna" "A tall brunette with a voluptuous body and a wavy hair."

announceall %location "[ The screen fades from black into Johnny standing on the stage at the comedy club. ]
describe %location as "A dark lit room the little light that keeps it from total darkness don't appear to be turned on in full. Round small tables lie across it, each one with four cushioned chairs, fine tablecloth . It is hard to spot a vacant table or even a seat in here, maybe at the bar near the entrance, where there is a bit more light. on the back of the room there is a stage a couple of fleet higher than the ground, a crimson curtain lies behind it making an impression of the existence of a backstage. On the stage itself lies a tall wooden stool and a microphone on a stand illuminated by a strong spotlight that clearly comes from the ceiling near the bar."
place %johnny is "standing on a stage, a spotlight on him and a microphone on a stand on his front."
pause 10

say "What's brutal about the date is the scrutiny that you put each other through."
pause 10
say "Because whenever you think about this person in terms of the future, you have to magnify everything about them."
pause 11
say "You know, like the guy'll be like \"I don't think her eyebrows are even. Could I look at uneven eyebrows for the rest of my life?\" "
pause 12
say "And of course the woman's looking at the guy, thinking \"What is he looking at? Do I want somebody looking at me like this for the rest of my life?\" "
pause 15

announceall %location "[ The screen fades back to  a wide living room, Johnny and Donna are seated on the sofa not watching the TV. ]"
describe %location as "A wide living room with a kitchenette occupying the rightmost one-quarter of it. The kitchenette's walls are filled with cabinets, a refrigerator lies on the kitchennette's wall next to the door out. The living room has a large three-seat sofa with a coffee table in front of it and a armchair to it's left size. The television set is across the sofa and facing backward to the camera whenever it appears. On the leftmost side of the room there is a tall bookshelf and a round dark wooden table with four chairs, a computer lies on top of it. On the left wall there are a double window, with it's blinds halfway down and closed. On the back wall there is a doorway that opens to a small corridor, the only thing than can be seen is the bathroom door and a small part of the bathroom itself."
exit %ath
exit %kev
enter %johnny
enter %donna
place %johnny is "seated on the sofa."
place %donna is "seated on the sofa."
pause 15

as %johnny
say "Not once."
pause 7

as %donna
say "Never?"
pause 6

as %johnny
say "I have never seen one episode of \"I Love Lucy\" in my life ever."
pause 8

as %donna
say "That's amazing."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "Thank you."
pause 7

as %donna
say "Is there anything else about you I should know?"
pause 8

as %johnny
say "Yes, I'm lactose intolerant."
pause 8

as %donna
say "Really?"
pause 7

as %johnny
say "I have no patience for lactose. And I won't stand for it."
pause 8
say "Uhm, I'll be right back."
pause 7
exit %johnny "stands and goes to the bathroom."
pause 8

enter %kev "Two rapid knocks are heard on the hallway door that opens right after, Kevlar coming thru the doorway."
pause 11

as %kev
say "Wait till you hear this."
pause 7
emote "sees Donna and holds his hands up \"Whoa, ah, I'm sorry, I didn't, I had no idea.\" "
pause 10
emote "turns around and goes to leave."
pause 8

as %donna
to %kev "Wait, wait. He's in the bathroom."
pause 7

as %kev
say "I just wanted to talk to him for a minute, but I'll come back."
pause 8

as %donna
say "You don't have to leave."
pause 7

as %kev
say "You sure?"
pause 6

as %donna
say "Yes."
pause 7

as %kev
say "OK."
pause 6

as %donna
say "I'm Donna."
pause 7

as %kev
say "Donna. Oh, you're the one that likes that commercial!"
pause 8

as %donna
say "He told you about that."
pause 7

as %kev
say "*panicking* No, he, he didn't actually tell me that, uh, we were talking about that commercial, in fact I think I brought it up because I like that commercial."
pause 16
say "No, he, he would never tell me anything like that. He never discusses anything."
pause 10
say "He's, he's like a clam. You're not gonna mention this, to him.. "
pause 9

enter %johnny "Johnny comes back from the bathroom."
pause 8

as %donna
to %johnny "So you go around telling your friends I'm not hip because I like that commercial."
pause 10

as %johnny
say "What?"
pause 6
to %kev "What did, what did you say?"
pause 8

as %kev
say "Say? What? Nothing, I.."
pause 7

as %donna
say "You told him how I like the commercial."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "Well, so what if I said that?"
pause 7

as %donna
say "Well, so, you didn't have to tell your friends."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "No, I had to tell my friends, my friends didn't have to tell you."
pause 9

as %kev
to %donna "Why did you have to get me in trouble?"
pause 8

as %donna
say "I don't like you talking about me with your friends behind my back."
pause 9

as %kev
say "Boy oh boy."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "I said I couldn't believe you liked that commercial. So what?"
pause 9

as %donna
say "I asked some friends of mine this week, and all of them liked the commercial."
pause 10

as %johnny
say "Boy, I bet you got a regular Algonquin round table there."
pause 8

enter %iga "Iga comes in, almost hitting Kevlar with the door as he bursts into the room"
pause 10

as %iga
say "Hey."
pause 6

as %johnny
to %iga "Oh, Iga, this is Donna."
pause 7

as %iga
say "Oh. Cotton Dockers!"
pause 7

as %kev
to %iga "Hello! Alright, we should be going. Come on."
pause 8
emote "grabs Iga's arm."
pause 7

as %iga
to %kev "What? Where are we going?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "Come on!"
pause 6

as %donna
say "Don't bother, I'm leaving."
pause 7

as %johnny
to %donna "Donna, really, you're making too much of this."
pause 8

as %iga
say "One hundred percent Cotton Dockers, if they're not Dockers, they're just pants!"
pause 10

as %johnny
say "Please, Donna."
pause 6

as %donna
say "I don't wanna hear it."
pause 7
exit %donna "Donna leaves, stepping hard and furious."
pause 8

as %kev
say "I can't believe I said that. You know me, I'm a vault."
pause 9

as %johnny
say "Don't worry about it, it wasn't working anyway."
pause 8

as %iga
say "What happened there?"
pause 7

as %johnny
say "I'll tell you later."
pause 7

as %kev
say "You are not gonna believe what's going on with this woman."
exit %iga
pause 14

announceall %location "[ The scene fades to the interior of the coffee house, customers are having their meal and the waitresses are roaming the tables. ]"
describe %location as "A typical coffee shop. Booths occupy most of the room here, they have white tabletops and dark green covering on the bench's seats. There is a bar on the back facing the left wall and probably the kitchen. The entrance is on the right side, where the room expands a couple of feet in that direction, following this expansion lies the register. Waitresses roam the room on an elaborate dance, coming with meals and going with the orders they got from the customers."
place %johnny is "seated on a booth."
place %kev is "seated across from Johnny."
pause 10

as %kev
say "OK, so you remember I made the initial call Sunday, she doesn't call back."
pause 9
say "I call again Monday, I leave another message."
pause 8
say "I call Tuesday, I get the machine again: \"I know you're there, I don't know what your story is.\" "
pause 10
say "Yesterday, I'm a volcano - I try one more call, the machine comes on, and fly like Mussolini from the balcony"
pause 10
say "Where the hell do you get the nerve? You invite me up for coffee and then you don't call me back for four days?"
pause 10
say "I don't like coffee, I don't have to come up."
pause 8
say "I'd like to get one more shot at the coffee just so I could spit it in your face."
pause 10

as %johnny
say "You said that?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "I lost it."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "I can't blame you. I can't believe she never called you back."
pause 9

as %kev
say "She did. Today."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "What?"
pause 6

as %kev
say "She called my office. She said she's been in the Hamptons since Sunday."
pause 9
say "She didn't know if I was trying to get in touch with her."
pause 8
say "Her machine broke, and she's been using her old machine and she doesn't have the beeper for it."
pause 10

as %johnny
say "So she didn't get the messages."
pause 7

as %kev
say "Exactly, but they're on there waiting."
pause 8
say "She said she can't wait to see me, we're having dinner tonight."
pause 8
say "She's supposed to call me as soon as she gets home."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "But what about the messages?"
pause 7

as %kev
emote "produces cassette tape from pocket."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "Athena's thing? How you gonna get in?"
pause 8

as %kev
say "I'll meet her outside the building."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "But you know as soon as she gets in the apartment she's going right for that machine."
pause 10

as %kev
say "Or she goes for the bathroom. That's my only chance."
pause 8
say "Who am I kidding? I can't do this, I can't do this."
pause 8
say "I don't even know how to work those stupid machines."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "There's nothing to it. You lift the lid, it comes right out."
pause 8

as %kev
say "You do it for me."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "What?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "Come on, it'll be so much easier."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "How you gonna get me up there?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "I'll tell her I bumped into you, I'm giving you a ride uptown."
pause 9

as %johnny
say "And who makes the switch?"
pause 8

as %kev
say "You do."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "I do."
pause 6

as %kev
say "I can't do it. I'll, I'll keep her busy."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "I can't get involved in this."
pause 7

as %kev
say "I think I may be in love with this woman."
pause 10

as %johnny
say "What if she sees me?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "Oh, you are such a wuss."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "A wuss?"
pause 6

as %kev
say "Yeah."
pause 6

as %johnny
say "Did you call me a wuss?"
pause 12

announceall %location "The scene fades to the outside of an apartment building at night. Kevlar and Johnny are seated on a low wall."
describe %location as "On both sides of the streets there are apartment buildings. The treated exposed bricks give them an antique and cozy feeling. There are several cars parked along the sidewalks. A blue mailbox stands beside a newspaper machine almost out of frame. A car or two pass along occasionally."
place %johnny is "seated on a low wall."
place %kev is "seated on a low wall."
pause 12

as %kev
say "Well there is traffic. It might take her till eight-fifteen."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "I got one problem: you're keeping her busy in the other room."
pause 8
say "Now, what if she somehow gets away from you and is coming in?"
pause 8
say "You have to signal me that she's coming."
pause 7

as %kev
say "A signal, right, erm, OK, er OK, the signal is, I'll call out \"Tippy toe!\" "
pause 9

as %johnny
say " \"Tippy Toe?\" I don't think so."
pause 7

as %kev
say "You don't like \"Tippy toe?\" "
pause 7

as %johnny
say "No \"Tippy toe.\" "
pause 7

as %kev
say "Alright, er, OK I got it, erm, I'll sing."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "What song?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "Erm, \"How do you solve a problem like Maria?\" "
pause 8

as %johnny
say "What is that?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "Oh, it's a lovely song. *singing* How do you solve a problem like Maria?"
pause 9

as %johnny
say "Anything else?"
pause 7

as %kev
say "You pick it."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "Lemon Tree."
pause 7

as %kev
say "Peter, Paul and Mary?"
pause 8

as %johnny
say "No, Trini Lopez."
pause 7

emote "Johnny and Kevlar sing \"Lemon tree very pretty and a lemon flower\" "
pause 9

as %kev
say "You got the tape?"
pause 7

as %johnny
emote "pulls out a tape from his pocket \"Standart.\" and a small tape from the other \"micro.\" "
pause 10

as %kev
say "How do you feel? Confident?"
pause 7

as %johnny
say "Feel good."
pause 7

as %kev
say "You nervous?"
pause 7

as %johnny
say "Not at all."
pause 7

as %kev
emote "nudges Johnny \"Get up, get up, it's her.\" "
pause 8
say "Oh, the hell with this, I'm scared to death, just walk away, it's off, cancel everything, go!"
pause 10

enter %car "Carol arrives, a bag on her shoulder."
place %car is "standing here."
pause 7

as %kev
to %kev "Hey! What are you doing here? I thought I was supposed to call you when I got home."
pause 10

as %kev
say "I, I couldn't wait. I was too anxious to see you."
pause 8

as %car
say "Oh, that's so sweet."
pause 7

as %kev
say "Oh, this is my friend, Johnny Seinfeld. I just bumped into him around the corner."
pause 10
say "Isn't that a coincidence? The funny thing is, I see him all the time."
pause 9

as %johnny
say "All the time."
pause 6

as %car
say "It's nice to meet you."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "Hi."
pause 6

as %car
say "So, I'm starving. Where are we gonna eat?"
pause 8

as %kev
say "You know, we could go uptown, and that way we could give Johnny a ride home."
pause 10

as %car
say "OK. Let's go, I'm ready, where'd you park?"
pause 8

as %kev
say "Don't you wanna go upstairs first?"
pause 7

as %car
say "No, what for? I'll just give my bag to the doorman."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "You know, I really need to use the bathroom."
pause 8

as %car
say "Oh well there's a bathroom in the coffee shop just next door."
pause 9

as %kev
say "Yes, yes, but er, I have to make a call, so..."
pause 8

as %car
say "Well they have a phone."
pause 7

as %kev
emote "takes Carol to one side."
pause 7
emote "mutters to Carol \"I know Johnny. He has this phobia about public toilets. I think we really should go upstairs.\" "
pause 11

as %car
say "You know, I think I will go upstairs. I can check my machine."
pause 8

as %kev
say "Right, right."
pause 7

announceall %location "The three enter the building."
pause 10

announceall %location "The screen fades into Carol's apartment, the small living room with cozy furniture and well decorated. Carol, Kevlar and Johnny are entering the room."
describe %location as "The living room is small with a doorway to the kitchen on the far left and a doorway to a small corridor taking to the bathroom and the bedroom. The walls have an old and well known wallpaper that's faded and starting to come out in hidden places. A three-seat couch lies across the room, besides it there is a recliner. There is a short coffee table completing the setting."
pause 16

as %car
say "The bathroom's on the hall to the right."
pause 8

as %johnny
say "Er, you know, why don't you go first, you just had a long trip."
pause 8

as %car
say "No, I'm fine."
pause 7

as %johnny
say "Uhmmm, you know, it's the damnedest thing, it went away."
pause 8

as %car
say "Oh that's weird."
pause 7

as %kev
to %car "No, no that can happen. I've, er, I've read about that in medical journals."
pause 10
say "It's a freak thing, but..."
pause 7

as %car
say "Well, let me just check my messages, and we'll go."
pause 8

as %kev
to %car "Uh, Carol, can I talk to you for a second? Right now."
pause 8

as %car
say "Sure."
pause 7

as %kev
say "Please, this is very, very important."
pause 8
emote "leads carol to another room."
pause 7

as %johnny
emote "goes over to machine to switch tape, cautiously."
pause 8

as %kev
emote "*from other room* UHH, TIPPY TOE! TIPPY TOE! LEMON TREE!"
pause 9

as %car
emote "reappears followed by an anxious Kevlar."
pause 8
to %johnny "Now I know who you are. You're a comedian. I've seen you, it's driving me crazy."
pause 10

as %johnny
say "Right. I am."
pause 7

as %kev
say "Carol, that's so rude."
pause 7
say "Please, I'm serious, just for a moment, if you wouldn't mind, and then we'll talk to Johnny."
pause 10
emote "leads Carol back out, Johnny switches the tapes quickly."
pause 10

as %johnny
pause 7

as %car
emote "returns with Kevlar, looking at him with a strange face."
pause 8
say "That's what you had to tell me? Your father wears sneakers in the pool?"
pause 9

as %kev
to %johnny "Don't you find that strange?"
pause 8

as %johnny
say "Yes."
pause 6

as %car
say "Well, I'll just check my machine and we'll go. No, nothing here, let's go."
pause 10
say "Oh, I forgot to tell you. After I talked to you today my neighbor called me and played my messages to me over the phone."
pause 12

as %kev
emote "freezes in fear \"Oh, uhhh...\" "
pause 8

as %car
say "Yours were hilarious, we were both cracking up. I just love jokes like that."
pause 9

announceall %location "They leave the room, Kevlar and Johnny look at each other perplexed."
pause 14

announceall %location "[ The screen fades from black into a Johnny standing on the stage at the comedy club. As he speaks the credits start to scroll up and the theme song plays in the background. ]
describe %location as "A dark lit room the little light that keeps it from total darkness don't appear to be turned on in full. Round small tables lie across it, each one with four cushioned chairs, fine tablecloth . It is hard to spot a vacant table or even a seat in here, maybe at the bar near the entrance, where there is a bit more light. on the back of the room there is a stage a couple of fleet higher than the ground, a crimson curtain lies behind it making an impression of the existence of a backstage. On the stage itself lies a tall wooden stool and a microphone on a stand illuminated by a strong spotlight that clearly comes from the ceiling near the bar."
place %johnny is "standing on a stage, a spotlight on him and a microphone on a stand on his front."
pause 10

as %johnny
say "I love my phone machine. I wish I was a phone machine."
pause 8
say "I wish if I saw somebody on the street I didn't want to talk to I could go \"Excuse me, I'm not in right now. If you could just leave a message, I could walk away.\" "
pause 15
say "I also have a cordless phone, but I don't like that as much, because you can't slam down a cordless phone."
pause 11
say "You get mad at somebody on a real phone - \"You can't talk to me like that!\" Bang!"
pause 10
say "You know. You get mad at somebody on a cordless phone - \"You can't talk to me like that!\" "
pause 10
emote "mimes fiddly button-pressing \"I told him!\" "
pause 8
announceall %location "[ The screen fades to black slowly, the theme song plays coming to it's last chords as the NLM logo appears for about 3 seconds. ]"

Awesome!  Those were exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you many.

Yo soy del a bouchewa!

(I don't know either)

No problemo, hombre.