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a Glitch 55m If it's broken, good chance it was me
- Hivemind 3m
- spungkbubble 58s
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- Wonderland 9s
- Burgerwolf 13m PRETZELS
- adrognik 58s
- zxq 46s
a Mench 52m Doing a bit of everything.
- Emily 14m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- QueenZombean 37m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- Slyter 2m
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99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
Johnny did it, now you gotta suffer through it

Johnny whiped up this in a few minuts:

uses $npc_centric_script
// For more information, see 'help scripting'.
set "%bottles" 99

label "top"
if equals %bottles 0
start "verse"
pause 5 "minutes"
jump "top"

label "verse"
 say %bottles " bottles of beer on the wall ..."
 say %bottles " bottles of beer!"
 say "Yaaah take one down, pass it around!"
 decrement "%bottles"
 if equals %bottles 1
   say %bottles " bottle of beer on the wall!"
 elseif equals %bottles 0
   say "No more bottles of beer on ... the ... wall."
   social "sigh"
   say %bottles " bottles of beer on the wall!"

And then he went on to do a more complex version:

uses $npc_centric_script
// For more information, see 'help scripting'.
set "%bottles" 99

label "top"
if equals %bottles 0
start "verse"
pause 1 "minute"
jump "top"

label "verse"
 start "verse_a"
 start "verse_b"
 start "verse_c"
 decrement "%bottles"
 if equals %bottles 1
   say %bottles " bottle of beer on the wall!"
 elseif equals %bottles 0
   say "No more bottles of beer on ... the ... wall."
   social "sigh"
   say %bottles " bottles of beer on the wall!"

label "verse_a"
 random "type" 4
 if equals %type 4
   say "Weeee .... got " %bottles " bottles of beeeer on the wall!"
 elseif equals %type 3
   say %bottles " bottles of beer on the wall ..."
 elseif equals %type 2
   do %npc ".drop to my knees and .sing out, \"" %bottles " bottles of beeeer on the wallllll!\""
   say "Ooooh, theres " %bottles " bottles of beer on the wall!"

label "verse_b"
 random "type" 4
 if equals %type 4
   say %bottles " bottles of beeeeer!"
 elseif equals %type 3
   say "Oh- " %bottles " bottles of beer!"
 elseif equals %type 2
   say %bottles " bottles of beer!"
   say "Yeah, " %bottles " bottles of beer!"

label "verse_c"
 random "type" 4
 if equals %type 4
   say "Yaaah take one down, pass it around!"
 elseif equals %type 3
   say "Yaaah twist the cap off, slam one down!"
 elseif equals %type 2
   say "Pour me a round, I'll drink it right down!"
   say "Pass it around and drink it all down!"

I emailed it to this guy:

And let him know that while it's not freely avalible, it definately has got to rank among the most obscure.
