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- Komira 49s
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a Mench 4h Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised

African Language?

Not sure if we're looking to add anything more on this front but it might be a cool addition to have a coded support for a language to cover the African continent (the CNA). Some derivative or combination of Afrikaans / Bantu / etc similar to Euro.
+1, but while we're at it, can we get consideration for Chinese? I know a ghetto-fix for this is to speak Jap, but it doesn't feel the same, especially considering we have certain factions from China and such.
Agreed on Chinese, since China is a superpower according to the lore.
I believe Tagalog is the Chinese language in this world
Oh thanks! I hadn't realized that.
I think this is too broad, it would need to be one language. Africa has 11 official recognised languages in this day and age, with 1500-2000 unofficial dialects between the tribes etc. Now fast forward it 85 years and you have a problem when one language codedly represents what could be more than that amount in one language.
It doesn't have to be the /only/ language ... but generally nation states operate with an official language to assist with administration etc.
I've made suggestions in the past and the answer was we've already got a lot of languages, we do not really benefit from more. Maybe if the player base was super huge, but I don't think there is much merit in adding more languages at this point, very few people actually utilize these skills.
Tagalog is the language of the Philippines, not Chinese. I +1 both Chinese and some major African language.
It's not likely to happen and I don't support it.

Cerb's point is exactly why I think everyone should start with two languages, and why I think Chinese and Afrikaans should both be added in. Woo cultural diversity!
Start using languages and maybe it'll happen. I don't like seeing a character advocate for more languages when they have 5 that are fluent and are aiming to speak them all. Languages are not pokemon, and this is a silly investment of UE for someone who doesn't appear to use them ICly.
This is too broad imo as I said. You have northern africa and south africa. You have egypt and muslims on the northern side of the continent, african muslims on the southern, afrikaaners, cape coloreds, you have swakopmund in northern africa, the nigerian warlords, chinese everywhere etc.

The lingo here is very unique because it's a melting pot of different cultures and religions and as a south african, if I used it in game none of you guys would know what I'm actually saying. The official language is English, but you could probably code it for Zulu or argue it's Zulu depending, in the year 2103. Considering the lore makes it seem Africa is mostly one race in the future, Africans.

The best way to get it coded is to use the lingo as Cerberus said.
I meant actually using the coded languages we have more than like People hanging out in Japanese places speaking Japanese. Like 2 people speak Euro, like... 1 person speaks Tagalog.. You want more for 1 or 2 people to speak? >.>
No I don't, especially when players don't use them enough as it is. It's further segregating the playerbase.

Tagalog covers chinese by the way. Read the timeline folks.

I routinely try to interact with people who claim to be from a place ICly by talking to them in what should be their native language and getting blank looks. It's a mixture of amusing, aggravating and disappointing. I don't know how to fix it but it does seem to be a problem.
Do you talk to them in a coded language?
Yeah, and most of them haven't bothered to spend the UE to speak the language of the country they come from.
100% agree with Cerb.

It amazes me how seemingly little languages are used outside of japanese, particularly on topside.

It's a seriously useful layer of additional information control (which is what Sindome is about for me, deep down).


Most of the languages except for japanese and maybe russian or spanish are underutilized. I've not encountered a character who spoke Euro or Tagalog and I've been playing across the entire scope for a while. I think this is just because dumping UE into languages is UE that you are not dumping in other skills stats that give you an edge, i.e. they are seen as a determent to your development, and that's understandable, not saying the system is wrong. But another language would be unnecessary.

Maybe smarter people learn languages faster. ;^)
The system works. People want more languages as you can see. Very few invest in languages, because they look at it game-y and see it as a edge in skills/stats with UE spent instead of learning a language to enrich their character and make the RP more exciting.

Smarter people probably learn languages faster as mentioned, and if you're decently knowledgeable out of chargen you can take a second language. Since chargen stats are a drop of water in a pool, this means focusing almost entirely on a specific stat.

Please don't say the system doesn't work as is because your lack of knowledge on it as demonstrated gives you a limited view on it. Stop looking at SD as a game you can win, if you want to learn a skill and focus on it for a month or two, do that. Instead of forever having one language and 'grinding' your skills/stats, and then complaining.

The system works. People want more languages as you can see. Very few invest in languages, because they look at it game-y and see it as a edge in skills/stats with UE spent instead of learning a language to enrich their character and make the RP more exciting.

Smarter people probably learn languages faster as mentioned, and if you're decently knowledgeable out of chargen you can take a second language. Since chargen stats are a drop of water in a pool, this means focusing almost entirely on a specific stat.

Please don't say the system doesn't work as is because your lack of knowledge on it as demonstrated gives you a limited view on it. Stop looking at SD as a game you can win, if you want to learn a skill and focus on it for a month or two, do that. Instead of forever having one language and 'grinding' your skills/stats, and then complaining.

That is a playerbase problem and not a staff problem. It begins with you investing the UE instead of complaining about the system and how it requires UE you'd rather invest in skills/stats, instead of you know, actually investing it in a language to reflect the time it takes to learn it.

That's the solution, the system works. It begins with you. Cerberus has spoken. The discussion is over.

My character speaks Tagalog. I feel so awesome now. ;)
There are eight languages and for ~90 players living in four cultural quarters in the Mix and an English/Japanese dominated topside, that seems like plenty. I have seen a handful of situations in my playtime here where knowing or not knowing a language meant the difference between life and death for someone. I have seen people hired to do jobs because they spoke or understood a given language, I have seen people dodge consequences because they could communicate and others could not understand them.

Languages allow you to keep secrets, spy on others, and make a good impression on NPCs (or sometimes deal with them at all). They don't take all that long to learn and if you're impatient or over the UE cap, you can be fluent in every language in the game with just a couple pieces of hardware.

There is no African language, but afaik there's no African faction. If you need it for your background (you don't), you can easily pick Euro or something that makes sense given Africa's colonial history.