Yes. I know there are some IC ways to make things happen on the Grid. I'm not going to comment on that as it takes GM intervention and there are pretty large limits on what's allowed or not.
Here are some Combat Oriented options that might be themely and give some reasons for investing in three skills to be a decker.
Disable Cyberware - I could see this being very useful in combat. The ability to reach out and disable some/all Cyberware in an opponent. Make it temporary so it doesn't infringe on other equipment/professions.
Cyber "Grappling" - There have been in game examples of characters physically being affected by the Grid. Why not let Deckers use their skills to "Grapple" a character. It would give them some combat utility for the massive UE investment that it takes to be a decker.
Blind - Make them able to temporarily blind a character. Maybe the Decker can't beat you up, but it would let their friends do so or let them run away. Call it something like SIC overload or something like that.
Shock - The lore in any cyberpunk novel lets deckers shock other deckers. You have a SIC implant. Let us do some damage by overloading someone's SIC chip. It might make a nice combat archetype that's not just guns/fists/swords. The bonus would be armor is useless against it.
Just some thoughts to inject some life into the archetype while other changes to make the Grid more relevant in the day to day experience of characters is considered. Maybe all of these skills are slow, or have to be done before combat starts, or maybe there is cyberware they can use to make them faster/more combat useable. Lots of ways to balance things like this out.