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Make @tp work with places

Right now, if you are sitting in a place, it overrides your @tp completely, though your @sp displays normally. It would be great if we could make it so that sitting down does not override your @tp. Then you can have:

Jimmy is sitting in a chair at the bar. Jimmy is playing ping-pong with the bartender.

Or whatever.

Another display might be to have it like @sp, so:

Jimmy is sitting in a chair at the bar, playing ping-pong with the bartender.

That might require a new message though, something like '@pp.' Which I would also be fine with.

Finally, you could also just flatly have @tp override the place message. Any of those three options would be good, to be honest.

Why do we need this?

Right now, there is a mechanical advantage to not being seated in a place and ALSO a RP disadvantage to being seated, since when you are seated you can't use @tp to convey information about your character. At least removing the RP disadvantage to using places would be nice.

It'd be cool if you could set LPs for specific rooms too, EG: In room X: You could be standing guard, arms crossed. But out in the streets it will change to, 'Is walking along the streets of Withmore'.
I mean that is more or less what @tp does.
"Right now, there is a mechanical advantage to not being seated in a place and ALSO a RP disadvantage to being seated, since when you are seated you can't use @tp to convey information about your character. At least removing the RP disadvantage to using places would be nice."

More like a fatally overwhelming disadvantage to being seated.

Depending on the kind of character you play, the mechanical disadvantage to being seated is greater or lesser. The RP disadvantage losing @tp is always there.

Like Quotient and Pavane allude to, it's borderline cheating to @temp_place a seated position given that it skirts the mechanical disadvantage you would have otherwise. Even still, I know I'm guilty of being someone who has done it in the past for added flavor.

I think it would be great to see @sit_place custom messaging similar to how @sleep_place custom messaging was added for people laying/sitting on objects. At worst, making @temp_place override default "seated" messaging is an option too.

Bonus points if it works for vehicle seating. 10/10 to see how your passengers are seated at a glance.

I like the idea of an @sit_place message that overrides the existing sit message, since there is a mechanical disadvantage for sitting. I wonder if we would need to make the message 'include' the name of the furniture you are sitting on, so that it was clear...
I think @sit_place could really use the same sort of syntax as @sleep_place, to be honest -- Name is , .
Well that didn't work at all.


I might call it 'place pose' just so you can have it be @pp.

So like -- John is sitting at the bar, chatting with the bartender.

Where 'sitting at the bar' is the fixed message of the bar place and 'chatting with the bartender.' is John's @pp.