Wait, wait. Hear me out!
I‘ve read on another thread that you‘ll get a full level of proficiency in a second language, if your starting intelligence is high enough. I didn‘t know that when starting, so I didn‘t get to try it out, but let‘s assume that you need to raise your intelligence four or five levels in chargen for that to happen.
With my suggestion, new characters would get a proportional amount of knowledge in a second language, instead of nothing if they are below X intelligence and a full level if they are above X. For example: Bob has a starting intelligence of 1 (I think it was „Stupid“, if I remember right), he could choose a language regardless and get 5% towards the next level. (Basically knowing „please“, „thank you“, „yes“ and „no“.)
If it is 2 („Rusty“), he‘d get 15%, with 3 („Questionable“) 25%, with 4 he‘d be at 45%, 5 gets him to 70% and 6 gives him the full level, raising the language from „meaningless“ to whatever comes next.
(Of course those numbers are just placeholders to illustrate my idea.)
This wouldn‘t give new characters much more than they already get, but it would make that language appear in their skill list and it would get them to be interested in investing more into it.