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Cyberware: SkinWatch Improvements
Some love for otherwise worthless cyberware


Evolve the SkinWatch to be more of a generic data display.


The SkinWatch is a piece of cyberware that displays the time. As far as I am aware, that is all that it does. Because of that, "nobody" bothers to get one because the functionality is not worth the cost.

Improved Functionality

The world is rich with data. It will be even more so when Grid 3.0 lands. It would be great to be able to display various data sources on the SkinWatch.

Potential Data Sources

Time (already implemented)

CorpShare Stock Ticker

Neural Processor Info (currently requires cybereye for display)


DeathBall Results / Next Weeks Games

Car Alarm Alerts (if they scream on SIC, why not also buzz the vehicle owner?)


What do YOU think would be cool to have displayed on a SkinWatch?

+1 stonkswatch. Can't thing of anything more corpie.
But what if we like uselessly flashy cyberware.

Okay I admit I'm probably the only one who's going to oppose this.

+1 for a great and funny idea.
+1 great idea.
Really good idea, not just in concept but also presentation. Well done on that, Hek.

Maybe link it into the PacWest Progia-11 messaging system? Could get electrotechs something to do too, changing the numbers, reprogramming available readouts on it?

Say you get three "feeds" to pick from, and you want to drop the stock ticker for the Deathball results. Conscript an electrotech (or do it yourself for that cyberpunk tip-tap arm data trope)

@HC suggested

Could get electrotechs something to do too, changing the numbers, reprogramming available readouts on it?

Say you get three "feeds" to pick from, and you want to drop the stock ticker for the Deathball results. Conscript an electrotech (or do it yourself for that cyberpunk tip-tap arm data trope)

I like the essence of this idea.

I would like to see the number of feeds be nearly unlimited.

But each feed should need a one time programming event. The programming event should require an object or location to source the feed from.

For example, a car alarm feed would require the person to be next to their vehicle while the ElectroTech completes the link. Or even better, a SecureTech since alarms technically fall under securetech.

ElectroTechs could do a CorpTicker for Stocks. Or a NLM QuickTerm / LiteTerm for many other things like - Weather, DeathBall Updates, etc.

Given that a Neural Processor is cyberware, it would make sense that link is "free" and does not require an tech to program it.

Only reason I suggest a limit is to see more money handed over to Electrotechs for work. Semi-regular upkeep/updating.

Also, the possibility of malware and keylogging.

I'm all for giving more work to tech people.

It should be something that most techs are capable of at a fairly low level in order to keep the cost of the service cheap.

If I had to pay more than a hundred chyen or so to get my cyberware updated with a simple data feed, I probably wouldn't even bother with the cyberware in the first place. ( I'm also a Cheap Shabby Bastard though.)

Codedly, I'm not sure how exactly chrome works but a change I'd like to see is how the skinwatch is presented on a character.

Rather than the skinwatch completely replacing the naked slot for the whole arm, I think it would be more reasonable if it behaved like other watches. Adding to the slot and allowing any other defining features that that character may have to show.

Took the ideas I liked from this and implemented them.

/weather - see upcoming weather

/deathball - see recent match results and

upcoming matches

/stocks - see current corpshare stock prices

/watch start and /watch stop would be nice. Stopwatch feature like the other watches have.

An alarm that buzzes or beeps would be cool too.

Would be pretty cool if you could check your bank balance via a skinwatch. Not make transfers, just check the balance.
Link it to a gridmail account and it goes 'You've got mail' on it when you have unread mail.
The mail thing would be fantastic, but would you add the mail account manually or would it just link to all the ones you have registered?
Bringing back this thread due to the recent improvements to watches of all kinds.

I would like if skinwatches once again had at least parity with some of the now very cheap available watches and would like to suggest that skinwatches also display Date and Day of the week when prompted with the 'time' command. I think stopwatch functionality can be left off of them, but having less information displayed than a cheap watch goes counter to what Skinwatches have always stood for.

I wasn't a fan of how it looked when I tried it out the day and date so I left it off.
Necro-ing this thread!

Add the temperature outside PRI to skin watches, perhaps with /watch temp.

(Actually, a 'Skywatch weather' piece of info from outside PRI would be generally useful as a data feed for a number of devices, like HoloCals or grid widgets.)

A calendar function / scheduler with notifications/alarms would be so cool to add to the skin watch.
I'd love some sort of "NLM Office" that allowed us to schedule meetings and such via the grid but also tied into cyberware like the skinwatch.