Ideally, this would help drive home the cultural hub thing Cerb is going for.
Ideally, this would help drive home the cultural hub thing Cerb is going for.
Did I read that right?
If so, I know this idea has come up before and I like it. (The idea was for letters and television before I think.)
Then, you could also write a letter using 2 languages if you know 2 languages.
Right now I imagine the description would be something like: Written in orange: Words of Graffiti written in Spanish say, Get off our turf you crazy fuck.
(And below it in cyan: Go the fuck away! This is (group) turf.) <- just like normal.
I also imagine, given syntax limitations, that we'd have to:
1. Select the language in a menu.
2. Be speaking the language we want to write in.
3. Utilize an encoding method such as in the thread Ghostinthekeys linked.
I think I like the third option the most. If implemented, it could be incorporated for speech, as well, and would allow for fun bilingual bits. As a fallback, though, and to (maybe?) make implementation easier, I could be happy with the second.