My idea was implementing chrome implants Duro-Knucks that replace your own knuckles into an even more sturdy material.
Of course, since this has to do with physical damage, it'd probably full under Martial Arts, too.
My idea was implementing chrome implants Duro-Knucks that replace your own knuckles into an even more sturdy material.
Of course, since this has to do with physical damage, it'd probably full under Martial Arts, too.
As far as i have tested all those months is that i can fight them in equal terms with my Martial Arts but it's kinda crappy when the enemy unsheathes a Katana or an awesome looking gun or nailz and you just get out your staff or your brass knuckles ::P
A martial Artist/Brawler that blocks a blade with his hands in combat will get cut. Maybe the implant could serve a double purpose. A)be a cool weapon we could use and enjoy ourselves B)Actually make Martial Artists and Brawlers block blades without getting cut. (metal fists or whatever)
The only inherent problem I can see with that is:
Brawling and Martial art styles have nature weapons that *are* quite powerful already. I think they'll always be underpowered and for good reason. No other style, besides short blade with nailz, has a weapon that can't be disarmed and no other style at all has a weapon that you spawn with. These are two massive pro's which already come into account.
So. If a htoh style is chosen as your base skill I think it will always be lacking the shineys other skills have.
1)I've found MA (so i assume brawling is the same too) to be on par with other weapons. Maybe this changes when the MA/brawl using character gets more UE but I don't know that. That's for admins only.
2)I dislike the fact that the weapon Ma/brawlers need to use are one for each style and especially the MA weapon is not representative for most of MAs out there.
3)It's true what Pocketface said that those two combat styles have the above advantages
Considering the above is why i don't ask for an Implant that does more damage or hit faster (unless admin know something i don't and MA/brawl actually does need a boost compared to other end-game weapons)
I just ask for something that looks (yes..just looks) better than a stick and maybe protect the users hand from cuts and bleeds when blocking blades. No sane martial artist would block a blade with his naked hands anyway, Instead he would just try to parry the hand that holds it.
Heck i'd even be happy with just a metal cool looking hand protector that does absolutely nothing else than protect the blocking hands while keeping the damage done by my skill the same as it would be if i was unarmed.