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- Lena 31s Yippee Ki-Yay
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a Kard 23s
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- Baguette 1m waow
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- Bruhlicious 3h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
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- Emily 1m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 4m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised

Creation of Weapons

Hello all! I'm a relitivley new player, and I've been mulling over an idea ever since I discovered that the mechanics were not in the game. And that is the creation of weapons. Now, I'm not going to pretend I know everything about the codeing of props and items (I assume it is rather tricky) and I assume that crafting a gun or a sword would be rediculously complicated if we broke it down into code, I was just thinking about how cool it would be if individual weapons had a bit more personality or flair. Imagine if a PC rose to become a great swordmaker and his weapons were in high demand? And other PC's could walk around with the weapons someone else has created? There could be brand loyalties, self-started companies, a huge increase in roleplaying potential. I'm just not certain if it is feasible. Thoughts?

Not a new idea.

There are generics for a huuuuge variety of weapons in the game. From the code point of view, this is good for the health of the game and they have been well designed, especially after something like a year-long effort on Quartermaster Jinx's part to balance them all. From the IC point of view, some of them are very hard to get and therefore very 'chic' and distinctive on the character who manages to do so.

There are ways to customize them too - at least in the sense of modification. Personalizing them is an old idea which has been asked for and not supported in the past.

The gunsmith role in this game is less about being an inventor and more about being a service provider, one who is very in-demand since the situation in Withmore regarding legality and supply is so touchy.

Hope this helps.

It is slightly dissapointing, but informative. Thank you.

But hey, you might be able to one day ICly be crafting weapons if you get yourself in the right position and the right resources, and GM's might help you rename already coded weapons into stuff that is similar but distinctive
So, we don't have a crafting system for weapons. Weapons on Sindome require pretty strict and explicit balancing. Players have free reign over the clothes they wear and are encouraged to strike out on their own and find their own style using materials.

Weapons however, there are a great number of them in game and hoslters/scabards for most of them. Custom weapons would create bloat and increase the size of the game without adding very much in terms of RP.

Guns can be modified and customized to a higher degree than most weapons however, and if you are interested in that, I suggest learning it ICly -- the game can always use weapon smiths that can clean, repair and upgrade weapons.