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- Rillem 1s
- BubbleKangaroo 25s
- Phexion 12s
- RedProtokoll 4m
- spungkbubble 3m
- Sivartas 10s Burning bridges as i run past.
- AdamBlue9000 15s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- JMo 9s All death is certain.
- adrognik 6m
- AnthroCurator 1s
- Zulfi 7m
- Emily 52m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
- QueenZombean 27s
- Enven 3m
a Kard 7h
- Bruhlicious 22s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Baguette 5m waow
- zxq 5m
- Wonderland 10s
- Hivemind 5m
a Mench 21h Doing a bit of everything.
And 27 more hiding and/or disguised

Do's and Don'ts for creative characters.
Make it clearer for older players and newbies.

I've noticed that there is a lack of guidelines that are really clear regarding do's and don'ts for creative characters. TV, music, dance, etc.

I think making it clear what is and what isn't okay for you to do with an emote would help massively with the often intimidating task of performances.

We already have one for tailors- what it's not okay for you to make clothes like (ie. No "armored" clothes) but more often than not I've seen the OOC advice and tips come after someone makes a mistake. I think clearer rules would lead to less need for punishment or shutting something that's not allowed down.

If you are suggesting that the emote help file and related help files be updated, I would suggest you throw something in on this thread:

If you are looking for guidance then I would suggest you check out these existing resources:

Video Tutorial on Emoting :

Emoting and YOU:

Responsable Spoofing (Applies to Emotes and Poses as well):

There may be more resources as well that I didn’t see on my quick search. So feel free to go to, enter ‘emote’, ‘pose’ or ‘spoof’ in the search bar and peruse the results.

If you are suggesting that the emote help file and related help files be updated, I would suggest you throw something in on this thread:

If you are looking for guidance then I would suggest you check out these existing resources:

Video Tutorial on Emoting:

Emoting and YOU:

Responsable Spoofing (Applies to Emotes and Poses as well):

There may be more resources as well that I didn’t see on my quick search. So feel free to go to, enter ‘emote’, ‘pose’ or ‘spoof’ in the search bar and peruse the results.

*Sorry for the double post. I some how managed to totally mess up the links.

From what I have learned:

- You should not be good at all creative pursuits. Artistic skill covers a lot, but try to pick like three things in that area (dancing, singing, tailoring, etc). IRL I have seen and experienced artistic types who are essentially forced to be the one-person show, so they may take up one big discipline with two to back up as they need. Think of the thespian who has to sew their own costumes.. now you see what I mean. The rest, leave for other players to share in some creative fun. Don't be the catch-all, it's boring.

- Don't OOC where there's a live camera on you, it can break immersion. You can say "I just need to step out" and then go @ooc if you need, people know then what's up and goes unquestioned. But OOC convos are not good, it gets broadcast all over.

- Sometimes things change as policy evolves. You can sometimes expect guidelines to change too. Try not to take it personally, it happens because rp evolves too so rules can evolve with it.

- Lightworks in each venue is going to be different. In Red they have basic necessities, for example. This doesn't mean you can't manipulate these for a performance--you can! Think of how old-time theatre uses shadow works, simple projectors, silhouettes to add to the stage. The thespians' old-style tricks are yours to use, not everything requires a hologram.

- So speaking of this, we can't spoof NPC staff with performances as of now. The reason is because if someone attacks you in the middle of a performance, they can't punch your NPC bandmate. On the flip side, it means we can hire real players to join us on stage for special performances. Perhaps pay them something, which keeps their rp going too!

- And the last thing I can think of is, we cannot emote the audience's response. I think--someone correct me on this if I'm wrong--I think we can emote the *flavor* of the room (tired workers shuffling in and out, putting forward dirty chyen bills for drinks with their faces grimy from a day at SHI), but we can't say "The workers applaud my excellent dancing", you know? Only staff can respond with that. The reason is because it's based on your artistry skill, so you'll get judged on the performance with it.

Please let me know if you need any more tips!

Correction: I meant to say but try to pick like three things AT MOST* with artistry if that's what you want.
Oh, I just thought of another thing.

With dance and mini-disciplines, take your time to learn and branch out with your abilities. Let's say, you strip well but want to learn some gymnastics with this. Now you can roleplay going to the gym, practicing, and invite people with you as you go. Then gradually increase that Artistry skill with the proper UE for it. You're learning and now someone sees you going to the gym regularly and they can try to plot to rob you.

We're all just moving targets for other people to shoot in the end, so things like this can add a creative reason for it to happen.