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Driving destinations
Let's go see the sights, chum.

TL;DR, locations that take time to get to and are separated from the main map., letting you RP during the trip and making vehicles useful and the city big.

Bit of a shower thought, but I was recently thinking about driving and how, unless you leave the city, there isn't really anywhere to drive to. Driving in sector saves you a couple of minutes walking (yes, I fully understand that IC, the distance is larger realistically) and driving to other sectors saves you... Well, however long the lev happens to take. And safety, but I don't think buying a car for safety is good for healthy RP and conflict.

I first had thoughts like this a long while ago when I first drove between sectors with someone, and... Kind of wanted to enjoy the ride, chat and RP, read the tube descriptions, etc. But the whole thing was over in less than a minute (and driving is pretty spammy which makes it hard to RP during).

So... What if we could visit locations in other sectors? Obviously, we can't map other sectors as the playerbase is not large enough to support it, but we could have specific locales that you HAVE to drive to, to get there. Here's how it would work:

-New exits on the tubes, leading to South Red, East Red, etc.

-Once you enter this exit, you go into a special 'travel' room, where instead of getting ads, you'll occasionally various travel messages similar to some of the ones on the tubes, but you're not actually moving so there's no spam (hooray car RP!)

-From there, there'll be multiple exits to specific locations within East Red or West Gold or whatever.

-You pick one, and then simply wait. I'd like these destinations to take a decent amount of time, depending on how fast you're going, and the driving checks to possibly be a little harder than regular driving. I'm thinking 5 to 15 minutes, maybe even up to 30 minutes if you're going at a leisurely pace to a far place.

-Then you arrive at the location. Probably the area outside and inside, with nothing else. To return to Central, you have to 'travel' back.

The WHY:

-Driving RP and chatter.

-More reasons to own a vehicle/get a better one/ upgrade it.

-Makes the city feel as massive as it actually is.

-More niche, unique locations that the builders can make without worrying too much about it fitting in with everything else, being balanced, etc.


-It would take a fair amount of time and work to get a number of locations ready to be visited.

Some final notes and examples:

-Maybe one could also allow people to get to most of these places by foot, through the same 'travel' tile. It just takes much longer and exhausts your character. Mostly so people don't get stranded without ethicol, but maybe getting stranded is fine?

-I also like the idea of businesses and stores outside Central being cheaper to lease/build. So that up and coming tailor that doesn't quite have a ton of money for a place on Central Red or Gold or whatever, could get one in one of the other sectors, with the drawback that it'll obviously be much harder to attract business for obvious reasons.


-Topside 'market' that doesn't have some of the stuff mix markets do, like drugs, but also has stuff that the mix doesn't have. Encourages the two sides interacting. Fluff wise, it probably wouldn't be a flea market, but maybe a mega-mall the size of a neighborhood, and haggling is just hunting for sales/niche shops ("You browse a few stores to try and find a Trucolorz dildo at a better price. Dejected, you return to the last store you found it in.") Could also be a corpie refurb warehouse, or a grid service where you haggle online (perhaps with mechanics that deckers can illegally exploit?) and the 'market' is just where you come to pick up the item from a random corp-cit, hence you needing to 'travel' to their house, with semi-randomized distances.

-A busted, old-style drive-in that plays old NLM stuff.

-Niche restaurants, clubs, basically any sort of 'social outing' places.

-Shitty, hidden away cube hotels for when you need to lay REAL low.

-Junkyards, crack dens and alleys, abandoned warehouses and other places where you might score something but will likely be dangerous.

Sounds like a lot of work, but am I the only one who wants more driving around, traveling and places to go to rather than the same few bars and clubs?

The spam from driving is somewhat tolerable, but what really kills the opportunity to RP in the tubes is being a driver. Most of the time is spent focusing on how many rooms you traveled, and crafting your next "drive" command before the traffic lets up.

There's nothing saying you can't pull off in a low-traffic somewhere close to your destination and idle your vehicle to have a chat before you arrive. I've had scenes like that, and they're rather pleasant.

Some of your options sound fun.

Drive in the slowest speed?
We do have plans for dynamic 'dungeon runs' into other places that exist in other sectors, but driving there won't be a big element of those, because we'll want those to be open to people who don't drive or can't.
Drive in the slowest speed?

That is so uncool.


I think this is an awesome idea that (maybe) wouldn't be too hard to expand on but I don't know if I'd want to see it oriented around private player vehicles. Breaking it down, there's a lot of ways you could go about it from both a mix and corporate perspective. The main concerns that I have are, 1) what I've seen expressed from staff in the past stating that there are already enough "rooms" in Sindome, and 2) the current spread of the playerbase.

You pick one, and then simply wait. I'd like these destinations to take a decent amount of time, depending on how fast you're going, and the driving checks to possibly be a little harder than regular driving. I'm thinking 5 to 15 minutes, maybe even up to 30 minutes if you're going at a leisurely pace to a far place.

Places could include PoIs that Withmore may have but are otherwise unseen. Some high-price, cyberpunk take on a zoo in west Green/Gold? Call out your suited chums for a walk along their paths if you're a corpie or prep to paint up a glassed-in holodisplay of extinct butterflies as a mixer.

I think you COULD have a NeoTrans subsidiary or Chex extension run a bus/aero station in Withmore that serves as longer-range transport. Schedule them in a way that levs/flights might already be scheduled and maybe focus less on filling the mechanical driver role, more on added roles for lowbie muscle to monitor the trip for conflict and data. I've mentioned in some other posts that there should be more on-salary jobs for lowbie muscle and "low-paid bus guard feels" like a good middle ground. Think: sketchy but privatized transit; a "mall cop" quality gig.

Do I think it would be neat to be able to go there in your own ride? Yeah, I do. It would make sense to be able to manage that for yourself -or- take the bus. Mechanically, though? Automated travel using your own vehicle would be, in my opinion, akin to turning your ride into a temp lev; if a fight were to occur en route using a personal car, it might be hard to adjust for how to resolve it. If a fight were to occur en route using an automated service vehicle that was more similar to a lev, there's time for PC response, NPC response, and all of it can happen in the public eye.


The spam from driving is somewhat tolerable, but what really kills the opportunity to RP in the tubes is being a driver. Most of the time is spent focusing on how many rooms you traveled, and crafting your next "drive" command before the traffic lets up.


Drive in the slowest speed?

There's already some unspoken thing for drivers where balancing a need for time-efficient travel and succinct RP is key. Speeding past huge room descriptions cuts RP down to basically nothing and trying to cruise along has lead to dropped convo for me in the past. It can be difficult to know whether someone's intentionally not responding, if they're coming up with another post, or if they simply never heard you in all of the scroll. By the time you think to ask, "yo baka, you hear me?" you can already be at the destination.

This is especially true for roles that deal with driving a lot of people in a day because it's hard to get a read on your passenger's time commitments without always prefacing things with "hay how much time u got."

Slight tangent.


We do have plans for dynamic 'dungeon runs' into other places that exist in other sectors, but driving there won't be a big element of those, because we'll want those to be open to people who don't drive or can't.

That's pretty cool. I don't know if I'm scanning the full idea, but having the "front" of dangerous dungeon locales be these themely, flavorful locations (distant restaurants, drive-ins, an amusement park, etc.) with more hidden and shady things to find could serve the purpose of giving both sights to see on the outside while having more things to do/experience on the inside.

E.g., get a bus ride to some janky Red Sector amusement park and hide a dungeon element beyond a broken down attraction with [UNSTABLE FOOTING].


Hope this didn't veer too far off-topic.