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- himble 1m
- AdamBlue9000 15m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Baphomei 3m
- baewulf 6m
- RedProtokoll 5m
- BubbleKangaroo 1m
- QueenZombean 1m
- Knyghtskye 6m
- Lena 0s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 3m
a Kard 4h
- zxq 6m
- Emily 7m Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
And 27 more hiding and/or disguised

Obfuscate Character Health
When Uninjured

Basic idea - When looking at another character, if they are uninjured, you see "Person appears healthy ... [dirt/smell/whatever]" rather than "Person is in excellent/magnificent/whatever health ... "

Why - Removes another potential for subconscious metagaming when looking at characters in disguises and more realistically portrays another character's IC status/health/HP.


Don't think it's that important. You know you look at some people who are positively radiant and in great health?

Same thing.

There's an option for concealing your power level in disguise. @holdback. That said, I think disguise offering some latent ability to do this could be worth exploring. I don't think this is a big deal out-of-disguise.

Knowing that somebody is healthier than average ultimately tells you very, very little except if it's being used to meta-identify them.

@holdback would obviously harm disguise in other ways.

However, the suggestion to conceal your health by holding back shouldn't be necessary.

I've been saying A LOT lately that players who guess which of the 40 possible player-run characters they know about is involved with something are often WRONG, not that that excuses the small-world metagaming but it highlights the flip side too: Players who believe that they are the victim of someone else's small-world metagaming are also wrong a lot.

The frequency with which people on both sides of this are wrong influences the seriousness with which I take any and all @ideas related to reducing metagaming potential with new code.

Hiding the "condition" is a good idea just because of the nature of disguise (you can't tell what they look like, how are you supposed to know how magnificent their condition is), not because of some perception that people are abusing it.

Linekin wrote:

Hiding the "condition" is a good idea just because of the nature of disguise (you can't tell what they look like, how are you supposed to know how magnificent their condition is),

I like that.

I think it makes sense for me to look at someone and not know if they are in magnificent health or not (unless of course they are gangly or really tall and buff, however, that is more muscle mass as opposed to endurance and health).

'@holdback would obviously harm disguise in other ways.

However, the suggestion to conceal your health by holding back shouldn't be necessary.'

Yep, no disagreement here. @holdback is a dangerous to use command in general. I'm not suggesting it be used as an alternative to a change, but as a path somebody may want to consider when weighing the risks in the meantime.

It makes sense to me that disguises should hide condition. I don't hold any preconception that people are abusing it in its current state, only that there's a possibility, and it'd make sense for that information to not be present at all.

"I don't hold any preconception that people are abusing it in its current state, only that there's a possibility, and it'd make sense for that information to not be present at all."

This is my feeling as well and the modification suggested by Linekin makes great sense.

Perhaps whether or not your condition is disguised should come in part down to what disiguise you are wearing. A hoodie still gives a pretty distinct outline of a person. You can tell if they are overweight or physically fit etc etc. A poncho on the other hand distorts the persons outline pretty dramatically. There is no telling if someone is fit or not in this case.
Conversely.. when carrying the Ebola-Death plague .. being able to throw a big old poncho over yourself, hunker in a corner and sit in the Drome able to breath near people .. without being instantly spotted for being pale and sweaty with bleeding ears under all that poncho... at least until you sneeze black stuff on people and give yourself away.. also seems like a good reason to hide conditions.. if you wanted a more horrible and disgusting take on the matter anyway!
^ That.

Wildgiller nailed it in a wonderfully perversely evil sense of humor idea.

For one aspect at least.