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Node Editing for All!
Expand what being a Grid user means

## Why?

I want to encourage people to use the grid. To create nodes and to store information on nodes. If it is easy for most anyone to do this, I think they will. I can imagine my character, though not a decker, using their node to store loads of information. Just make themselves

As a result, more usage means more opportunities for deckers. Corps can create 'intranets' that employees use to store and share information. Of course, then corps might want to hire deckers to secure these nodes and other (or even the same) deckers might have motivation to access these nodes.

Just a thought really and this would probably not really be worth the effort (not that I really have any idea of how much effort such a change would entail). Still, I wanted to throw it out there for the fun of it.

The basic idea here is to establish a permissions scheme of some kind that would allow all users to edit and view nodes on and Term as long as they have permissions. This would mean that a decker's job moves from being a node nanny to node infiltrators and guardians. The decker uses his skills to circumvent existing permissions and to keep tohers from being able to do the same. What I describe below is just a LONG example to better describe what I mean.

## Normal Use

### Standard Permissions

Every node has four access levels: Admins, Readers and Blocked.

Accounts listed as Blocked can not access the node at all. They are given a message stating that they do not have permission to access the node.

Accounts listed as Readers can view the node but can not view or modify the source. This is where everyone lives today.

Accounts listed as Admins can view the node like everyone else but they can also access the source and edit it.

Permissions are specified in the node source using some kind of markup. Something like:

@#Admins: account1, account2, account3

@#Readers: account4, account5, account6

No one would see this when viewing the node, like comments. However, when someone tries to access the node the system checks to see if they are on the Admins list. If they are, they are given access to the node along with an edit button and no further checks are made. If not, it will check to see if they are on the Readers list. If they are, they are presented the node with no option to edit. Lastly, if they are not on the Admins list or Readers list they are assumed to be blocked and given a "No permissions" error.

#### All

If a group is not defined or left blank then it is assumed that that is the default level for everyone. In short, unspecified == All. Again, this is based on a check starting with Admins, then Readers then Blocked. This can result in some unexpected security holes.

##### Example 1:

The node does not specify any Admins, Readers or Blocked:

Everyone is an Admin!!! (Check if on Admin... Admin is blank... Blank means All so you are an Admin.)

##### Example 2:

Admins are specified but nothing else:

Accounts listed as Admins are admins and all others are Readers

##### Example 3:

Admins and Readers are specified but no Blocked:

Everyone not specified as a Reader or Admin is blocked.

##### Example 4:

Readers and Blocked are specified but no Admins:

Everyone is an Admin!!!

##### Example 5:

Admins and Readers contain the same accounts and Blocked are not specified:

There are only Admins and all others are blocked.

#### Default Permissions and Converting Nodes

By default, a new node includes:


This is all. It is up to the Admins to change this. When converting old nodes then the node would simply have "@#Admins: $CURRENT_NODE_OWNER" appended to the bottom of the source.

#### Resecuring, Editing and Saving

If you are an Admin, you will have an edit button and a resecure button.

If you click resecure, you will overwrite the nodes existing security with your own.

If you click edit, you are shown the node source and a save button. When you save the node the content being updated but the security level of the node will not change.

##### Locking Yourself Out

Under this kind os system it would be relatively easy to lock yourself out of your node. If you remove yourself from Admins then save the node you might have just locked yourself out and will have to use a LiteTerm and some cracking skills to get back in (or hire someone to do this for you). Of course, if you saved the page with no Admins defined, you can still edit the page - and so can everyone else!

#### Security Levels

As a rule a node's security level only comes into play when cracking it or resecuring it. This means that one can edit and save nodes as one will - even if they have -50 cracking. Anyone on a node's Admins list can resecure a node as well but this may result in terrible security depending on the character's skills.

By default, all pages are given a default level of security by NLM. This is a basic level of security though and most deckers will be able to do a better job (including deckers employed by NLM).

## Deckers

To be clear this really refers to anyone with a LiteTerm. The idea is that any term can be used tor node creation, editing, resecuring and reading as long as you have permissions. When you want to crack a node's security though, you need the power of a LiteTerm. Nothing less will cut it!

### Simplified Option

If using a LiteTerm (or equivalent), you will also see a "crack" button on every node unless you are on that node's Admins list (no need to crack this node).

If you successfully crack a node you are given access to the source. This is your chance to add yourself to Admins, change other user's permissions, copy over data and the like.

The difficulty of the crack would also depend on your existing permission level. It is easier to gain Admin access as a Reader than as Blocked.

### Extended Option

The idea here is that the decker slowly increases his access level.

If you access a node with a LiteTerm and are considered Blocked, you will get the permission denied message and a crack button. If you successfully crack the node your account name is added to the Readers list and the node is reloaded.

If you access a node and are a Reader of that node, the node will be displayed with a crack button. If you successfully crack the node you are added to the Admins list and the node is reloaded. Now you have full access and can make whatever changes you want!!!

I think some of this functionality, like incorporating more of the game into the node, is the plan for Grid 3.0.