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a Mench 2m Doing a bit of everything.
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Body and Room Temperatures
Freeze to Death or Suffer Heat Stroke

So this one is a rather large scale idea, but I really think there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of things that people could do with it.

I would love to see the introduction of a body temperature mechanic. A character's temperature could then fluctuate depending on a number of factors. Perhaps they are suffering from withdrawal, and a character's temperature rises. Perhaps they are out in the middle of a snowstorm, and their temperature drops. Perhaps one consequence of taking drugs themselves could be a body temperature change.

This could open the door to additional features in the future, such as controllable air conditioning/heating in some green and blue sector residences. Perhaps even in some bars in red sector. Perhaps portable heating/cooling units could be produced, which could run off batteries.

If a character were to grow too warm, they would suffer consequences in the form of heat stroke. This could render limbs unusable for a certain period of time, and or could create some interesting roleplay for medical characters as they could have some sort of solution to a person's temperature woes.

Frostbite would also be a similar issue, although if a character were to grow cold enough they could be killed, instead of losing functionality of limbs.

This mechanic would bring tailoring into greater demand. Different material types could have different properties, with some serving to heat a character so they wouldn't suffer the consequences of frostbite. On the other hand, wearing heat oriented clothing in somewhere like the badlands would make a character feel even hotter, which would make having something to drink even more important.

Aside from the scope of it, what do you all think?

Temperatures are fairly well simmed from what I've seen.

Indoors temps are temp regulated typically.

Outdoors is weather specific.

AFAIK, people are all the same temperature, so I could see that being interesting. Otherwise, I think most of these effects are already implemented from an environmental standard!

Echoing that Talon said, I'm pretty sure this exists aside from character body temperatures.

Keep in mind the new-player experience. If it's freezing and someone is still getting tutorial info after entering the gate, it's not going to be a fun time to lose limb functionality during the tutorial moments.