1) Currently not listed in commands when examining your PC
2) No corresponding helpfile for @addalias
3) No means of edit/delete once an alias is added? I could be wrong about this final one.
It's SO useful if your PC goes by an alias instead of their actual name. Helpful too, in cases where you are trying to mentally dissociate a PCs visible 'name' from what the PC actually refers to themselves as.
It's bad enough when you have three characters and items around with the first part of their name spelled the same. But two people with the same name? (This isn't allowed.)
It can be used but with a lot of caution. :)
It can be used to mess up everyone in the room with you.
It can be used to prevent chargen of unused names.
And it has no way to undo it.
Are we SURE it has no way to remove them? I'd like to know that if I pressed the wrong button on accident when trying to do the right thing, that I could undo having done the wrong thing.
While we're in the ideas category:
What if aliases were personalized to the viewer instead of the viewee?
Personally I think this would solve all the IC problems created by the whole 'seeing people's names' if people used their description by default until you '@alias tall mano as Ripper' or '@remember tall mano as Ripper'.
Obviously this would require a little rethinking of the emote system, but nothing that couldn't be accomplished.
It's an idea. I'm not saying it's a great one.