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Allow subs for other layers of clothes.
Under %p coat, you can see their %underlayer.

So, a small idea. I know zippers and multiple states for clothing has been a long requested feature for tailoring, but personally - I think descriptions can already be bloaty enough, and especially when wearing a "zipped down" coat with a shirt underneath at the moment - it can be a bit excessive.

I think it'd be nice to be able to refer to other layers of clothing directly underneath - without having to uncover other body locations entirely - similar to %t. I don't know exactly how clothing layering works - but it seems feasible.

This would cut out the bloat of exposing the entire @worn of another piece of clothing you're wearing underneath - while still being able to show that you're wearing it. At the moment, I prefer to wear coats or other items zipped purely to cut on unecessary description bloat.


%S is wearing a long coat. With the zipper undone, you can clearly see their %underlayer.

She is wearing a long coat. With the zipper undone, you can clearly see their mixlyfe t-shirt.

I would kill for this feature! It would open so many awesome possibilities.

I think it would have to be naked-specific probably, so something like -- %underlshoulder or %underchest or whatever. It also would need to handle 'nothing', so in this example you'd want it to be

With the zipper undone, you can clearly see %underchest.

With the zipper undone, you can clearly see a mixlyfe t-shirt.

With the zipper undone, you can clearly see nothing.

If you want to be really fancy, you might allow people to customize their 'bare' message, so it could be 'bare skin' or whatever -- @bareskin me is X, with a default to 'nothing,'