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Cyberlimb mods
make it yours

if there were mods installable in cyberlimbs, what would some of them do?
I could see a number of different uses. Things like built in holsters/containers would be pretty cool. Fingers that could have a lighter feature for lighting smokes. I'd really like to see a Doctors arm that could support things like drawing blood and injecting medicines and things of that nature. So many things that could be incorporated, I'm excited to see what comes from it.
Lighter Finger for cyberarms.

Some kind of pilot mask attachment or module for Sinus Refactor

Gill similar chrome for Sinus Refactor

Having some kind of ridiculous color changing/cosmetic options for cyberchest, genitals, etc would be fun. Like the skinwatch in terms of function. Maybe it can display text?

Bouncy/running leg modules for cyberlimbs. Always liked the weird prosthetics people use for running IRL, having an equivalent for SD would be fun.

Armor modules for exoskeletons or limbs would be fun, since cyberlimbs limit dermalweave effectiveness now.

AutoTune/Robo voice module for Tracheal Implant - fun with disguises or just being T-Pain

Additional additions

Scream/Shout Mod for Tracheal - Shout more rooms away, when speaking loudly takes a custom color. Fun for Judges and intimidation kinda things.

Modules for Skinwatch, Knux, etc on cyberlimbs - don't know if you can install things into cyberarms like that, but would be cool if you could. Maybe with even more functionality because they don't need to be discrete.

Lethal Mod for Defib Hands - I mean...its on the tin here. Might even be a fun thing for a cybertech to cook up.

Tools - mechanic, robotics, cybernetics, medical. All part of different took packages for your cyberarm or an additional appendage that has those features.

Like to see a Robocop style holster. Acts as a safe if you die and its not out. They can take the leg, but they aren't getting your gun out.

Small storage spaces. A place to keep your chyen or your wallet that isn't in your inventory and doesn't show on a frisk. Drives or smaller items under a certain volume or weight.

Jump mods, when jumping from a to b absorbs the impact greatly, lower risk for hurting.

Sprinter mods, makes you run faster.

Absorbent mod, impact/shock absorbent material helps lessen the impact of a hit to said area.

Lighter mod, "Hey you got a lighter" flicks off the fingertip and fwooosh light.

Feet claws, yes claws, like nailz but for your feet! "Could tie into martial arts."

Unnatural movement mod, Makes you be able to twist your limbs into unnatural ways, maybe helps you be more 'agile'?

Arm cannon, One shot then reload, works like a shotgun, just spraying lead in one direction before a new shell needs to be inserted, could be used as a show starter or finisher.

Detachable, controllable hands if you have dual cyber arms. One hand detaches to become a robot, the other arm becomes a controller interface for said detached hand.

Detachable and replaceable limb ends in general. So you could take of your hand and replace it with a tool, take off your feet and replace them with roller blade feet...

Ooooo Roller blade feet!

Limb tractors would be cool as well, a way of tracking down stolen limbs.

And finally, what about simple extravagance for elite corpos or flash gangers. Things like a comb finger, umbrella arm, bottle opener elbow, finger lighter. Fighter lighter sounds awesome.

Just to give some constructive feedback:

Detachable, controllable hands if you have dual cyber arms. One hand detaches to become a robot, the other arm becomes a controller interface for said detached hand.

That's not a mod, that's a cyberlimb.

Ooooo Roller blade feet!

That's not a mod, that's a cyberlimb.

Tools - mechanic, robotics, cybernetics, medical. All part of different took packages for your cyberarm or an additional appendage that has those features.

Those could be mods. Maybe.

Jump mods, when jumping from a to b absorbs the impact greatly, lower risk for hurting.

Sprinter mods, makes you run faster.

Absorbent mod, impact/shock absorbent material helps lessen the impact of a hit to said area.

Lighter mod, "Hey you got a lighter" flicks off the fingertip and fwooosh light.

Good mods ideas.

Lethal Mod for Defib Hands - I mean...its on the tin here. Might even be a fun thing for a cybertech to cook up.

defib hands, trachs, etc don't have mod slots.

Some kind of EOD module - either to catch grenades and limit damage from them outside of the limb, or to help with explosive disarming.

LeadLegs - Compared to the agility booster one, this one makes it harder to escape, but better at guarding, not being pushed off stuff, and similar activities. Hold your ground.

GeckoHands - for those few very annoying things where slipping off while climbing is a thing, this would help limit that. Hooks, ladders, etc.

(retractable?) spikes on cyberarms that do a small amount of damage to the opponent on blocks, hydraulic mods that allow the fighter to exert more pressure in grapples

more embeddable gadget mods - ie lighter fingers as people have already said, pop out flashlights etcetera, storage compartment mods that allow users to stash a small item away, hand shocker mods for easy self defence

Grappling hook arm.
Chainsaw hand mod
Explosives. Someone takes your chrome, you set it off remotely, or have it on a tamper-trigger to self-detonate.
Flashlight, grappling hook launcher, monofilament thumb wires.
And/or security modules, similar to vehicle security systems, possibly with integrated trackers.

The bottom line is that chrome is expensive and it makes you an attractive target, and more often than not, having it is a significant risk that can make it impractical. Some modules to mitigate that risk and make the chrome-snatching business a little less lucrative may be in order.

-Emp hardening

-If not already, different advantages/disadvantages to the coatings that are available currently.

-Scanner installation like a weapons scanner, cyberware scanner, bug scanner (think -airports and those handheld metal detectors, but of the future)

-Deployable arm shield, gives a bonus when protecting someone?

-instrument slot, so you can program your hands to play music (like an old time piano)

-Nanotech self-repair module – allowing cyberlimbs to self-repair. Similar to how the body recovers from wounds.

-Credchip mod in a palm socket, pay with the wave of a hand.

-ViseLock/MagLock hand mods, hold fast to what's in your hands. Avoid disarming, aid in maintaining a grapple once applied successfully

-Double-jointed/Joint-reversing mods, allowing for greater range of motion, easier grapple escapability.

-Temperature regulating mods for extreme environmental conditions.

-Re-writable Fingerprint mods

Could probably do re-writable treads for cyber feet too.
Tools for installing and removing cybernetics. Built into your hand.
Hard no from me for the tools thing. People are already kind of farmed for cyber and that would just make it even easier.

Mods that I would like to see.

An interface that would allow you to use "decking/electonics" skill against different objects in the world. Maybe let you see who used a streetterm last, or get bank info at an ATM. Who was last to use a lock. Bonuses to checks for cracking E-Notes/Locks. This could be multiple devices if balance requires it.

Smuggling Space. Something that can bring something through detectors undetected.

Climbing pads. Tactile, magnetic pads that let you adhere to surfaces.

Trade-offs are interesting, offering choices more complex than just 'better'. They'd be cheaper than mods with no drawback, increasing the amount of chrome people use.

Hydraulic arm module: [plus Strength, minus Agility]

Hyperextension module: adds increased range of motion to the arm and wrist's joints, but also weakens them. [Plus Agility, minus Strength]

Motion to energy recharge module: use's the body's motion to help power the limb. You can go for longer, but at a lower max effort. [plus Stamina, minus Toughness (the Endurance substats)]

Redundant motion system: the limb can take more damage than usual and remain functional, but costs more energy to use. [plus Toughness, minus Stamina]

Spring-loaded joint action: [plus Quickness, minus Coordination (the Agility substats)]

Hardened joint bearings: [plus Coordination, minus Quickness]

I think the idea of trading off substats is interesting in general.

Cyberarm Module - Internal Gyro Stablizers. Help with firearm accuracy, especially for those on the higher end of kickback. Thing SR or CP2020 has something similar, just got me thinking.
A Pilot Mask mod for the Nasal Refactor would be amazing.