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- RedProtokoll 16s
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- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
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- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
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a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
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I like this blood thing.
And, it can extend to other things.

Blood is great. Blood is good. And, I like seeing it on other characters' clothing.

But, this could extend to other things, such as sewage, toxic waste, dirt, dust, random giant arachnid ichor, soot, garbage, vomit, shit, etc. We could have a whole rainbow of dirty gear messages, depending on what we've gotten onto ourselves, or gotten ourselves into.

So that brings me to another suggestion:

Laundromats.  Come on, if we're going to get dirty, there should be separate places to clean laundry and to clean ourselves.  We shouldn't just jump into the shower every time our clothes started stinking or getting dirty. Hrm.  Speaking of showers, there should be a communal shower at the coffins on Red and Gold, and more people should actually be able to automatically notice when a character crosses that threshold where raunchiness becomes an obvious hygiene problem.  

Just thoughts I'd like to share, even if they would make the game more complicated if they were introduced.


Grim ShinMojo

Just shower while wearing clothes, kinda seems common sense? :)
That is how you clean your clothes, yes, but... that doesn't really make a lot of sense.

I mean, do you hop into the shower fully clothed whenever you need to get a stain off your shirt?

I'm almost sorry I asked.

For those who answered the question, thank you.

For those who are complaining about the answer:

Yes, I understand it's not realistic. No, I don't think adding laundromats is going to enhance RP. There's SO many things that could get added that would greatly enhance RP, why are we pushing for the admins to make it into a life-simulator? What's next? Full bladders? Overgrown fingernails? Hairy legs?

Having experienced it first hand, I can tell you the blood-stained clothing system works absolutely beautifully for RP: I'm out and about, I'm stuck with blood on my clothes. I make it home and have a chance to do character maintaince, I can get them clean for cheap/free, depending on my living situation and poverty level.

Would someone complaining about this dynamic explain how you would change it, why, and what would be gained by doing so?

I don't think you need to add or take anything from this system. I just RP washing clothes when appropriate.

You can RP it but life and livingness are things that tend to happen when you are logged out.

Blood stain removal: Sorry, but there are ways to find this out IC'ly.

There are IC ways to handle blood stains. ;)

We can't go into it here but there are ways you can find out (if you haven't already) in game.