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Adding drugs to food
Weed cupcakes and cookies for everyone!

I'd like to request a feature for drugs to be able to baked into objects, like how the KMB has molokos and browies.

I'm not sure how this would work best, e.g. a command to spike/lace the food item with a drug, or if you can add it via the custom food crafting with a chefs island somehow.

...but marcy-iced donuts sound awesome.

Arsenic soup
With food it would have to be 'baked in' during the preparation.

Drinks would be easier, as long as the drug is water soluble.

The issue that I see with baking it in is that in the current implementation, it would need to have drugs be available as an ingredient at the shop, to be available on the chef island.

That would affect the drug economy, and I'm also not sure if it could apply the stats.

Maybe a chef's island could be 'loaded' with drugs somehow that could be applied as a special ingredient?

I dunno, will leave it for the staff to figure out the best implementation, if it's even something they want us to have. I just really hope so, because it would be sick :)

The issue that I see with baking it in is that in the current implementation, it would need to have drugs be available as an ingredient at the shop, to be available on the chef island.

That would affect the drug economy, and I'm also not sure if it could apply the stats.

Maybe a chef's island could be 'loaded' with drugs somehow that could be applied as a special ingredient?

I dunno, will leave it for the staff to figure out the best implementation, if it's even something they want us to have. I just really hope so, because it would be sick :)

Well, I'm never eating food again.

Really though, I think it'd ruin some fun of the game if you can just injure someone or kill, whatever with a brownie. It'd add an extra layer of skeptisicm that I think the game already has enough of.

I think this idea could be just RPed and doesn't really need mechanics to back it up.

If there were player made drugged foods, they are going to be watered down (as to not mess with the actual drugs & their economy) and hence the effects would be mostly negligible. So you really would be eating this mostly to RP being high or maybe spike someone with drugs.

Also I don't want artsy characters being able to do even more things, I already think things are imbalanced as they are. Unless they also have complementary skills as a requirement to even attempt to do something like this.

Tbh I would try to make everyone OD
I agree ErgoProxy.
I'm not suggesting artsy characters be able to make drugs.

I'm suggesting a chef is able to drop some weed into a batch of cookies. Using the cooking skill and what not they invested UE in to be able to use a chefs island - and using drugs purchased from a dealer.

All it adds is flavour to how they are consumed and potential opportunities to get players hooked, the same way corpies can be from KMB foods.

A player making the food is better than it being bought from a shop, ain't it?

I really like this idea. Any reason to consume more drugs in a CP setting is a good idea.
Drugs need more effects before adding them to food or drink would be worth it. As it is, I can think of one drug I might use to slightly disadvantage my opponent in combat and that would take some really careful planning.
I am trying to understand the economic impact of this proposal. From what I can tell, DiamondNine is suggesting that a character with 'chef / cooking' type skills should be able to use 'drugs' as an 'ingredient' in food.

If the drugs have to be procured ICly, and the 'cook' is not actually making the drugs themselves, what is the issue? How does that differ from a tailor needing to buy materials? Or even a chemist needing to come up with precursors? (I'm totally new here and know nothing about chemistry. If chemists don't need ingredients and can just conjure drugs up out of thin air, then this analogy breaks down.)

I wasn't aware that corp characters can get hooked on KMB foods. That seems like a bit of IC info that should be pulled out of this thread.

From a theme perspective, I think it that cooking with drugs is great. Introducing a mechanic where characters are concerned about eating food from strangers is a good one. Historically speaking, it seems like as long as there have been written accounts of life, there have been tales of enemies drugging each other. Why should Sindome be any different?

+1, make people paranoid even more.
Sounds fun to me, maybe a very perceptive person with some chemistry knowledge could smell or see the spiked compounds in the food/drink.

A brownie? The fuck do I look like some kind of....oh shit, this got marcy in it?!? Thanks chummer!

Most recreational drugs IRL taste completely revolting and don't work when you eat them.
Then you've never had the weed cookies from my local club, Vera. They are delicious and send you to the MOOOOON!