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- Freshmeat_Guest 10m [Welcome to Sindome]
- Lena 17s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 4m
- adrognik 1s
- Sivartas 2m
a Kard 26m
- zxq 29m
- Baphomei 27m
- Baguette 4s waow
- QueenZombean 18s
- BigBiscuit 8s
- Bruhlicious 4h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Hivemind 3m
- Emily 9s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 7m Doing a bit of everything.
And 29 more hiding and/or disguised

Add chatter to PubSIC
Getting the message out

Currently, chatter is only accessible (AFAIK) by talking to certain NPCs or getting it from another PC that did such.

I would propose that after a certain number of days being accessible only by this method (thus giving people who do it a head start) chatter is then randomly broadcast on PubSIC to help distribute events and plot hooks.

I appreciate the desire to make chatter more widely accessible as a mechanism to get more players involved in plots.

I worry that doing this will undermine the characters who have invested UE in being able to gather chatter. As a general game play / thematic rule of thumb, I think it's better to drive characters to RP more widely, than automate something. In this case, push characters towards fixers, bartenders, and anyone who has access to chatter.

I suggest that a middle ground could be staff GMs using SIC puppets to spread chatter for specific situations where they want more player involvement. For example, the situation that FengShui mentioned in the recent town hall where specific factions are treating their specific items more like crates.

Those who invested in this would have access to the chatter DAYS before pubsic. It makes the chatter system overall more palatable and a better vehicle for RP though if there's a point at which anyone and everyone hears the rumor. And for time sensitive things, those few extra days are huge for those that invest.
I want to see what Voodoo posted and then deleted.


I worry that doing this will undermine the characters who have invested UE in being able to gather chatter. As a general game play / thematic rule of thumb, I think it's better to drive characters to RP more widely, than automate something. In this case, push characters towards fixers, bartenders, and anyone who has access to chatter.

Chatter should maybe be an onion. The public stuff would be the broad speculation, the conspiracy theories, the "did you hear" but lack real details (the outer layer of the onion). Could also be completely idle gossip. Characters that have invested in being able to ask around for chatter can then get the really juicy details (inner layers of onion). That way, people have a rough idea of what's happening fairly easily but those in the know have an advantage on getting usable information.

I believe players can do this if they wish (take chatter and put it on pubsic) if they have an agenda to push. Why would it not be done by players instead of an automated clock?