Due to the way the MOO handles experience, use of any system to keep your
character connected to the MOO in your absence is not allowed. Characters
are permitted to idle 24 hours before being disconnected from the
game. Bypassing this disconnect timer in any way to stay connected in your
absence will result in us breaking your connection and preventing
auto-reconnection. Your character will remain unmoved after disconnect and
you are solely responsible for any IC consequences of where your character
ends up 'sleeping'.
We all want new players to stick around, and low player count on @who is the easiest way to chase them off so let's avoid that first and foremost. :-)
And, to play devil's advocate, since the original poster was discussing lack of RP from idlers...it can still be said that even those active on WHO are not available for RP because they are idling in one closed off location but simply doing minimal things to prevent being seen as idle. In effect, not being idle doesn't mean producing quality RP.
I don't really think of SIC activity as RP normally. Of course there are exceptions *shrugs*
I like Slither's idea. I understand Cerberus's point as well.
What if, instead of dropping off SIC (and making SIC who look inactive), the aliases of idlers randomized to either another alias or made to appear as a newbie alias with no tagline? Then, when they stop idling, their alias comes back to normal.
Seems like needless overhead, especially since the game would have to hold the old alias.
But then again, idles dropping off SIC seems like a fairly iffy feature regardless. If for any reason I have to idle, if I'm still logged in, that means I'm prepared to respond to RP; therefore, I want to be available on 'who'.
Some idlers are waiting for it. Ping them.
This is a "quality of life" thread. Someone's ICly ignoring your character's SICs and you're annoyed as a player.
I don't like this idea because you shouldn't be able to tell if they're ignoring you for IC or OOC reasons. It's all IC, and you're free to ICly react to the snub, no matter whether it was deliberate or not.
Am I the only one who RPs even when I'm alone?
You're not, and this kind of holier than thou discussion isn't going to be a very productive avenue of discourse to travel down.
There are numerous OOC reasons a player may have to go idle but still wishes to remain connected to the game. Even the most active, content-driving players may not be 'contributing' in the manner you wish 100% of their time connected.
This is turning into a gripe about other players more-so than discussion of a proposed feature.
Well that's totally different from not liking what you see when you @who.
"launch them into the OOC lounge after an hour"
Anyway, this is a bad idea too. Where is this unresponsive character? Where do they go when they un-idle and come back out of @ooc? Someplace they shouldn't be, if the players who they went AFK on can't stick around?
What do you do when your RP depends on a person who idle a lot and starts becoming less and less active? Do you soldier on, acting like they're there in your character's life anyway? Do you try to snake out of the IC relationship for OOC or related IC reasons?
If somebody is becoming less and less active, it's (I think, varies on a character to character basis) simple to say you're simply moving on.
If somebody is becoming less and less active in the sense that when you're RPing with them they're frequently dropping idle, to the point where you might be waiting ten minutes a time for a response when in a public location, you could reasonably spin that IC as them seeming more detached and distant and react IC appropriately.
bean_dip wrote:
I don't like this idea because you shouldn't be able to tell if they're ignoring you for IC or OOC reasons. It's all IC, and you're free to ICly react to the snub, no matter whether it was deliberate or not.
I agree. The correlation between IC and OOC shouldn't be seen and since it is all IC, react appropriately IC'ly.
Show concern for the person who's spacing out because the character has been up since five in the morning. Or seems to have a lot on their mind. Consistently not getting sleep is unhealthy / can create problems and mistakes. Bring it up. (We show concern for or are critical of taller people who weigh 95 - 100 pounds, do the same for some who space out.) It's IC. So, rip into the character IC'ly. Or show concern where it's happening frequently (especially if it's happening in public - there are thieves about and people who enjoy fondling others ;) ) or smack them upside the head. Maybe outright ask them if they're not right in the head or did their mother drop them when they were a kid. There are a variety of things you can do IC'ly about this.
Now, sometimes people have an little emergency to handle [kid / dog / spills / lag / etc.] and that's understandable that you have to rush to handle it and can't go to the ooc lounge.
I understand where Myth is coming from and have been on both sides before. For the most part this isn't a problem in this game / community, but how about some RP manners and if busy in RL where it's going to take some time (work, cleaning, etc), don't log in and if tired, maybe going to fall asleep (if you catch yourself [I know a player who RP'd that wonderfully the next day when this happened]), log out in safe area? (Just a thought.)