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- JMo 12m All death is certain.
- Takano 4m
- Rillem 22s
- Wonderland 20s
- Burgerwolf 9m PRETZELS
- Phexion 16s
- zxq 1m
a Mench 44s Doing a bit of everything.
- Emily 4m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- QueenZombean 1h Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- Terrible_the_duck 3m
- Slyter 43m
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Caught Red Handed
Artistry/Graffiti leaving marks...

It would be awesome if painting a canvas and using cans of spraypaint left paint on the artists hands similar to blood stains and if allowed to dry was particularly hard to remove. Gloves would naturally be a suitable countermeasure to this.

Needs a little CP action though, right?

Bonus points if Wet paint would also rub off on things the artist touches (i.e. wields) for a duration of time.

Also thermographic paint could be utilized on clothing or a person directly for a dramatic increase in there ability to be detected via thermographics plus adding "radiant" to there room short desc.

Maybe thermographic paint can only be made by chemists but doesn't request a lab. Just a can of spraypaint and something else. Naturally, thermographic spraypaint would be invisible to the naked eye on locations. And thermographic paint grenades for obvious reasons.


I want thermographic paint for aesthetic reasons, let alone for combat ones. Im for it
I want thermographic paint for aesthetic reasons, let alone for combat ones. Im for it