So here's some of my ideas for that type of stuff.
Thermite Threading biomod for corpse and item disposal upon death. It combusts your muscle and nerve tissue at 5000c and flash burns anything you had on you to a crisp. Leaving nothing but ashes. The kind of thing for Corpie Blackops where no evidence can be left. Cost: 150,000chy, in the form of a biomod that remains dormant and an activator with an activation time of 15 minutes to 1 hour, which would administered by a field medic with a medirite,
Cyberware Torso slot
Electric Boogaloo, has the effect of a high grade electrocution rig. 1 shot, activates on death, and knocks out anyone who cannot manage a set check. While also cooking your remains preventing revival. Good for cannon fodder you don't expect to survive the op.
VS Vibrant Visions II
Causes your corpse to begin secretting a substance equivelent to LN-2 in a gas form around you upon death, causes increased degredation and reduces potential of identification of body within 10 seconds of heart stopping. Biomod.