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any chance of expanding the selection?

I've been working through the @social list to try to improve the naturalness of my character, and I'm curious if there is any interest in expanding the list? I finally found how to shake hands, so pretty excited about that. I was looking for a wince and a salute command. I have been using emote, but a @social for those would be nice.

Anyone else have thoughts or could point out the command I've missed that would cover those?

I use a few of the socials. They can be easy and fun and fast, which is sometimes important, but don't forget about POSE. With some practice (a lot of practice) you can form really complex and beautiful emotes. For simple actions that @socials would most likely satisfy a pose could make even more fluid and colorful. You can even make a macro to fire them off quickly if you want to. Just an idea in case adding to the @socials list doesn't make the top priority list.
trying to use poses usually leaves me pounding my head on the desk and looking for the tequila :/

Hopefully I can attend the pose/emote class that Slither was considering and that will improve

Pose can be frustrating at first but is actually a lot easier to write than an emote once accustomed, obvious keys being using it as first-person or like telling someone a story about yourself (the character), and with any verb used to denote an action, pre cursing it with a period, Think of the periods like I's and wherever you would say I talking of the action first-hand, a period precedes the next action verb. So John and Guy are sitting in a bar.

*SELF example

I wave my hand wildly across the bar looking in guy's direction.

*Pose example

.wave my hand wildly across the bar looking in Guy's direction.

*what others see

John waves his hand wildly across the bar looking in Guy's direction.

*what John see's

You wave your hand wildly across the bar looking in Guy's direction.


.lean back with a subtle nod, "Bakaaaaaa." shifting on my barstool as I .glance over my shoulder at the crowds of patrons behind me.


John leans back with a subtle nod, "Bakaaaaaa." shifting on his barstool as he glances over his shoulder at the crowds of patrons behind him.


You lean back with a subtle nod, "Bakaaaaaa." shifting on your barstool as you glance over your shoulder at the crowds behind you.

Not so good at teaching so hope it helps make things easier for you and let's you breathe more life with less time lost to planning. :o)~

Thanks, Flame, that helps a lot. I think what I keep hanging up on, is I am never certain how a pose looks to the other person. I'm getting better with emotes, but I think I'm a long way from smooth and natural.
I have a huge thanks for Slither for running a pose/emote workshop. I learned a lot, and I think I have a lot better grasp on how they work. Now to keep working until it's smooth and reflexive. :)
Don't forget to use adverbs with your socials to add a whole other level to them too.
One thing Flame's pose examples didn't include

(to recap)

*what others see

John waves his hand wildly across the bar looking in Guy's direction.

*what John see's

You wave your hand wildly across the bar looking in Guy's direction.

*what Guy see's

John waves his hand wildly across the bar looking in your direction.

^ notice that guy see's it from the 1st person as well. Everyone see's it as if they were watching through the eyes of their character.


-- S

Yeah. Sometimes in order to achieve this we have to do some crazy things, too. For instance, verbs don't conjugate for the object of the sentence as they do for the subject and many other seemingly innocuous things here can throw this whole pose off kilter. I would -love- some corrections on this if anyone knows better. I'm posting this more for my own benefit and hopeful advice as well as a starting point for some more constructive pose learning because i fucking -love- this command!

For instance: This pose covers a lot of problems i encounter when trying to pose:

I watch John as he glances toward the door, my eyes following his concerned gaze. I am obviously terrified as i am seen shaking in my seat.

First, yeah, yeah, its not a great emote. Whatever. The first problem I encounter here is the verb watch. I remember asking admin a long time ago about how the parser conjugates verbs ending in ch, sh, ss, z, etc. I was told that one would conjugate correctly whereas some wouldn't. So i always end these verbs with an extra e so that the s added to the end finishes it correctly. so instead of .watch, lets say, ending up as watchs i add the e so that .watche ends up as watches.

So i start the pose as: .watche John as he -- and now i have my second problem. You can't conjugate the verb for John. So if I write .watch as john glances i will see the pose as You watch as John glances... but the player behind John will see Jane watches as you glances...and that's just not acceptable. We have to restructure this whole sentence. Now it will look something more like this:

I watch John, then follow his concerned gaze toward the door. I am obviously terrified as i am seen shaking in my seat.

Written like this:

.watche john, then .follow... and now we have another aspect of the pose we must think about. the word his. Of course we mean john. but gender is a tricky thing in poses. I see lots of Great poses RIP because of gender confusion. The word his could point to any male pc/npc in the room. Try emoting about your hood with another hooded person in the room sometime. GeeZ. I set a pc on fire one time when i was just aiming for an ambient object...that worked out awesome in the end but, you know. Since then, i've -always- added the name of my target directly and foregone his or her unless i -know- for sure i am in a room alone with them. So now we have to take this into account and my pose would like this:

.watche john, then .follow john's concerned gaze toward the door. I...

which the others in the room will see as either:

Jane watches John, then follows his concerned gaze toward the door. I...

Jane watches John, then follows John's concerned gaze toward the door. I...

And one more problem. Many people might not come across this but i occasionally pose using is/am/are conjugations. To my knowledge, this verb does not conjugate at all. It has to be written from the target player/s point of view. So i can't write I am terrified. I have to write I is terrified. Then this would look like:

.watche john, then .follow john's concerned gaze toward the door. I is obviously terrified, as i is seen shaking in my seat.

That should work correctly and be seen from my point of view as:

You watche John, then follow his concerned gaze toward the door. You is obviously terrified as you is seen shaking in your seat.

And to others it is seen as:

Jane watches John, then follows his concerned gaze toward the door. She is obviously terrified as she is seen shaking in her seat.

This works right? But what a way to get there!

One last problem in that sentence that i run into ALLLLL the time is if i end a sentence or phrases separated by a comma with a word that is to be conjugated by the parser then the pose WILL eat that comma or period and RIP your beautiful pose accordingly. So any word like me, myself, or a .verb cannot have a comma or a period following it or it will get eaten and your pose will be destroyed.

This got long fast. There are other little tidbits to share too, but i would love some feedback on some of this stuff. Do you guys create poses like this? Am i just crazy? Does anybody see anything here that helps them out? Can anybody point to something that will help me out? I pose...alllll the time. Its versatile, easy to use (hard to master...i envy some of you guys and the ease with which you handle your poses.) and an all around great rp tool that NO noob should be afraid to plunge into.

Dive in. Make mistakes. Then make something beautiful to share with everybody else, too. :-)