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- Garthus 45s
- Bruhlicious 10s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Inks 3s The pinnacle of mediocre.
- RedProtokoll 16s
- Bix 55s
- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
- BigBiscuit 1m
- Slyter 55s
- Wonderland 2s
- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- adrognik 56s
- Hivemind 2h
- Rillem 52s
- Terrible_the_duck 6s
- Fogchild1 1m
- zxq 6m
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised
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Hands Full Consistancy
Yes I meant to dump that all over me!

I feel that Sindome lacks consistency when it comes to handling situations where your current circumstances are not suited for the task you want to engage it. Hands not being empty is a prime example.

On some occasions, when your hands are not empty and you try to do something that ideally needs empty hands, you are told you can't until you free your hands. Trying to climb a ladder is a prime example of this.

On other occasions when your hands are not empty and you try to do something that ideally needs empty hands, the game empties your hands for you (sometimes with results that can be considered irritating or comical depending). Removing clothing is a prime example of this.

I personally would prefer for this general situation (hands are not empty and you try to do something that ideally needs empty hands) resulted in a consistent result. Which is up for debate (though I prefer being told I need to free my hands) but I personally feel it would be a noticeable enhancement to the game. I think having consistency helps make the game easier to pick up and play well.