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Converting UE to CHYEN?

Wondering if there could be implemented something like if you earn some UE then you can either go to a place and exchange it for chyen or if you have hacking ability maybe you can hack a UE/CHYEN exchange box for CHYEN, maybe at the cost of possibly getting caught? or something else?

all I know is it might be a way to use up fully the leftover UE near the start of the game and help you get on your feet, as their is many stores that you cannot buy from yet because you are short of chyen and some services like medic that you cannot pay for or even just a quick kleen? You know?

I think that UE is an OOC think, more to develop your character, it's not something you interact with IC, if I'm correct. I might not be, but I'm 85% sure I am.
*thing, not think. Sorry.

Sleep is essential, people.

While some other games have an XP/CASH exchange rate, I think this would be a bad fit for Sindome. Use your XP to invest in skills which will make you SHITLOADSA MUNNY. Just being able to directly convert XP to MUNNY, bypassing the 'player being smart' portion of the game, would be bad!
well Ive been trying to do jobs for money but I need a shower first. costing 350c for clean 100c for dry. Shouldn't it be cheaper? I have yet to earn any money yet so I dont know how hard oreasy it is to earn. Ive been told the warehouse courier is slave labour. I missed out on a job because I couldn't get a shower and I was sleeping IRL.
Welcome to the corporate world of Withmore.
Kind of straying from the topic of the idea, but, A: Slave Labor is better than no labor, and B: Be inventive! Convince other people to feed you their money. Can't get a shower? Charm someone into paying for it. Or, find a free shower! Can't show up for a job from a questgiving PC? Find more! The fun of the game is wheedling your way into being rich, despite the advertisty you may face, such as being dirty and wet.
Converting UE to chyen?

No way.

Everybody has the exact same issues with chyen. This idea sounds like it comes from Farmville, not from a roleplaying game.

I don't agree.

When you as a new player come through the gates, all your money except for 50 chyen is taken from you.

This is done purposely. (People in Customs are assholes. This is only the start. Welcome to Withmore.)

This also encourages you to RP with people to get yourself started.

Maybe get introduced to an area you might not otherwise be able to go to on your own?

Like the park. Or some areas in Gold, Green or Blue.

Note: There are areas with cheaper showers.

As Curt5 put it, Charm someone into giving you a shower. ;)

Or find the cheaper showers.

This will not be implemented. We have a UE cap and converting UE to chyen would break that cap in a weird way.

Though in a way, spending UE can in the end, result in chyen. Just have to pick your skills right and find a job doing what you're good at!