Over the years I have tried to get many changes done to the firearms structure so to speak with what I like to consider some success, so posting this might actually not be a waste of time. Prior to max ue, and with no expectations of max ue ever becoming a thing, there were few sub machine guns and shotguns in the game that cost as much as a vehicle to obtain. It meant that you were likely to never be able to use one on a regular basis if at all, and if you wanted to be a firearm user then selecting pistols was your only realistic choice, so myself and a former admin undertook an initiative to introduce lower tiered SMG’s and rifles. I did this during my downtime overseas and lost my laptop with tons of attack messages and “fill in the blank” type formats for these firearms due to a rude explosive local, so I was only able to complete two firearms (a low tier smg and the games first “assault rifle “) since then others have picked up the momentum there and implanted a few more of the weapons in a tier like manner. For the most part I think the additions have all been great and I’m theme to their models and styles. What I am more proposing is an idea to add to, not take away, from these things.
I would argue that in Sindomes life span That Pistols have been the most popular firearm used for obvious reasons. They are easier to obtain, there are more of them with various calibers, and they are easily concealed. Now, the only thing I suggest here, is take the calibers that lack “choice”(what I will refer to as a firearm that is the only kind of it’s caliber and not with a different model with the same caliber) , clone those guns, use http://cyberpunk.asia/weapons.php?cat=4&action=show&lng=us for reference, maybe plus or minus some accuracy or damage rates, port the attack messages, and put out a real CP handgun while keeping it’s early 1990’s equivalent (maybe help further class divide by selling the CP model corpside and making it a rare find in the mix and vice verse for current models)
Oh, one other thing, can we limit pistols with 16 inch barrels, tru sight lasers, scopes and extended magazines and silencers from fitting in your shoulder holster?
Here is a photo of an 11mm Seburo :D
Sub Machinguns
After long discussions on OOC-Chat with smg users and as a former smg user, SMG’s leave many of their fans wanting. In a CP future where urban ware fare is the battlefield, SMGs SHOULD be the choice of professionals! Some you can hold with one hand, some you need both. The main drawback I noticed was automatic fire took just as long to smoke someone (in most cases, and of course there are other factors) as it did with semi auto fire. The most obvious difference is style points and ammo consumption. My suggestion for these would be the same theme as pistols. Variety. Fortunately I do believe a good job was done with the CP implementation aspect. Current SMG users please chime in here. Also, add an smg specific gun mod; arm brace for a tiny accuracy boost.
Here is a CP SEBURO (;D) SMG
Rifles are in my opinion, got the shaft. I say this because of the implementation of the carbine styles, while cool, still use pistol munitions and probably other stuff. The shotguns are pretty cool and fun, but Hows about an automatic shotgun? I can’t say much about rifles at the moment, but variety in the carbines could be fun but probably not needed.
CP auto shotgun;
Small magazine size vs no need to pump?
Heavy Weapons
While not strictly limited to firearms, at the moment this is probably one of if not the most useless skill in game and something I bet people would cream their pants to get into. Some say it needs to coincide with vehicle combat, and while making total sense, I disagree that it FULLY needs to coincide. I think someone operating a low caliber belt fed light machine gun can fit right into the combat spectrum. To my understanding, the old heavy weapon was pulled from the game for balancing. When that will get done is anyone’s guess, but something that is cumbersome, requires both hands, an additional stat to govern, and slow moving, could really end up being a huge addition when your chugging out 12 round bursts of 5.56 or 7.62 into your target or attacker. I can think of so many scenarios this would be great in and would start pumping UE into heavy weapons if even an M249 was implemented.
It’s not the most CP, but it is an example of a very portable and operable “heavy weapon” in the light Machine gun sense. We can wait until vehicle combat to start talking about .50’s and RPG-7’s. Promise.
Disposable guns should be cheap and plenty. I think the implementation of every caliber into the pilot pistol line would be a great thing. You could finally be shooting a .45 at one time use prices instead of trying to find a plug for one and actually affording it. The drawback? You can’t use it once you run dry! That is a HUGE drawback. I propose though we FURTHER expand this to encompass rifles, shotguns, and possibly SMG’s (maybe not, I imagine the production cost would make this a pretty silly move on the pop pop corporation business model for anything higher then 9mm
Pictured is a cp disposable shotgun. I believe it has one shot in it. Obviously uses in Sindome style of combat but maybe it comes with a 4 shot magazine?
Now after reading this you are probably thinking,”Grizzly, these are all ok ideas and all, but the admin are over worked, and doing other things like grid 3.0, chefs island recipes, coded fapping ect.” Which is great. No complaint there, but why not take some volunteers, because I know there are a few of us who would love to work on this, give us the formats, and let us see what we can come up with? It’s a lot of work for any one person, especially if they aren’t available, so put a team of well balanced individuals behind the wheel and see where the car goes. If it crashes, hey, we suck and don’t implement. If it rides, even better!
Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this fantastic post.
You may now comment with your agreement, suggestions, and disapproval, let’s just keep it all on topic! Thanks.