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More housing in the mix
keepin it fresh

I've had this idea for awhile now, and I think it would be nice if there was a cube or apartment building on Sinn street, since, the other major roads have them.

It would kinda keep people from having to store gear on other gangs turf, and keep people guessing even more about where you're stayin for the night.

The Red Canary could probably be turned into a place you could catch some sleep in pretty easily.

If you could handle all the whoring that goes on there.

Red Canary could be setup with rooms much like the hourly renting room at the Orifice. Designed for secure, private, short-term meetings (sexual or otherwise).

We don't have a housing shortage and large scale housing would just bloat the moo. :)

Quote: from Johnny on 10:19 am on Jan. 7, 2008[br]Red Canary could be setup with rooms much like the hourly renting room at the Orifice. Designed for secure, private, short-term meetings (sexual or otherwise).

We don't have a housing shortage and large scale housing would just bloat the moo. :)

I kinda beg to differ.  For instance, A character went to the apartments on Lamb's wake, and every single one was rented or overdue on rent and unable to be re-rented. Said character was forced to make a cube it's home. The only available apartments in Red cost as much as an apartment on Green. Which, i think goes without saying, means it was out of the price range.

I think there should be a couple of low profile, yet secure as a cube, housing options  in the Park and Heaven. Both of these areas can be catalysts for RP for different player types that the game lacks imho. They don't have to be mass housing places, but some options...

As far as Bio's point I agree that it's kinda rediculous for a member of gang A to have to store his gear and sleep in the middle of Gang B's turf. Not that anyone will listen, but I don't think large scale housing is the only option when it comes to providing more housing. And I don't think the bloat would be that bad for fucks sake.  It's not like they're going to keep multiplying, once the place is built, it's built. If anything is creating bloat its the clothing items for sale in certain shops that aren't even complete... That and all the sleepers who don't login anymore.  :)

Quote: from Tool on 2:33 pm on Jan. 7, 2008[br]
Quote: from Johnny on 10:19 am on Jan. 7, 2008[br]Red Canary could be setup with rooms much like the hourly renting room at the Orifice. Designed for secure, private, short-term meetings (sexual or otherwise).

We don't have a housing shortage and large scale housing would just bloat the moo. :)

I kinda beg to differ. �For instance, A character went to the apartments on Lamb's wake, and every single one was rented or overdue on rent and unable to be re-rented. Said character was forced to make a cube it's home. The only available apartments in Red cost as much as an apartment on Green. Which, i think goes without saying, means it was out of the price range.

I think there should be a couple of low profile, yet secure as a cube, housing options �in the Park and Heaven. Both of these areas can be catalysts for RP for different player types that the game lacks imho. They don't have to be mass housing places, but some options...

As far as Bio's point I agree that it's kinda rediculous for a member of gang A to have to store his gear and sleep in the middle of Gang B's turf. Not that anyone will listen, but I don't think large scale housing is the only option when it comes to providing more housing. And I don't think the bloat would be that bad for fucks sake. �It's not like they're going to keep multiplying, once the place is built, it's built. If anything is creating bloat its the clothing items for sale in certain shops that aren't even complete... That and all the sleepers who don't login anymore. �:)

Pretty much what he said.

Yeah, this used to happen to me a lot.  If there were other options similar to the New Rose I wouldn't have gotten ganked so many times trespassing on enemy turf in the past when I was a ganger.

Maybe some small low rent flophouse(s) could be built on Sinn or something.  And yeah, I'd imagine more bloat comes from pack rats having such massive stashes in their room and never using any of their gear than would be caused by one or two more flophouses.

(Edited by InsaneRadical at 7:29 pm on Jan. 7, 2008)

I like the idea of extra housing m'self, just chippin in on the idea.

Mebbe even an appartment complex on Gold...cheaper than Krakeon, more expensive than Westinghause.

And yeah...the other appartment place, why is it so expensive, its in the mix?

(Edited by Damarung at 4:09 pm on Jan. 9, 2008)

Re: housing in the park.

It's there, park style housing, for free. Just barracade the door. :-P   I think I setup similar things in a few other out of the way places (heaven, sewer deadends, etc). They aren't suppose to be -safe-. But you get what you pay for after-al.

Sounds like the GMs need to check on the status of all those filled apartments, make sure they aren't going to waste. There are maintenance tasks to be run and such. :)

As for pricing being the same on red and green level apartments, that doesn't sound right and may need to be looked into as well. It certainly isn't going to be a bargain, but it shouldn't be the -same- cost.

The way I see it, throwing a another cube motel, hotel, apartment complex/shady back alley with a few rooms for rent/ in certain area's of the dome will bring some life to area's that really get no love.

Example; Stick a hotel next to the Red Canary, and then stick a small hole in the wall bar inside the canary, with NPC prostitutes that chat up the johns. I'm sure something like that would be popular.

I will look into adding a room or two for rent on Sinn Street.  And at the pricing of AK apartments, which is very expensive.
I've really been meaning to make sex stimstims for the Red Canary...

One day, I swear...really.

Oh, and on housing...Umm...never had a problem. Been barricading doors since I figured out how. VP used to available to the public btw...but Iga disabled it a while back during a plot instance but the code was never re-enabled.

A GM can contact me in game if they wanna redo it the way it was and aren't sure.

(Edited by ReeferMadness at 7:42 pm on Jan. 10, 2008)

Quote: from Biohazard on 5:57 am on Jan. 10, 2008[br]
Example; Stick a hotel next to the Red Canary, and then stick a small hole in the wall bar inside the canary, with NPC prostitutes that chat up the johns. I'm sure something like that would be popular.

Don't forget the PC prostitutes FFS. Though we don't get much lovin :( hehehe.

Quote:from Slither[br]I will look into adding a room or two for rent on Sinn Street.  And at the pricing of AK apartments, which is very expensive.

Thank you mister man.

Quote from ReeferMadness:[br]Oh, and on housing...Umm...never had a problem. Been barricading doors since I figured out how. VP used to available to the public btw...but Iga disabled it a while back during a plot instance but the code was never re-enabled.

A GM can contact me in game if they wanna redo it the way it was and aren't sure.

Last Time i had a character who lived up there, PCs still had access to VP. They just had to contact the landlord and schedule an appointment to come and rent the apartment of choice.

(Edited by Tool at 8:48 am on Jan. 12, 2008)

Heh, no love for the multi-quote post. :(
Not just housing on Sinn either. The buildings that are just sitting there that get no play should be used. Like the one on northern Knife that's been closed forever, or the clinic on the southeast side of town near Ashlin, two clinics is better then one I would think.

Ashlin Pawn, make it something. The storage place, I dunno. Open it back up.

Just some idea's I think would flow some life into more then just Fuller street (Plz don't say IT'S not just fuller street lolz, you know what I mean)Johnny

I just want to call attention to how hard it is to build new areas of the game. It's like writing new code except everyone actually -sees- the things you've written every time you enter one of these rooms.

I can't stress enough how much good descriptions, well thought out designs, and well executed builds mean to the game.

Johnny and Cerberus and the Fix-It team and everyone else who is involved with these projects deserves some huge props for executing on these projects time and time again.

Thank you!

-- S

Yeah just a heads up Dojunkai rent's is 8k and that is as much as Kraoken on Green and I'm just like *mind explode*
There might be a reason. I would assume some type of security, better locks, or assassins for security that kill anyone trying to break into your place.
Right now the price of an apartment is your only clue to:

- the number of rooms it has

- whether or not its furnished

- how strong the water pressure is gonna be in that shower, my bloody friend.

- how terrible the wallpaper is

If you're seeing high prices in a low prices area or even higher prices in a high price area, something is special.