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Stack Clothing Patches Descriptor
Your coat looks like bedlam.

Currently, if a garment is patched multiple times - the descriptor stacks and is just plain fugly. Can it be augmented to be similar to photo pinning? i.e. The %t has a %amount of patches.
It doesn't have to be that way. There are already IC mechanics to address this.

I do agree that the patchwork quilt of repair on top of repair looks fugly.

On the other hand, it's also pretty cool thematically speaking. When you inherit that shroud that has 12 different patches on it, does it make you wonder how many other people have died in that garmant before it got to your character?

To be clear, I don't want to get rid of it entirely. I want the @worn descriptor to be minimized for the sake of text-space and aesthetics.

The full text should still appear in the item description if looked at.