I would love to see successful installs not result in a difficulty to beat based on skill check but instead do something like create an Install Point pool based on the skill check.
If a true expert installs it, the IP pool will be huge. Another expert might be able to deplete the IP pool in a singly try and two and remove the camera but a newbie might need thirty tries. They will get it eventually, people always do, but good luck not getting seen and caught doing it.
You can also 'tighten the bolts' of an install to make up for the camera getting looser (IP pool lowered) by people poking around with it. Could also make it so that two people can work together on removing them (goes faster) so these PCs have a reason to take on an apprentice. More than too is too many cooks and makes it all harder.
Simply put, every so often a random non-GM installed security device in a publicly accessibly area in Red is uninstalled and unscanned by ambient pop (as long as no PCs are in the room). It just goes poof because why wouldn't poor bastards steal these things to flip for dinner and sometimes that means a PC cam gets hit.
How often could be tuned by GMs so that the rate of loss is enough to keep this gear from proliferating like mad but not so extreme that the networks get eaten up completely.
I would even suggest that certain locations could be marked as hotspots where ambient pop will always take the the security gear after a range of time. These would be places where GMs don't want cams for game balance or theme reasons. This would allow PCs to install them there and use them but it's on a clock and if they wait too long they WILL lose the gear.
How long can vary widely so PCs are encouraged to remove them ASAP. These no-no areas could even include most places in Gold and above where randomly installed cameras would be quickly noticed and removed by the city.