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- Bruhlicious 10m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
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- AdamBlue9000 3m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
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a Kard 4h
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a Mench 4h Doing a bit of everything.
And 26 more hiding and/or disguised

Coded Jobs

I think there should be some changes to the coded jobs due to the fact that the non-coded jobs take so long to get.

So if we look at what people have said on Xgame and even icly on the sic, average job, from entry level shitcleaning corpse hauler to high end job of Corpsec can take a week to even GET the job, sometimes longer.

But yet the game tends to top out about three runes of crates for Larri and Bruce.

So I would hazard that it would make sense to either open up the crate running jobs to more than 3 or so a day, because theme wise, the more packages that run the better the business is for Larri and Bruce.

Or possibly create other 24 hour available coded jobs that could keep people busy so they don't have run all across the grid simply to find one person in a bar and drink beers waiting on the coded job.

What do you think?

You said changes to coded jobs, but then you only called out one job. Why would that job need to change when there's so many other jobs available? What's wrong with the other jobs?
1 - Excellent you're asking questions and thinking about some things.

2 - There's a search option that will give you near 20 years of information. Use this. ;) These things have been brought up before.

3 - You need to go out there and meet people. That is where the money is at. Develop a reputation. It is very possible to make a lot of money in a week without getting a coded job. Or even with one.

4 - Crates give you more or less runs. there are IC factors taken into account. I don't know the specifics but I know that I never had a problem with only a few runs. (Maybe 1 day it was.)

The only coded jobs I have found through ic exploration and game documentation is SHI which is essentially from what I'm guessing put in place for people who are at work or semi idle just to give them some scraps for their time online. Because 250 per rl hour is horrible.

And packages from two different employers. The other job mentioned in the helpfiles for the gopher jobs I was initially excited for till I found out that the things the gangbangers ask for cost 90-140% the price of what they pay you. I then thought maybe there was a way to find the items for free versus buying them, but that didn't pan out either.

And honestly it's not so much about the money really. It's more about being active and not just having to sit around. I'd rather have unlimited 50 flash crates than the limited two hundred-five hundred flash crates, because it gives you something to do.

Also it's important to note assuming all you do is run crates and nothing else, you'll hit your weekly cap anyway before the week is out. So this isn't about more crates, it's about the weekly cap. In which case, do a search for "sindome economy". This has been discussed a lot in the past, and this suggestion is nothing new.
Once your crates are used up for the day you're relegated to SHI purgatory, or hoping that one of the cool players will actually give you a job. Which is rare.
I'd rather have unlimited 50 flash crates than the limited two hundred-five hundred flash crates, because it gives you something to do.

You're looking for a button pressing game that you can min-max. This is an RP enforced game. You're unlikely to find what you're looking for like that in any capacity here.

As I said, it's not really about the money, the money is nice and all, but it's more about just giving you purpose for the immense downtime between real job acquisition and starting the role you designed your character for.
If it didn't pay me in anything but say a mag-lev token to take the train for free I would still prefer unlimited crates for that simple reason. I don't care about the money I know that comes later. I care about purpose and not just sitting around on my hands for days on end.
As I said, it's not really about the money, the money is nice and all, but it's more about just giving you purpose for the immense downtime between real job acquisition and starting the role you designed your character for.

There's tons and tons and tons of things available. Some of them pay well too. You are never limited to crates as SHI. That's totally untrue.

What? I was saying SHI isn't preferable because it's fucking horrid. Who wants to stand in one room for a real life hour typing work every ten minutes?
The purpose of a lot of the starter jobs is learning the city, and meeting people. It may seem unimportant but that's how you get contacts, and this is a game about contacts, networking, and all that other fun social stuff. It's the key to getting anywhere, and it takes time, but enjoy it, make friends, that's the point of SHI, to meet other immies and start getting out there.
I've never worked in SHI.

You aren't relegated to SHI. But as the other players do bring up, this is a RP intensive game.

You can't RP with yourself. So, be patient, look around, explore, meet people, join SIC, get your character's name out.

Even if in game some people think your character is an ass, your character will be an ass that they'll want to or need to hire and when they think about someone for a job, they'll go, Oh right. So and so knows this. They're an ass but they know this. I could hire them.

What? I was saying SHI isn't preferable because it's fucking horrid. Who wants to stand in one room for a real life hour typing work every ten minutes?

No one. And I can't imagine why anyone would, unless they were absolute desperate. And 99.999% of those who do go on to go find better ways to make money. You are turning out to be the exception to that rule.

I can meet you all with the chip stuck in my neck, I can CM anything I want. Are you telling me that shi is designed to get a bunch of newbs together and meet each other.

Great, works awesome for that, but how does that progress my character beyond being some shitty factory worker? A shitty factory worker who likes the shitty factory next to him?

Pariah, those are potential contacts. Potential people who you can buy potential paydata from in the future. Who maybe you can hire to do a job in the future.

Or hell, maybe they know something now? Sometimes people you meet know people you WANT to know.

Because it lets you start to plan, share info, talk about the world, and those 'shitty factory workers' will get new jobs, just like you will, in time, and thus be useful contacts. Things take time, you apply to a corporate job it might take a week or so, but in the grand scheme that isn't much time at all.
Great, works awesome for that, but how does that progress my character beyond being some shitty factory worker? A shitty factory worker who likes the shitty factory next to him?

Find out IC.

It's almost like the system is designed to stymie active players.

And cater to casual mushers.

But you do not have to work at SHI.

Go out and talk to people in a bar or on the street. Use SIC to say you're going to be in blah blah bar and anyone who is bored, thirsty or curious, join you.

Use SIC to make yourself known. Use the Grid.

It's almost like the system is designed to stymie active players.

And cater to casual mushers.

Could you elaborate on this?

I did that all on my last character, event spent time and effort being creative because I thought that people might pay for creativity. Spoilers, they don't.
Just like in Real Life, shit isn't instantly attainable. It can take an hour. ;)
Well... yes... it's not a game about being on all the time unless you want to be... We don't really have that 'hardcore' vs 'casual' thing man. It's just players. A lot of us have full time jobs and families and shit.
It's almost like the system is designed to stymie active players. And cater to casual mushers.

You have it backwards. It's designed to stop casual players from advancing, while allowing active players to invest over time.

Hello, I'm Cerberus, and I am a very busy person. I am a GM, also 1/5th Head GM right now, Head Builder and all around guy that is online 20 hrs a day.

I am sorry it takes you up to a week to get a job you'd like to have, but Sindome is done in real time and sometimes it depends on people's schedules. I am not going to GM an interview when there is a fairly active player in HR or management positions for that particular job. So you have to wait, and organize with that, if it is an NPC manager then I will interview you only if I have time.

Yes, we need more GMs to process more interviews and applications and all sorts of shit. Yes, we need more GMs to do mini plots, and big plots.

While i'm on a mini rant;

Right now I am the only GM doing big plots, and this is purely because of experience and availability. My big plots are big. They impact a lot of people, and they usually add brand new locations to the game.

In fact my last plot added two brand new locations to the game. We're talking making 80+ rooms for 2 locations for a single plot.

So ya, I got a lot to do. I try not to do things that're flimsy and weak in RP, the side effect is not always having time to pick up the 'chores' a GM has to do like getting you a job so you stop complaining about having to RP with people instead.

SHI and ACME/WWW and a couple other coded jobs people may not know about are actually all we're willing to do for coded jobs, they suck, they're meant to suck, and we don't want people to do them, we want people to feel like they want to RP instead, it usually works wonders.

Good luck.

To elaborate:

There are different types of players on text based games. Those who can sit in one room for six hours and emote and pose and generally enjoy themselves say typing every 15 minutes or so.

Then there are people like me, who like to be constantly doing something while they are connected, moving around, making shit happen. I am not a casual "tavern sitter" roleplayer. Never have been, never will be. Now I see need for times to visit those places for sure, but not to spend massive amounts of time there.

It seems like this game is designed and caters to extremely slow casual players.

It seems like this game is designed and caters to extremely slow casual players.

You are incorrect. It caters to the active player, and the sit in your room and emote style of play is actively discouraged. That 'active play' that's being encouraged is RP, and it's supported in ways you have not yet begun to explore. My advice to you is to go explore it, because once you do, new options will open up to you, and you will see how invalid these statements really are.

I thought that people might pay for creativity. Spoilers, they don't.

Yes, they do.

You also were on earlier in the morning with different people (some the same since it's the weekend) but also, your character needs to get their name out and *stick around* for a while.

How can you develop contacts if you don't go out and introduce yourself or stick around? There are many other players that are busy and not online right now that might use or meet your character.

Some of the characters on right now might.

In Cyberpunk, it's all about Rep. Rep (Reputation, with a capital R) and Style over Substance.

Would you hire a new immy fresh out of the gates for anything important when you don't know them and maybe do know someone else? Reputation.

Develop it. It doesn't have to take long. Little jobs will eventually develop into bigger jobs.

Your problem is that you are seeing Sindome the wrong way.

You are living in a city smaller than Manhattan but with the population of Thailand. Ten times denser than Hong Kong in Red sector. It's a dystopia. You are supposed to be living the hustle, you should be scrapping, scheming, thieving, murdering, lying and to get ahead of your competition, it's a lion's pit where everyone gets ahead of everyone and where at least half of the population is living under the line of poverty. Yet, you expect 'unlimited work' and that is NOT how Sindome works and NOT how any dystopian society works.

The crates are limited because it's a way to let you learn the layout of the city and it lets you get an initial amount of money to pay your first week of rent and get a better set of clothing. It is no means a way to make you rich. It is not going to get you ahead of everyone. And most importantly, running crates or working at SHI is NOT going to make Sindome for you. SHI is shit and it's intended to be shit because if you work at SHI, your character is worse than just a Mixer: they are SHIT, the UNDERCLASS, the SCUM of society doing menial work for almost nothing. Tell me, is there anything more dystopian and cyberpunk than that? Put yourself in your character's shoes. You arrive to a jam-packed city, you're just ANOTHER bag of flesh, and you get to do manual labor in a factory. OBVIOUSLY they're going to pay you ridiculously little amounts of money. This is cyberpunk: the struggle, the fight for survival, day by day.

Cyberpunk is not always about being a downtrodden piece of shit (in the figurative sense). If you want the -real- chyen you have to go out and RP. In your post you've mentioned that you want unlimited crates because if you don't work, you have nothing to do. Now think of this, if we had unlimited crates, would that make your experience more enjoyable? You could make more money in the long run, but you're never going to enjoy RP because you will be all day running crates! Sindome is about ROLEPLAY. It's driven by CONFLICT, between you and other players. If you can't achieve that, then this game might not be your piece of cake.

I won't even lie. The crate system is shitty. SHI is shitty. But bitching about it in the board is not going to do anything better for you. It's not going to change because this has been the imposed system for years. And the underlying reason under all that is because you are supposed to struggle. It's supposed to be like this because it forces you to go out, interact with other players, and look for better opportunities: not subvertly inviting you to grind for cash running crates all day.

Take it how you will. Claw your way to the top, settle down being the man's lapdog, sell your soul to the corporations for a comfy job, but go and roleplay, and I promise you'll have a better time.

I second Cerberus's comment above.

Plus 1. (That.)

And to talk on the staff guys point:

I get you guys are busy, I get it, I'm not trying to badmouth you folks for shit you do or don't do that I won't ever see.

I just think that maybe most of the game's jobs should be controlled by an ACTIVE player and not a staffer in regards to things. This would allow you to go build your 80 rooms of stuff and not be bothered interviewing me to be a WHATEVER.

I honestly don't want to interact with staff beyond reporting bugs, I don't feel I need staff, I just feel the architecture here is so staff dependent that because you folks are so busy, it takes forever to do stuff. A week isn't a huge amount of time to play a game, but it is a huge amount of time to get a job. I get real life jobs in half that.

I just think that maybe most of the game's jobs should be controlled by an ACTIVE player and not a staffer in regards to things.

We keep telling you they are. Why do you not believe us?

This would allow you to go build your 80 rooms of stuff and not be bothered interviewing me to be a WHATEVER.

Except player keep on searching out the coded shit instead of RPing. Case in point.

I honestly don't want to interact with staff beyond reporting bugs, I don't feel I need staff, I just feel the architecture here is so staff dependent that because you folks are so busy, it takes forever to do stuff.

You're wrong in so many ways about how long it takes.

A week isn't a huge amount of time to play a game, but it is a huge amount of time to get a job. I get real life jobs in half that.

This assume the only job you can get takes that long. It doesn't. You're really wrong.

This is a different topic now:

Pariah, Regarding the active player for jobs.

This has been posted before. There were some players that could do that but sometimes Life comes up and it was the Players, not the GM's holding things up.

There is a mix of Player / GM HR.

It really depends on the job.

So go out there and RP, man.

I figured I would add that there are a TON of games out there that operate the way you are hoping Sindome would. Feel free to check out other MUDS out there and find one that truly fits your playing style.
casual mushers

Yeah. If MUSH type play is your frame of reference, then you will need to un-learn a lot of your habits and preconceptions in order to start to understand how to progress in Sindome.