Simple idea.. not sure how simple it'd be turned into code, but figured I'd throw it out there at least.
Simple idea.. not sure how simple it'd be turned into code, but figured I'd throw it out there at least.
@Hailfire : You might try layering your clothing differently or maybe the item shouldn't actually be showing. I'm not sure how the current system works but it seems like if the two items of clothing have enough difference in coverage it will show both, but if they have a lot of the similar coverage it will show the most recent layer.
In an ideal world, things would work the way you describe, but the GMs only have so much attention they can devote to every aspect of the game, and Sindome is not about clothes.
zip hoodie: Player pulls the hood down from their head.
zip helmet: Player flips up the face mask of the helmet to reveal their face
zip trenchcoat: Player unbuttons their trench coat and flaps the lapels lightly settling it into position.
And then of course just use zip again to hide your face or lower clothing again.
This command would be sooo much fun and useful for wanting to wear things that cover other things but should realistically be able to hide or show off clothing underneath!
So now when you do @zcoverage you set the places to be covered when the zip command is used.
I was going to suggest setting like a @see_thru but that from what I understand, makes the entire item's @coverages @see_thru so unless @see_thru was changed that would do little good.
To go in line with this, also I would like to see two more @naked slots: ass and hair.
Ass because.. well.. I've been trying to figure out where the heck I would stick a tail biomod if I got one, and there is just no good spot for my character at the moment to get a permanent lock-in on the @naked, but an ass slot would be nice.
and then a hair slot for things that would cover your hair but not your entire head (like if you were to use the zip command on a helmet)