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a Mench 3h Doing a bit of everything.
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Peer back
Looking in the back of your cab

Dunno if this is a command for Chex drivers, but it would be pretty ace to be able to peer into the back of your cab or AV and look at your passenger.
The AV glides into place perfectly and the doors open and close with a thunk. He peers back into the rear passenger seat. The woman there looks distracted, absorbed in her own affairs, angry. She mutters something he doesn't entirely understand and he tries to clarify. She snaps back -- suddenly her anger turned on him. He shakes his head with a sigh, lifting the AV light as a cloud and soaring off. 'Just trying to do my job, mona', he thinks to himself.

The city drifts by, the images of brilliance and squalor passing in dazzling array, as hazy day turns to neon soaked night. So much life. He glances into the mirror at his passenger again, and she seems barely aware of what's passing around them both, talking on her Progia, or fussing with this and that distractedly, always this simmer of anger or maybe fear about her. This could have been an ace trip, she can't even see what's in front of her, he thinks.

Finally he alights at her destination. She pulls herself from her self-absorption just long enough to extricate herself from the AV, hurrying off. He calls out, 'You forgot something!' She turns back warily, and he leans out the window to hold out the small forgotten keepsake to her.

She takes it from him with something like confusion, either not understanding the gesture or not wanting to. She is there for some time, a silhouette in the gloom that descends, lost in thought, before looking up. He is gone. She frowns, shaking her head: Whatever thanks or apology or otherwise she might've offered is now too late, and empty. She merges into the crush of the flowing pedestrian arteries and is gone. Far above the AV roars through the falling darkness, another passenger, another trip, another story.

The AV glides into place perfectly and the doors open and close with a thunk. He peers back into the rear passenger seat. The woman there looks distracted, absorbed in her own affairs, angry. She mutters something he doesn't entirely understand and he tries to clarify. She snaps back -- suddenly her anger turned on him. He shakes his head with a sigh, lifting the AV light as a cloud and soaring off. 'Just trying to do my job, mona', he thinks to himself.

The city drifts by, the images of brilliance and squalor passing in dazzling array, as hazy day turns to neon soaked night. So much life. He glances into the mirror at his passenger again, and she seems barely aware of what's passing around them both, talking on her Progia, or fussing with this and that distractedly, always this simmer of anger or maybe fear about her. This could have been an ace trip, she can't even see what's in front of her, he thinks.

Finally he alights at her destination. She pulls herself from her self-absorption just long enough to extricate herself from the AV, hurrying off. He calls out, 'You forgot something!' She turns back warily, and he leans out the window to hold out the small forgotten keepsake to her.

She takes it from him with something like confusion, either not understanding the gesture or not wanting to. She is there for some time, a silhouette in the gloom that descends, lost in thought, before looking up. He is gone. She frowns, shaking her head: Whatever thanks or apology or otherwise she might've offered is now too late, and empty. She merges into the crush of the flowing pedestrian arteries and is gone. Far above the AV roars through the falling darkness, another passenger, another trip, another story.


But can I get some peer back so I can see if she got big tiddies or nah?

It just tells you who is back there. I can't figure out the command if it's possible to look at the person's description like you can when just peering out a window.
Right. That’s the goal. To see their full description.
Yeah, it would be aces. Just letting you know what you can do so far.. It would be nice if you could see items left behind too. Like in the previous post, generating RP by an item being left behind.. Not sure you can see that atm.
If you can it is not in any examine commands...

Would be great for pandering for better tips, paydata collection, or casual banter.

If you can it is not in any examine commands...

Would be great for pandering for better tips, paydata collection, or casual banter.

I think a window object in the front and back seat would be perfect for this. It could function as a camera for all intensive purposes. It could be repairable/installable by mechanics, destroyable(?), and there could be a privacy tint version that obfuscates the driver. Please note if the window destruction feature was implemented, Chex would need that ejection seat function implemented right quick.
Especially in a skyfox :D