I understand where you are coming from Vera. A while back I recognized it was a bit of an issue for moving RP and decided to adjust my posing style to accommodate it. I try to avoid 'to' as much as possible because it seems to 'chatroom' to me when it's just a wall of people to'ing back and forth, so I trained myself to do things like:
.nod to Aikao and .say, "Sup bata?"
.look over at Juicy and .nod.
.nod to Murphy.
.grin at Allandra.
If you're using directed poses (or to) while moving, you will auto address and the other person does not need to watch. You can also include multiple names in your poses.
.look over at Murphy before nodding to Allandra, "Partners, huh?"
You can also take a moment to OOCly explain how movement / speaking works so that you and your fellow RPers are all on the same page! if they know, and you know, problem solved!
-- S