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- Burgerwolf 45s PRETZELS
- Hivemind 26m
- PsycoticCone 1h
- baewulf 1s
- Noodles 6h
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Web Client disconnect confirmation
Are you sure you want to leave this page?

I would love to see a disconnect confirmation prompt before the web client exits. I've accidentally closed the window or hit back or reload more than enough times for it to be annoying and I lose those precious logs. You should be able to put the following function in the var onUnloadHandler = function() area of the client.js before the emit @quit line:

var confirmOnPageExit = function (e)


// If we haven't been passed the event get the window.event

e = e

Apparently the boards don't like xss...
Actually, I lied, you'd probably have to add a new beforeUnloadHandler and add a new winJQ.before("unload", beforeUnloadHandler) since beforeUnload and onUnload are different things. At least I'm pretty sure from my limited JS skills.