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- Garthus 45s
- Bruhlicious 10s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Inks 3s The pinnacle of mediocre.
- RedProtokoll 16s
- Bix 55s
- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
- BigBiscuit 1m
- Slyter 55s
- Wonderland 2s
- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- adrognik 56s
- Hivemind 2h
- Rillem 52s
- Terrible_the_duck 6s
- Fogchild1 1m
- zxq 6m
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised
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Print Photo from e-note

I kind of suspect this is coming, just looking at the trajectory of things, but being able to print photos from an e-note would be the final death knell to a lot of 'photo storage' database bloat.

Maybe a second printer type if needed?

I actually am not in favor of adding this feature for a few reasons. But the object link is broken when photos are scanned. I can't recreate them.
A middle ground idea might be a 'print screen' function that just prints the photo on the screen without the details. That would save some photos.

To be super fancy, you could have a 'focus x on e-note' command like the current looking at details and be able to print out details from an e-note.