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Detoxing and You!
Detoxes performed by PCs

Hi, everyone. I'd like to suggest that PCs with a medical skill of a decent standard be able to perform detoxes. I love playing a medic, but it would be useful (both from an RP and a financial perspective) to be able to do more with the skill. This would enable med characters to gain more access to treatment RP, and would make the role more valuable as a whole. Thanks for reading!
I believe there is a drug that already does this. How exactly would a medic go about achieving a similar effect beyond simply using the drug? I guess you could give them a blood transfusion or something, but that seems like it would be far messier, expensive, and generally inconvenient than the drug.
As a note, it is sort of understood you go to clinics and see doctors. Just go check it out IC'ly. You'll find out some things you can do.
Yes, that's what I was mainly referring to: as I understand it (I'm a new player, so forgive me if I don't have all the information), you go to a clinic and have a doctor perform a detox. At the moment, the situation seems to be that this is only possible when seeing NPC docs (i.e. Chow at FullerMed).

I'm essentially suggesting that this treatment be made available as a performable option for PC characters, as this would give us more options for clinic-based RP, would enable us to play out a broader variety of treatments, and would make the craft in general more valued and lucrative.

I am uncertain if this is available just for NPC docs but, medic PCs should examine the medical room they work from or talk to their boss to make sure that's the case.
I've already checked the rooms and asked with staff; yes, this does seem to be the case.